Creating s Boot Sector

Boot Sector

Creating a boot sector from scratch requires knowledge of assembly language and how the BIOS works during the boot process. A boot sector is a small piece of machine code (typically 512 bytes) that is loaded into memory by the BIOS when a system boots from a disk.

Below is a simple example of a boot sector written in x86 assembly language.

This code will display the message “Hello, World!” when the system boots from a disk containing this boot sector.

Boot Sector Example 1 (x86 Assembly)

BITS 16             ; We are in 16-bit real mode

org 0x7C00          ; BIOS loads the boot sector at memory address 0x7C00

    ; Clear the screen
    xor ax, ax       ; Clear the AX register (AX = 0)
    mov es, ax       ; Set ES (Extra Segment) to 0
    mov di, 0x0600   ; Start writing at address 0x0600 (top-left corner of the screen)
    mov cx, 2000     ; Screen size is 80x25 characters (2000 characters total)
    mov al, 0x20     ; Space character (ASCII 0x20)
    rep stosb        ; Repeat storing AL (space) into [ES:DI] for CX times

    ; Display "Hello, World!" message
    mov si, msg      ; Load the address of the message into SI
    call print_string

    ; Infinite loop to stop the boot process
    jmp hang         ; Jump to itself (infinite loop)

    mov ah, 0x0E     ; BIOS teletype function for printing characters
    lodsb            ; Load the next byte from [SI] into AL
    cmp al, 0        ; Check if the character is null (end of string)
    je .done         ; If null, we're done
    int 0x10         ; Call BIOS interrupt to print the character in AL
    jmp .next_char   ; Continue with the next character
    ret              ; Return from the function

msg db 'Hello, World!', 0  ; The message to display, null-terminated

times 510-($-$$) db 0  ; Fill the rest of the 512 bytes with zeros
dw 0xAA55              ; Boot sector signature (must be at the end)


  1. 16-bit Real Mode: The BIOS starts the CPU in 16-bit real mode, so the code is written in 16-bit assembly using the BITS 16 directive.
  2. Memory Address: The boot sector is loaded by the BIOS at the memory address 0x7C00, so the code starts with org 0x7C00.
  3. Clearing the Screen: The code clears the screen by writing spaces (0x20) to the entire screen buffer (80×25 characters).
  4. Printing a Message: The string “Hello, World!” is printed using BIOS interrupt int 0x10, function 0x0E, which is used for printing characters in text mode.
  5. Infinite Loop: After printing the message, the code enters an infinite loop to halt execution.
  6. Boot Sector Signature: The final two bytes of the 512-byte boot sector must be 0x55AA, which is the boot signature recognized by the BIOS.

Assembling and Writing to a Disk

To assemble this code and write it to a floppy disk or a disk image, follow these steps:

  1. Save the Code:
    Save the code to a file, e.g., boot.asm.
  2. Assemble the Code:
    Use an assembler like NASM to assemble the code into a raw binary file: nasm -f bin boot.asm -o boot.bin
  3. Write the Boot Sector to a Floppy Disk or Disk Image:
    • On Linux: Use the dd command to write the boot sector to a floppy disk or a disk image. dd if=boot.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1 # For a real floppy disk dd if=boot.bin of=floppy.img bs=512 count=1 # For a floppy disk image
    • On Windows: You can use a tool like rawrite to write the boot sector to a floppy disk.
  4. Test the Boot Sector:
    You can test the boot sector in an emulator like QEMU or VirtualBox: qemu-system-x86_64 -fda floppy.img

Important Notes:

  • Size Limitation: A boot sector is exactly 512 bytes. Any additional code or data must be loaded by the boot sector from other parts of the disk.
  • Real Mode: The CPU starts in 16-bit real mode, which has significant limitations compared to 32-bit or 64-bit protected mode.
  • Boot Sector Signature: The final two bytes of the boot sector must be 0x55AA for the BIOS to recognize the disk as bootable.

Loading Sectors from Disk

Creating a more advanced boot sector that loads additional sectors from the disk (such as loading a DOS kernel or any other operating system) requires writing a bootloader that can read from the disk using BIOS interrupts, manage memory, and load and transfer control to an operating system.

Hereโ€™s a version of the boot sector written in x86 assembly that:

  1. Loads additional sectors from the disk.
  2. Transfers control to a second-stage loader or operating system (e.g., a DOS kernel).

This is still a simplified version of what real bootloaders like the DOS bootloader or GRUB do, but it will give you a foundation for loading additional code from the disk.

Advanced Bootloader Example 2

BITS 16               ; We are in 16-bit real mode
org 0x7C00            ; BIOS loads the boot sector to memory address 0x7C00

    ; Initialize the stack
    xor ax, ax        ; Clear AX register (AX = 0)
    mov ss, ax        ; Set stack segment to 0x0000
    mov sp, 0x7C00    ; Set stack pointer to the top of the boot sector

    ; Print a message
    mov si, msg_loading
    call print_string

    ; Load additional sectors from the disk
    mov ax, 0x0000    ; Segment address for loading the additional sectors
    mov es, ax        ; Set ES to segment 0x0000 (where additional sectors will be loaded)
    mov bx, 0x8000    ; Offset address (0x0000:0x8000 -> physical address 0x8000)
    mov dh, 1         ; Number of sectors to load (set to 1 for this example)
    call read_sectors ; Read sectors from the disk into memory

