Network Load Balancing

Network Load Balancing (NLB)

Network Load Balancing (NLB) is a technology that enables multiple computers to work together as a single system to provide high availability and scalability for network services. NLB works by distributing incoming requests across multiple servers, allowing them to share the load and improve performance. NLB is commonly used in web hosting, application hosting, and other types of distributed computing environments.

NLB is a type of clustering technology that allows multiple computers to be connected together as a single system. It works by distributing incoming requests across multiple servers, allowing them to share the load and improve performance. NLB can be used in web hosting, application hosting, and other types of distributed computing environments.

NLB works by using an algorithm to determine which server should handle each request. This algorithm takes into account factors such as server load, response time, and availability when making its decision. The algorithm also ensures that requests are evenly distributed among all available servers in order to maximize performance and minimize downtime.

NLB can be configured in either active-active or active-passive mode. In active-active mode, all servers are actively processing requests at the same time; this provides the highest level of scalability and availability but requires more resources than active-passive mode. In active-passive mode, only one server is actively processing requests while the others remain idle; this provides less scalability but requires fewer resources than active-active mode.

NLB also provides fault tolerance by automatically detecting when one of its servers fails or becomes unavailable and redirecting traffic to another server in the cluster. This ensures that service remains available even if one or more of its servers fail or become unavailable due to hardware or software issues.

In addition to providing high availability and scalability for network services, NLB can also help reduce costs by allowing organizations to use fewer physical servers while still providing the same level of service as if they were using more expensive dedicated hardware solutions. This makes it an attractive option for organizations looking for cost savings without sacrificing performance or reliability.