RGB / CMYK Conversion
Understanding the use cases and differences between RGB and CMYK is crucial for designers, photographers, and anyone involved in digital or print media to ensure that their work is color accurate and suitable for the intended medium.
About Creepypasta
Creepypastas resonate with the digital generation by combining traditional elements of storytelling with the unique features of internet culture. Their adaptability, community-driven nature, and ability to tap into contemporary fears have made them a significant and popular form of modern storytelling.
The Art of the Negative
Peter Jones
Memes have act as a snapshot of the zeitgeist, capturing the mood, attitudes, and experiences of a particular time. They can will provide future generations with insights into what everyday life was like during a certain period, much like how folklore or idiomatic expressions have offered insights into past cultures
Spaghetti Bolognese
A good Bolognese sauce, traditionally known as ragù alla bolognese in Italian cuisine, is a meat-based sauce that originates from Bologna, Italy. It is known for its rich, complex flavors and hearty texture. Here are some key characteristics of a good Bolognese sauce: A good Bolognese sauce is characterized by its rich, layered flavors, tender…
Sci-Fi Wonder ’22
Peter Jones
Behold our assembly of robotic champions and celestial vessels, each piece a homage to the epoch of space operas and interstellar epic
American Woman
Each portrait is a mirror reflecting the myriad faces of America, the diverse tapestry of stories woven into the fabric of the nation.
Micro:bit Password Lock
The Micro:bit Password Lock program is a code designed to create a simple password lock functionality on the micro:bit device
Python: working with AES 256 GCM
The cryptography library in Python. It provides low-level cryptographic primitives that are used for building higher-level cryptographic functions and protocols.
Coding a Text Editor
Creating a text editor from scratch can be a substantial undertaking, and it’s often more practical to leverage existing libraries or frameworks that provide text editing capabilities to save time and effort.
Universally Unique Identifier (UID)
The purpose of a UID format is to provide a standardized and unique identifier for entities or objects.
Code for Messaging
This post contains miscellaneous code for messaging.
The Open Source Surveillance Drone Project
Building a drone requires knowledge of aviation principles, electronics, and programming. It’s essential to prioritize safety, follow local regulations, and seek professional advice when needed.
334digital.com is a creative platform managed by a collective of artistic and technical creators. It specializes in exploring themes related to old media, code, and culture, aiming to find value and relevance in these areas. The site features a wide array of content, including technical projects, fiction, and historical explorations.