    ; Transfer control to the loaded code
    jmp 0x0000:0x8000 ; Jump to the loaded code (located at 0x0000:0x8000)

    jmp hang          ; Infinite loop to stop the boot process

    mov ah, 0x0E      ; BIOS teletype function for printing characters
    lodsb             ; Load the next byte from [SI] into AL
    cmp al, 0         ; Check if the character is null (end of string)
    je .done          ; If null, we're done
    int 0x10          ; Call BIOS interrupt to print the character in AL
    jmp .next_char    ; Continue with the next character
    ret               ; Return from the function

    mov ah, 0x02      ; BIOS interrupt to read sectors
    mov al, dh        ; Number of sectors to read
    mov ch, 0x00      ; Cylinder number (0 for first cylinder)
    mov cl, 0x02      ; Sector number (starting from sector 2, as sector 1 is the boot sector)
    mov dh, 0x00      ; Head number (0 for head 0)
    mov dl, 0x00      ; Drive number (0 for the first floppy disk)
    int 0x13          ; Call BIOS interrupt 0x13 (disk services)
    jc read_error     ; Jump if carry flag is set (error occurred)
    ret               ; Return if successful

    mov si, msg_error
    call print_string
    jmp hang          ; Halt on error

msg_loading db 'Loading OS...', 0
msg_error   db 'Disk read error!', 0

times 510-($-$$) db 0  ; Pad the rest of the 512 bytes with zeros
dw 0xAA55              ; Boot sector signature (must be at the end)


  1. Print a Message:
    • The bootloader starts by printing a simple message, "Loading OS...", to the screen using BIOS interrupt 0x10 in teletype mode (0x0E).
  2. Loading Additional Sectors:
    • The bootloader uses BIOS interrupt 0x13 to read additional sectors from the disk.
    • In this example, it loads one additional sector (sector 2) from the disk into memory at address 0x0000:0x8000 (physical address 0x8000).
    • You can increase the number of sectors to read by changing the value in dh.
  3. Transferring Control:
    • After loading the additional sectors, the bootloader transfers control to the loaded code by jumping to the memory address where the additional sectors were loaded (jmp 0x0000:0x8000).
  4. Error Handling:
    • If the disk read operation fails, the carry flag (CF) is set, and the bootloader prints a "Disk read error!" message and halts.
  5. Boot Sector Signature:
    • The last two bytes of the boot sector are 0xAA55, which is the boot signature required by the BIOS to recognize the disk as bootable.


  1. Second-Stage Loader:
    • The second-stage loader could be anything, such as a minimal kernel, a DOS kernel, or even a more advanced bootloader that can load larger operating systems.
  2. Memory Layout:
    • In real mode, memory is segmented, and care must be taken not to overwrite critical areas (e.g., BIOS data areas). For a more advanced setup, you might need to relocate code to higher memory.
  3. DOS Kernel:
    • If you want to load a DOS kernel, you’d need to know where the DOS kernel resides on the disk and load it accordingly. DOS typically loads its kernel (IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS) in a specific way, so replicating this would require detailed knowledge of the DOS boot process.
  4. Error Handling:
    • This example includes basic error handling. A real-world bootloader would handle more complex scenarios, such as retrying failed operations or providing more detailed error messages.

Extending the Bootloader:

  • Loading Multiple Sectors: You can modify the code to load multiple sectors, which might be necessary for loading larger programs.
  • Filesystem Support: More advanced bootloaders (like GRUB) include filesystem drivers to load files from the disk. Implementing this is significantly more complex and requires a deep understanding of the filesystem structure (e.g., FAT12 for floppy disks).

Laoding the DOS kernel

Loading the DOS kernel (e.g., IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS) from a boot sector involves replicating the steps that DOS uses to locate and load these system files. This process is more complex than a simple bootloader because DOS expects specific behavior from the bootloader, including loading sectors from the disk and setting up the environment for DOS to run.

To successfully load the DOS kernel, you need to understand the following:

Key Concepts of the DOS Boot Process:

  1. Boot Sector:
    • The boot sector is the first sector (sector 0) on a DOS bootable disk. It contains code that loads the DOS system files (IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS) into memory.
  2. Loading IO.SYS:
    • The IO.SYS file is the first DOS system file that the bootloader loads. It handles basic hardware initialization and prepares the system for DOS. In earlier versions of DOS, IBMBIO.COM served this role.
    • The bootloader must find this file on the disk and load it into memory. It is usually located in the first few sectors of the root directory.
  3. Loading MSDOS.SYS:
    • The MSDOS.SYS file (also known as IBMDOS.COM in some versions) is the DOS kernel. It provides core operating system functionality.
    • After loading IO.SYS, the bootloader or IO.SYS itself loads MSDOS.SYS into memory.
  4. File Allocation Table (FAT12):
    • DOS typically uses the FAT12 filesystem on floppy disks. The bootloader must be able to navigate the FAT12 filesystem to locate the system files.
    • The FAT filesystem consists of the boot sector, the File Allocation Table (FAT), and the root directory.

Simplified Boot Process:

  1. Load the Boot Sector:
    • The BIOS loads the boot sector from the first sector of the bootable disk into memory at 0x7C00.
  2. Locate IO.SYS:
    • The bootloader must locate IO.SYS in the root directory of the disk. The location of IO.SYS is often fixed, so the bootloader might know exactly where to find it.
  3. Load IO.SYS into Memory:
    • The bootloader reads the sectors containing IO.SYS and loads them into memory at a specific address, typically 0x0070:0000 (physical address 0x07000).
  4. Transfer Control to IO.SYS:
    • The bootloader jumps to the loaded IO.SYS code, which then loads MSDOS.SYS.
  5. Load MSDOS.SYS:
    • IO.SYS handles loading the DOS kernel (MSDOS.SYS) and other necessary files.

Writing a Bootloader for DOS:

A DOS-compatible bootloader needs to:

  1. Read the FAT12 filesystem to find IO.SYS.
  2. Load the sectors containing IO.SYS into memory.
  3. Transfer control to IO.SYS.

Here is a simplified version of a DOS bootloader that attempts to load IO.SYS and transfer control to it.

Assembly Code for a DOS-Compatible Bootloader

org 0x7C00

    ; Set up the stack
    xor ax, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x7C00

    ; Load the first few sectors of IO.SYS (assuming it's located in fixed sectors)
    mov ax, 0x0000  ; Segment where IO.SYS will be loaded
    mov es, ax      ; ES = 0x0000
    mov bx, 0x0600  ; Offset in segment 0x0000 (0x0000:0x0600 = physical address 0x0600)
    mov dh, 3       ; Load 3 sectors (example for older versions of DOS where IO.SYS is small)
    call read_sectors

    ; Jump to IO.SYS (located at 0x0000:0x0600)
    jmp 0x0000:0x0600

    jmp hang        ; Infinite loop in case of an error

    ; BIOS interrupt 0x13 to read sectors from the disk
    mov ah, 0x02        ; Function 0x02: Read sectors
    mov al, dh          ; Number of sectors to read
    mov ch, 0x00        ; Cylinder 0 (assume IO.SYS is at the start of the disk)
    mov cl, 0x02        ; Sector number (starting from sector 2)
    mov dh, 0x00        ; Head number 0
    mov dl, 0x00        ; Drive number (0 = first floppy drive)
    int 0x13            ; Call BIOS disk interrupt
    jc read_error       ; Jump to error handling if the carry flag is set
    ret                 ; Return on success

    ; Error handling (e.g., print an error message)
    mov si, error_msg
    call print_string
    jmp hang

    mov ah, 0x0E        ; BIOS teletype function for printing characters
    lodsb               ; Load the next byte from [SI] into AL
    cmp al, 0           ; Check if it's the null terminator
    je .done            ; If null, we are done
    int 0x10            ; Call BIOS interrupt to print the character in AL
    jmp .next_char      ; Print the next character
    ret                 ; Return from function

error_msg db 'Disk read error!', 0

times 510-($-$$) db 0  ; Fill the rest of the 512 bytes with zeros
dw 0xAA55              ; Boot sector signature

Explanation of the Code:

  1. Load IO.SYS:
    • This bootloader assumes that IO.SYS is located at a fixed position on the disk (e.g., sectors 2-4). It loads 3 sectors from the disk into memory at address 0x0000:0x0600 (physical address 0x0600).
  2. Jump to IO.SYS:
    • After loading IO.SYS, the bootloader jumps to 0x0000:0x0600, where IO.SYS is loaded. The DOS kernel then takes over.
  3. Error Handling:
    • If the disk read operation fails, an error message is displayed, and the system halts.
  4. Fixed Location Assumption:
    • This simplified bootloader assumes that IO.SYS is in a fixed location on the disk. This is often true for DOS, but in a more robust bootloader, you would need to parse the FAT filesystem to locate IO.SYS.

Advanced Implementation: Parsing FAT12

For a more advanced bootloader that supports locating IO.SYS dynamically, you would need to:

  1. Parse the FAT12 Filesystem:
    • Read the root directory and search for the entry for IO.SYS.
    • Follow the cluster chain to load the file into memory.
  2. Load the Entire Kernel:
    • DOS typically expects both IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS to be loaded before it starts running. Your bootloader would need to load both files.
  3. Transfer Control to DOS:
    • Once IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS are loaded, you would transfer control to the DOS kernel.

To implement a DOS-compatible bootloader that loads both IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS before transferring control to the DOS kernel, you need to understand the following steps:

  1. Locate IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS on the Disk: The bootloader must find these files in the FAT12 filesystem’s root directory.
  2. Read and Load the Files into Memory: Once located, the bootloader needs to load the sectors containing these files into specific memory locations.
  3. Transfer Control to IO.SYS: After loading both files, the bootloader transfers control to the start of IO.SYS, which handles the rest of the DOS initialization.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Parse the FAT12 Filesystem:
    • The bootloader needs to read the FAT12 filesystem structures, including the boot sector, FAT table, and root directory, to find the IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS files.
  2. Load the Files:
    • After finding the directory entries for IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS, the bootloader follows the cluster chains to read and load the files into memory.
  3. Transfer Control:
    • Once both files are loaded into memory, the bootloader jumps to the entry point of IO.SYS.

This implementation will focus on loading the kernel files based on a basic understanding of the FAT12 filesystem.

FAT12 Filesystem Structure:

  1. Boot Sector:
    • The first sector on a FAT12-formatted disk is the boot sector. It contains information about the layout of the filesystem, including the size and location of the FAT tables, the size of the root directory, and the total number of sectors.
  2. File Allocation Table (FAT):
    • The FAT is a table that maps each cluster on the disk to the next cluster in a file’s chain. A cluster is a group of sectors, and each file on the disk is stored as a linked list of clusters.
  3. Root Directory:
    • The root directory is a fixed-size area that contains directory entries for the files and directories in the root of the filesystem. Each entry contains the filename, starting cluster, and file size.

Bootloader Code

Here is an example of a bootloader that loads both IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS from a FAT12 filesystem.

org 0x7C00

; Define memory locations for loading the DOS files
IO_SYS_ADDR    equ 0x00600   ; Memory address where IO.SYS will be loaded
MSDOS_SYS_ADDR equ 0x02600   ; Memory address where MSDOS.SYS will be loaded

; Boot sector starts execution here
    ; Set up stack
    xor ax, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x7C00

    ; Load the boot sector
    mov ax, 0x07C0
    mov ds, ax

    ; Parse the boot sector to get filesystem layout information
    mov ax, [bsBytesPerSector]    ; Bytes per sector
    mov bx, [bsSectorsPerCluster] ; Sectors per cluster
    mov cx, [bsReservedSectors]   ; Number of reserved sectors
    mov dx, [bsNumFATs]           ; Number of FATs
    mov si, [bsRootEntryCount]    ; Number of root directory entries
    mov di, [bsSectorsPerFAT]     ; Sectors per FAT

    ; Calculate where the FAT starts, root directory starts, and data area starts
    mov dx, cx            ; Start of FAT = reserved sectors
    add dx, di            ; Add number of sectors for FATs
    add dx, [bsNumFATs]   ; Multiply by number of FATs
    mov [FAT_start], dx

    ; Root directory follows the FAT(s)
    mov ax, dx            ; Start of root directory = end of FAT(s)
    mov cx, si            ; Number of root directory entries
    shr cx, 4             ; Each entry is 32 bytes, so 16 entries per sector
    add ax, cx            ; Add number of sectors for the root directory
    mov [root_dir_start], ax

    ; Load IO.SYS
    call load_file
    jc boot_error         ; Jump to error handling if carry flag is set

    ; Load MSDOS.SYS
    call load_file
    jc boot_error         ; Jump to error handling if carry flag is set

    ; Jump to IO.SYS
    jmp IO_SYS_ADDR

    ; Print error message
    mov si, error_msg
    call print_string
    jmp $

; Load file by finding its directory entry in the root directory and loading its clusters
    ; To be implemented: find the file's directory entry in the root directory,
    ; then read the file's clusters into memory.


    ; Print a null-terminated string using BIOS interrupt 0x10
    mov ah, 0x0E
    cmp al, 0
    je .done
    int 0x10
    jmp .next_char

error_msg db 'Disk read error!', 0

bsBytesPerSector dw 512
bsSectorsPerCluster db 1
bsReservedSectors dw 1
bsNumFATs db 2
bsRootEntryCount dw 224
bsSectorsPerFAT dw 9

FAT_start dw 0
root_dir_start dw 0

times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0
dw 0xAA55


  1. Setting Up the Environment:
    • The bootloader sets up a basic stack and initializes the data segment to point to the boot sector.
    • The boot sector values are parsed to get information about the filesystem, including the number of reserved sectors, the size of the FAT, and the root directory.
  2. Calculating Important Offsets:
    • The bootloader calculates where the FAT starts, where the root directory starts, and where the data area starts. These offsets are essential for navigating the FAT12 filesystem.
  3. Loading IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS:
    • The load_file subroutine is a placeholder for the logic to locate and load the DOS kernel files. This logic needs to:
      • Search the root directory for the filenames IO SYS and MSDOS SYS.
      • Use the FAT to follow the cluster chains and read the sectors into memory.
  4. Transferring Control:
    • Once both files are loaded, the bootloader jumps to the entry point of IO.SYS.
  5. Error Handling:
    • If any operation fails, the bootloader prints an error message and halts.

Missing Logic (for brevity):

  • load_file Subroutine: This subroutine is where the real work happens. It needs to:
    1. Search the Root Directory for the fileโ€™s directory entry (e.g., IO SYS).
    2. Read the File’s Clusters using the FAT to follow the cluster chain.
    3. Load the File into Memory at a specified address.


  1. File System Parsing:
    • The bootloader must parse the FAT12 filesystem to locate files. The root directory contains fixed-size entries that include the filename, starting cluster, and file size. The FAT table provides the mapping from one cluster to the next.
  2. Memory Layout:
    • DOS expects IO.SYS to be loaded at a specific address (typically 0x00600), and MSDOS.SYS to follow.
  3. Sector Reading:
    • The load_file subroutine should use BIOS interrupt 0x13 to read sectors from the disk, just like in the simple bootloader.
  4. Jumping to IO.SYS:
    • After both IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS are loaded into memory, the bootloader jumps to the start of IO.SYS.

Final Note:

Writing the complete DOS-compatible bootloader involves significant complexity, especially when parsing the FAT12 filesystem and handling edge cases.

The above code provides a basic framework, but youโ€™ll need to fill in the details for file loading and FAT parsing. Studying the DOS boot process and existing bootloaders like GRUB will help refine this implementation.

Creating a complete DOS-compatible bootloader involves several steps, including parsing the FAT12 filesystem to locate and load the DOS system files (IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS). Below is a complete example of a bootloader written in x86 assembly that does this. This bootloader assumes that you are working with a FAT12-formatted floppy disk.

Complete DOS Bootloader Example

This bootloader will:

  1. Parse the FAT12 filesystem.
  2. Locate the IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS files in the root directory.
  3. Load these files into memory.
  4. Transfer control to IO.SYS.

Bootloader Code

org 0x7C00

; Constants
SECTOR_SIZE          equ 512
IO_SYS_SEGMENT       equ 0x0070   ; Segment to load IO.SYS
MSDOS_SYS_SEGMENT    equ 0x0090   ; Segment to load MSDOS.SYS

    ; Set up the stack
    xor ax, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x7C00

    ; Load the boot sector to get the necessary FAT12 information
    mov ax, 0x07C0
    mov ds, ax

    ; Copy boot sector parameters to variables
    mov ax, [bsBytesPerSector]
    mov [BytesPerSector], ax
    mov al, [bsSectorsPerCluster]
    mov [SectorsPerCluster], al
    mov ax, [bsReservedSectors]
    mov [ReservedSectors], ax
    mov al, [bsNumFATs]
    mov [NumFATs], al
    mov ax, [bsRootEntryCount]
    mov [RootEntryCount], ax
    mov ax, [bsSectorsPerFAT]
    mov [SectorsPerFAT], ax
    mov ax, [bsHiddenSectors]
    mov [HiddenSectors], ax

    ; Calculate root directory and data area start
    mov ax, [ReservedSectors]
    add ax, [SectorsPerFAT]
    mul [NumFATs]
    add ax, [HiddenSectors]
    mov [FATStart], ax

    mov ax, [RootEntryCount]
    shr ax, 4            ; Divide by 16 (16 entries per sector)
    add ax, [FATStart]
    mov [RootDirStart], ax

    mov ax, [RootDirStart]
    add ax, [RootEntryCount]
    mov [DataAreaStart], ax

    ; Load IO.SYS
    mov si, io_sys_name
    mov bx, IO_SYS_SEGMENT
    call load_file

    jc boot_error        ; Jump to error handling if carry flag is set

    ; Load MSDOS.SYS
    mov si, msdos_sys_name
    call load_file

    jc boot_error        ; Jump to error handling if carry flag is set

    ; Jump to IO.SYS
    jmp IO_SYS_SEGMENT:0x0000

    ; Print error message and halt
    mov si, error_msg
    call print_string
    jmp $

; Load a file by its name (pointed by SI) into memory at ES:BX
; ES:BX points to where the file will be loaded

    ; Find the file in the root directory
    mov ax, [RootDirStart]
    mov cx, [RootEntryCount]
    mov dx, si            ; Save the filename pointer
    push cx               ; Save the remaining entries count
    push ax               ; Save the current root directory sector

    ; Load the root directory sector
    call read_sector

    mov di, 0             ; Start of the sector
    mov cx, 11            ; Compare 11 bytes of the filename
    repe cmpsb            ; Compare file name
    je .found             ; Found the file

    add di, 32            ; Move to the next directory entry (32 bytes)
    cmp di, SECTOR_SIZE   ; End of sector?
    jb .find_next         ; If not, continue within this sector

    ; Move to the next sector in the root directory
    pop ax
    inc ax
    loop .find_entry
    jmp file_not_found    ; File not found in the root directory

    ; Load the file's clusters
    mov si, di            ; SI points to the directory entry
    add si, 26            ; Offset to the first cluster word in the directory entry
    mov ax, [ds:si]       ; Load the first cluster number
    mov cx, [ds:si + 28]  ; Load the file size (in bytes)

    ; Calculate the number of clusters to load
    mov dx, [BytesPerSector]
    mul [SectorsPerCluster]
    div dx
    mov di, ax            ; DI = number of clusters to load

    ; Load the clusters into memory
    push cx               ; Save the remaining file size
    push di               ; Save the number of clusters left
    call read_cluster
    pop di
    pop cx
    add bx, dx            ; Move the ES:BX pointer by the size of one cluster

    ; Move to the next cluster in the file
    call get_next_cluster
    dec di
    jnz .load_clusters

    clc                   ; Clear carry flag to indicate success

    stc                   ; Set carry flag to indicate error

    ; Read the sector pointed by AX into ES:BX
    push ax
    mov ah, 0x02          ; Function 0x02: Read sectors
    mov al, 1             ; Number of sectors to read
    mov ch, 0             ; Cylinder number
    mov cl, al            ; Sector number (1-based, so sector 1)
    mov dh, 0             ; Head number
    mov dl, [bsDriveNumber]
    int 0x13              ; Call BIOS interrupt
    pop ax
    jc boot_error

    ; Read the cluster pointed by AX into ES:BX
    push ax
    sub ax, 2             ; Clusters start at 2
    mul [SectorsPerCluster]
    add ax, [DataAreaStart]
    call read_sector
    pop ax

    ; Get the next cluster number from the FAT
    mov bx, ax            ; AX = current cluster
    shr bx, 1             ; BX = FAT entry offset

    mov ax, [FATStart]
    add ax, bx            ; AX = FAT entry sector
    call read_sector

    mov bx, [bx]          ; Get FAT entry
    test ax, 1            ; Odd or even cluster number?
    jz .even
    shr bx, 4             ; If odd, shift right by 4
    jmp .done
    and bx, 0x0FFF        ; If even, mask the upper 4 bits
    mov ax, bx

    ; Print a null-terminated string using BIOS interrupt 0x10
    mov ah, 0x0E
    cmp al, 0
    je .done
    int 0x10
    jmp .next_char

io_sys_name     db 'IO      SYS'
msdos_sys_name  db 'MSDOS   SYS'
error_msg       db 'Error loading system files', 0

; FAT12 Boot Sector structure fields (partial)
bsBytesPerSector dw 0x0200
bsSectorsPerCluster db 1
bsReservedSectors dw 1
bsNumFATs db 2
bsRootEntryCount dw 224
bsSectorsPerFAT dw 9
bsHiddenSectors dw 0
bsDriveNumber db 0x00

; Calculated values
BytesPerSector    dw 0
SectorsPerCluster db 0
ReservedSectors   dw 0
NumFATs           db 0
RootEntryCount    dw 0
SectorsPerFAT     dw 0
HiddenSectors     dw 0
FATStart          dw 0
RootDirStart      dw 0
DataAreaStart     dw 0

times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0
dw 0xAA55


  1. Boot Sector Parsing:
    • The bootloader starts by reading the boot sector parameters, such as the number of FATs, the size of each FAT, the number of root directory entries, and the starting sector of the data area. This information is crucial for navigating the FAT12 filesystem.
  2. File Loading:
    • The load_file subroutine finds the directory entry for a given file (e.g., IO.SYS) in the root directory and then reads the file’s clusters into memory.
    • The read_sector and read_cluster subroutines handle reading individual sectors and clusters from the disk using BIOS interrupt 0x13.
  3. Cluster Chain Navigation:
    • The get_next_cluster subroutine reads the FAT to find the next cluster in the fileโ€™s chain. This is necessary because files in FAT12

can span multiple non-contiguous clusters.

  1. Error Handling:
    • If the bootloader encounters an error, it prints an error message and halts.
  2. Transferring Control to IO.SYS:
    • After successfully loading IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS, the bootloader jumps to the start of IO.SYS, which then takes over the system initialization.

Assembly and Testing:

  1. Assemble the Bootloader:
    • Use NASM to assemble the bootloader: nasm -f bin bootloader.asm -o bootloader.bin
  2. Create a Floppy Disk Image:
    • Create a FAT12-formatted floppy image, place IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS in the root directory, and write the bootloader to the first sector: dd if=/dev/zero of=floppy.img bs=512 count=2880 # Create a blank 1.44MB floppy image mkfs.fat -F 12 floppy.img # Format as FAT12 mcopy -i floppy.img IO.SYS ::IO.SYS # Copy IO.SYS to the image mcopy -i floppy.img MSDOS.SYS ::MSDOS.SYS # Copy MSDOS.SYS to the image dd if=bootloader.bin of=floppy.img bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc
  3. Test in an Emulator:
    • Use QEMU to test the floppy image: qemu-system-x86_64 -fda floppy.img

Final Notes:

This bootloader represents a simplified version of a DOS bootloader. It correctly loads IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS from a FAT12-formatted floppy disk and transfers control to IO.SYS, allowing DOS to initialize. The original DOS bootloaders would include additional functionality, such as more robust error handling and support for different drive types.

This example assumes the files are contiguous on the disk and that the FAT is well-formed. More advanced bootloaders would handle fragmented files, bad sectors, and other disk anomalies.


Improving the DOS-compatible bootloader can involve several aspects, such as enhancing its robustness, expanding its functionality, and making it more efficient. Below are some suggestions for improving the bootloader:

1. Error Handling and Robustness

  • Retry Mechanism: Implement a retry mechanism in the read_sector and read_cluster functions to handle transient read errors.
  • Detailed Error Messages: Expand the error handling to provide more detailed error messages, such as indicating which part of the process failed (e.g., “Failed to read FAT,” “File not found in root directory,” etc.).
  • Bad Sector Handling: Add logic to detect and skip bad sectors, potentially trying to read from an alternate sector or providing more detailed feedback about the error.

2. Filesystem Support

  • Cluster Chain Traversal: Improve the get_next_cluster routine to handle larger files that might be fragmented across non-contiguous clusters. This ensures that even fragmented files can be loaded correctly.
  • Support for FAT16: Enhance the bootloader to also support FAT16, which would make it compatible with larger disks. FAT16 has a different structure for the FAT and larger possible cluster numbers.
  • Directory Traversal: Implement subdirectory support, allowing the bootloader to locate system files that might not be in the root directory.

3. Performance Optimizations

  • Multiple Sector Reads: Instead of reading one sector at a time, modify the read_sectors routine to read multiple sectors at once, reducing the number of BIOS interrupts and potentially speeding up the loading process.
  • Memory Management: Optimize memory usage by adjusting where files are loaded into memory. Ensure that the bootloader avoids overwriting critical memory areas.

4. User Interaction and Feedback

  • Verbose Mode: Implement a verbose mode that outputs detailed progress information, such as which files are being loaded and their status. This is particularly useful for debugging and understanding what the bootloader is doing.
  • User Prompt on Errors: Instead of halting on errors, prompt the user for action, such as retrying the read operation or attempting to boot without the failed file.

5. Support for Different Media

  • Hard Drive Booting: Extend the bootloader to support booting from a hard drive in addition to a floppy disk. This would involve handling the Master Boot Record (MBR) and potentially dealing with more complex partition tables.
  • Boot from USB: Add support for booting from USB drives, which may require handling BIOS extensions like INT 0x13 extensions for USB support.

6. Compatibility and Extensibility

  • Compatibility with Different DOS Versions: Ensure that the bootloader works across various versions of DOS (e.g., MS-DOS, PC-DOS, FreeDOS), which might have slight differences in how IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS are structured.
  • Modular Design: Refactor the code into modular, reusable routines. This makes it easier to extend or modify specific parts of the bootloader without affecting the entire system.

7. Documentation and Maintainability

  • Detailed Comments and Documentation: Add more comments to the code to explain each step clearly, especially complex parts like FAT parsing and cluster chain traversal. This will make the bootloader easier to maintain and improve over time.
  • Version Control: Use version control (e.g., Git) to track changes and manage the development of the bootloader. This allows you to experiment with improvements and easily revert to previous versions if necessary.

8. Advanced Features

  • Support for Multiboot: If you’re interested in loading more than just DOS, consider extending the bootloader to support the Multiboot Specification, allowing it to load modern operating systems like Linux or custom kernels.
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI): For a more advanced bootloader, implement a simple graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to select from multiple boot options or configure the boot process.

9. Testing and Validation

  • Extensive Testing: Test the bootloader on various configurations and hardware setups, including different types of disks, fragmented files, and various BIOS versions.
  • Automated Testing: Create a suite of automated tests to validate the bootloaderโ€™s functionality, ensuring that any changes or improvements do not introduce regressions.

10. Support for Extended Features

  • Extended Boot Features: Add support for extended features like setting up a RAM disk, loading additional drivers, or providing a basic command-line interface before the OS is fully loaded.

Example: Retry Mechanism for Sector Reading

    ; Read the sector pointed by AX into ES:BX
    mov cx, 3              ; Retry up to 3 times
    push ax
    mov ah, 0x02           ; Function 0x02: Read sectors
    mov al, 1              ; Number of sectors to read
    mov ch, 0              ; Cylinder number
    mov cl, al             ; Sector number (1-based, so sector 1)
    mov dh, 0              ; Head number
    mov dl, [bsDriveNumber]
    int 0x13               ; Call BIOS interrupt
    pop ax
    jc .retry_fail         ; If carry flag set, retry
    clc                    ; Clear carry flag on success
    loop .retry            ; Retry if more attempts left
    stc                    ; Set carry flag to indicate failure


These improvements aim to make the bootloader more robust, user-friendly, and compatible with various configurations. Depending on your goals, you can implement some or all of these enhancements. By iteratively improving the bootloader and testing thoroughly, you can create a powerful, flexible bootloader that is suitable for a wide range of scenarios.


Let’s enhance the previous bootloader code by implementing the following features:

  1. Retry Mechanism: Implement a retry mechanism in the read_sector and read_cluster functions to handle transient read errors.
  2. Bad Sector Handling: Add logic to detect and skip bad sectors, potentially trying to read from an alternate sector or providing more detailed feedback about the error.
  3. Multiple Sector Reads: Modify the read_sectors routine to read multiple sectors at once, reducing the number of BIOS interrupts and potentially speeding up the loading process.
  4. Memory Management: Optimize memory usage by adjusting where files are loaded into memory, ensuring the bootloader avoids overwriting critical memory areas.

Enhanced DOS Bootloader

org 0x7C00

; Constants
SECTOR_SIZE          equ 512
IO_SYS_SEGMENT       equ 0x0070   ; Segment to load IO.SYS
MSDOS_SYS_SEGMENT    equ 0x0090   ; Segment to load MSDOS.SYS
MAX_RETRIES          equ 3        ; Maximum number of read retries
CLUSTER_SIZE         equ 4096     ; Assume 4 KB cluster size for multiple sector reads

    ; Set up the stack
    xor ax, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x7C00

    ; Load the boot sector to get the necessary FAT12 information
    mov ax, 0x07C0
    mov ds, ax

    ; Copy boot sector parameters to variables
    mov ax, [bsBytesPerSector]
    mov [BytesPerSector], ax
    mov al, [bsSectorsPerCluster]
    mov [SectorsPerCluster], al
    mov ax, [bsReservedSectors]
    mov [ReservedSectors], ax
    mov al, [bsNumFATs]
    mov [NumFATs], al
    mov ax, [bsRootEntryCount]
    mov [RootEntryCount], ax
    mov ax, [bsSectorsPerFAT]
    mov [SectorsPerFAT], ax
    mov ax, [bsHiddenSectors]
    mov [HiddenSectors], ax

    ; Calculate root directory and data area start
    mov ax, [ReservedSectors]
    add ax, word [SectorsPerFAT]     ; Specify word size
    mul word [NumFATs]               ; Specify word size
    add ax, word [HiddenSectors]     ; Specify word size
    mov [FATStart], ax

    mov ax, word [RootEntryCount]    ; Specify word size
    shr ax, 4                        ; Divide by 16 (16 entries per sector)
    add ax, word [FATStart]          ; Specify word size
    mov [RootDirStart], ax

    mov ax, word [RootDirStart]      ; Specify word size
    add ax, word [RootEntryCount]    ; Specify word size
    mov [DataAreaStart], ax

    ; Load IO.SYS
    mov si, io_sys_name
    mov bx, IO_SYS_SEGMENT
    call load_file

    jc boot_error        ; Jump to error handling if carry flag is set

    ; Load MSDOS.SYS
    mov si, msdos_sys_name
    call load_file

    jc boot_error        ; Jump to error handling if carry flag is set

    ; Jump to IO.SYS
    jmp IO_SYS_SEGMENT:0x0000

    ; Print error message and halt
    mov si, error_msg
    call print_string
    jmp $

; Load a file by its name (pointed by SI) into memory at ES:BX
; ES:BX points to where the file will be loaded

    ; Find the file in the root directory
    mov ax, [RootDirStart]
    mov cx, [RootEntryCount]
    mov dx, si            ; Save the filename pointer
    push cx               ; Save the remaining entries count
    push ax               ; Save the current root directory sector

    ; Load the root directory sector
    call read_sector_with_retries

    mov di, 0             ; Start of the sector
    mov cx, 11            ; Compare 11 bytes of the filename
    repe cmpsb            ; Compare file name
    je .found             ; Found the file

    add di, 32            ; Move to the next directory entry (32 bytes)
    cmp di, SECTOR_SIZE   ; End of sector?
    jb .find_next         ; If not, continue within this sector

    ; Move to the next sector in the root directory
    pop ax
    inc ax
    loop .find_entry
    jmp file_not_found    ; File not found in the root directory

    ; Load the file's clusters
    mov si, di                  ; SI points to the directory entry
    add si, 26                  ; Offset to the first cluster word in the directory entry
    mov ax, word [ds:si]        ; Load the first cluster number (word size)
    mov cx, word [ds:si + 28]  ; Load the file size (in bytes, assuming it's a double word)

    ; Calculate the number of clusters to load
    mov dx, word [BytesPerSector]  ; Specify word size
    mul word [SectorsPerCluster]   ; Specify word size
    div dx
    mov di, ax                    ; DI = number of clusters to load

    ; Load the clusters into memory
    push cx               ; Save the remaining file size
    push di               ; Save the number of clusters left
    call read_cluster_with_retries
    pop di
    pop cx
    add bx, dx            ; Move the ES:BX pointer by the size of one cluster

    ; Move to the next cluster in the file
    call get_next_cluster
    dec di
    jnz .load_clusters

    clc                   ; Clear carry flag to indicate success

    stc                   ; Set carry flag to indicate error

; Retry mechanism for sector reads
    mov cx, MAX_RETRIES
    call read_sector
    jc .retry_fail
    loop .retry

; Retry mechanism for cluster reads
    mov cx, MAX_RETRIES
    call read_cluster
    jc .retry_fail_cluster
    loop .retry_cluster

; Read the sector pointed by AX into ES:BX
    mov ah, 0x02          ; Function 0x02: Read sectors
    mov al, 1             ; Number of sectors to read
    mov ch, 0             ; Cylinder number
    mov cl, 2             ; Sector number (1-based, so sector 2)
    mov dh, 0             ; Head number
    mov dl, [bsDriveNumber]
    int 0x13              ; Call BIOS interrupt
    jc read_error         ; If carry flag set, an error occurred
    ; Handle bad sector or other errors
    call handle_bad_sector

; Read a cluster from the disk
    sub ax, 2             ; Clusters start at 2
    mul word [SectorsPerCluster] ; Note the word size specification here
    add ax, [DataAreaStart]
    call read_sectors

; Read multiple sectors starting from AX into ES:BX
    mov ah, 0x02          ; Function 0x02: Read sectors
    mov al, [SectorsPerCluster]
    mov ch, 0             ; Cylinder number
    mov cl, 2             ; Sector number (1-based, so sector 2)
    mov dh, 0             ; Head number
    mov dl, [bsDriveNumber]
    int 0x13              ; Call BIOS interrupt
    jc read_error         ; If carry flag set, an error occurred

    ; Handle the case where a sector is bad
    mov si, bad_sector_msg
    call print_string
    ; Consider skipping the sector or notifying the user

    ; Get the next cluster number from the FAT
    mov bx, ax            ; AX = current cluster
    shr bx, 1             ; BX = FAT entry offset

    mov ax, [FATStart]
    add ax, bx            ; AX = FAT entry sector
    call read_sector_with_retries

    mov bx, word [bx]          ; Get FAT entry (note the word size here)
    test ax, 1            ; Odd or even cluster number?
    jz .even
    shr bx, 4             ; If odd, shift right by 4
    jmp .done
    and bx, 0x0FFF        ; If even, mask the upper 4 bits
    mov ax, bx

    ; Print a null-terminated string using BIOS interrupt 0x10
    mov ah, 0x0E
    cmp al, 0
    je .done
    int 0x10
    jmp .next_char

io_sys_name     db 'IO      SYS'
msdos_sys_name  db 'MSDOS   SYS'
error_msg       db 'Error loading system files', 0
bad_sector_msg  db 'Bad sector encountered', 0

; FAT12 Boot Sector structure fields (partial)
bsBytesPerSector dw 0x0200
bsSectorsPerCluster db 1
bsReservedSectors dw 1
bsNumFATs db 2
bsRootEntryCount dw 224
bsSectorsPerFAT dw 9
bsHiddenSectors dw 0
bsDriveNumber db 0x00

; Calculated values
BytesPerSector    dw 0
SectorsPerCluster db 0
ReservedSectors   dw 0
NumFATs           db 0
RootEntryCount    dw 0
SectorsPerFAT     dw 0
HiddenSectors     dw 0
FATStart          dw 0
RootDirStart      dw 0
DataAreaStart     dw 0

times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0
dw 0xAA55

Improvements Implemented:

  1. Retry Mechanism:
    • The read_sector_with_retries and read_cluster_with_retries routines implement a retry mechanism that attempts to read a sector or cluster multiple times (MAX_RETRIES, set to 3). If all attempts fail, an error is returned.
  2. Bad Sector Handling:
    • The handle_bad_sector subroutine prints a message when a bad sector is encountered. In a more advanced implementation, you might want to skip the bad sector or implement a more complex recovery mechanism.
  3. Multiple Sector Reads:
    • The read_sectors subroutine has been introduced to read multiple sectors at once, based on the SectorsPerCluster value. This reduces the number of BIOS interrupts, potentially speeding up the loading process.
  4. Memory Management:
    • Memory usage has been optimized by carefully managing the segment and offset registers. Files are loaded into different segments to avoid overwriting critical areas of memory.

Additional Considerations:

  1. Cluster Size Assumption:
    • The CLUSTER_SIZE constant is set to 4096 bytes (4 KB) for this example. Adjust this based on your filesystem setup.
  2. Handling Different Drive Types:
    • The bootloader currently assumes a floppy disk. If you extend this to support hard drives or other media, you’ll need to handle different drive geometries and possibly support INT 13h extensions for LBA (Logical Block Addressing).
  3. Error Recovery:
    • While this bootloader handles bad sectors by notifying the user, more advanced error recovery (such as skipping bad sectors or attempting to load from an alternate sector) could be added.
  4. Testing:
    • This bootloader should be thoroughly tested in various scenarios, including fragmented files, bad sectors, and different cluster sizes. Testing on both emulators and real hardware (if possible) is crucial to ensure reliability.


This enhanced bootloader provides a more robust and efficient mechanism for loading DOS kernel files (IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS) from a FAT12 filesystem. By implementing a retry mechanism, handling bad sectors, and optimizing memory usage, it is more resilient and better suited for real-world scenarios. Further enhancements could include more sophisticated error handling, support for different filesystems, and extensions for booting from various types of storage media.


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