Developing IO.SYS v0.1


IO.SYS is a critical system file used in the Disk Operating System (DOS) and early versions of Microsoft Windows, such as Windows 95, 98, and ME. It played a central role in the boot process and the initial setup of the operating system.

What is IO.SYS?

  • System File: IO.SYS is a hidden, system file that is loaded early in the boot process of DOS-based systems. It is essential for the operating system to function.
  • Boot Process Role: During the boot process, after the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) has completed its initial hardware checks and loading of the Master Boot Record (MBR), the boot sector code loads IO.SYS into memory. IO.SYS then takes over to continue the boot process.
  • Core Functions:
    1. Hardware Initialization: IO.SYS is responsible for initializing the system’s hardware, such as the keyboard, display, and disk drives. It sets up the environment needed for DOS to run.
    2. Loading the DOS Kernel: After initializing the hardware, IO.SYS loads the core DOS kernel (typically stored in MSDOS.SYS in early versions, although in later versions, this functionality was combined into IO.SYS itself).
    3. Loading Device Drivers: IO.SYS processes the CONFIG.SYS file, which contains configurations and instructions for loading device drivers and memory managers. These drivers are essential for interacting with various hardware components.
    4. Providing Basic Input/Output Services: IO.SYS provides low-level input/output services, which DOS uses to interact with hardware devices like disks, keyboards, and displays. These services are vital for file handling, user input, and displaying text.
    5. Command Interpreter Initialization: After performing its tasks, IO.SYS loads and hands control to COMMAND.COM, the command interpreter in DOS. COMMAND.COM provides the user with a command-line interface to interact with the system.

Historical Context

  • DOS Versions: IO.SYS was a part of MS-DOS, the Microsoft Disk Operating System, and PC-DOS, the IBM version of DOS. It was included in every version of DOS starting from the early 1980s.
  • Windows 9x Series: In Windows 95, 98, and ME, IO.SYS was still used during the initial boot phase before the Windows graphical user interface (GUI) took over. It provided backward compatibility with DOS-based applications and ensured that the Windows kernel could boot properly.
  • Hidden and System File: IO.SYS is a hidden, system file, which means it’s not normally visible to users browsing the file system. It’s marked as a system file to prevent accidental deletion, as the file is essential for the operating system to start.

Modern Relevance

  • No Longer Used in Modern Systems: IO.SYS is specific to DOS and the Windows 9x line of operating systems. It is not used in modern Windows operating systems (such as Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, and 11), which have different boot mechanisms.
  • Legacy Systems: While IO.SYS is largely obsolete today, understanding its role is important for anyone studying computer history, operating systems, or working with legacy DOS-based systems.


IO.SYS is a foundational component of DOS and early Windows systems, essential for initializing hardware, loading the operating system kernel, and setting up the environment for running DOS applications. It plays a pivotal role in the boot process and in providing basic system services that allow the operating system to function.


This glossary provides a comprehensive overview of the terms and concepts associated with IO.SYS and similar system initialization components. It covers everything from basic system memory and file management to more complex concepts like real-mode operations, device drivers, and system error handling. This glossary will be helpful as you develop, maintain, or study low-level system software.

Glossary for IO.SYS

  • BIOS (Basic Input/Output System):
    The firmware interface between the operating system and the computer’s hardware. During boot, BIOS initializes hardware and loads the bootloader or operating system.
  • Bootloader:
    A small program that loads the operating system into memory and starts it. In DOS, IO.SYS acts as a system loader during the boot process.
  • Conventional Memory:
    The first 640 KB of RAM on a PC, which is the primary memory area used by DOS and early applications. It is crucial for system initialization and application execution in DOS.
  • Device Driver:
    Software that allows the operating system to communicate with hardware devices. IO.SYS loads and initializes these drivers, typically specified in CONFIG.SYS.
  • DOS (Disk Operating System):
    A family of operating systems that operate in real mode, commonly used in the early days of personal computing. IO.SYS is a core component in many DOS versions, handling system initialization.
  • Extended Memory (XMS):
    Memory above 1 MB that is accessible in real mode using special drivers like HIMEM.SYS. IO.SYS may work with such drivers to enable extended memory usage.
  • Expanded Memory (EMS):
    A memory management scheme that provides access to memory beyond the conventional 640 KB, often used by older DOS applications. Managed by drivers like EMM386.EXE.
  • File Allocation Table (FAT):
    A file system architecture widely used in DOS systems. IO.SYS interacts with FAT12 or FAT16 file systems to manage files during the boot process.
  • Interrupt Vector Table (IVT):
    A data structure used by the CPU to handle interrupts. The IVT maps each interrupt request to the appropriate interrupt service routine (ISR). IO.SYS sets up the IVT during system initialization.
  • Memory Control Block (MCB):
    A data structure used by DOS to manage memory allocation within conventional memory. IO.SYS initializes these blocks to manage memory for applications and system processes.
  • Real Mode:
    The operating mode of x86 processors after reset, where memory addressing is limited to 1 MB, and there is no memory protection. DOS, including IO.SYS, operates in real mode.
  • Protected Mode:
    A more advanced CPU mode that supports 32-bit addressing, memory protection, and multitasking. Although IO.SYS does not operate in protected mode, understanding this mode is important for modern OS development.
  • Segment:Offset:
    A memory addressing scheme used in real mode where a segment address is combined with an offset to form a full memory address. IO.SYS relies on this model for memory operations.
  • Startup Script:
    A script that runs automatically during the boot process, typically AUTOEXEC.BAT in DOS. IO.SYS ensures that these scripts are executed to set up the user environment.
  • System Files:
    Essential files required by DOS to boot and operate, including MSDOS.SYS, IO.SYS, and COMMAND.COM. IO.SYS is responsible for loading these files during the boot process.
  • Upper Memory Block (UMB):
    The memory area between 640 KB and 1 MB, which can be used for loading drivers and TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) programs. IO.SYS may work with memory managers to utilize UMBs.
  • Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR):
    A type of program in DOS that remains in memory after execution, allowing background processes to run. IO.SYS facilitates the loading of TSRs through the initialization process.
  • Virtual Memory:
    A memory management technique where the operating system uses disk space to simulate additional RAM. While not directly managed by IO.SYS, it’s a key concept in modern operating systems.
  • BIOS Parameter Block (BPB):
    A data structure in the boot sector that describes the physical layout of the disk. IO.SYS reads the BPB to understand disk geometry during the boot process.
  • Bootstrap Loader:
    The initial code that is executed after BIOS POST (Power-On Self-Test) and before the operating system loads. IO.SYS functions as part of this loader sequence in DOS systems.
  • Disk Sector:
    The smallest unit of data that can be read from or written to a disk. IO.SYS often reads and writes disk sectors during the boot process to load system files.
  • Boot Sector:
    The first sector of a bootable disk, containing the bootloader or the first stage of the operating system loader. IO.SYS is often loaded as a result of executing the boot sector code.
  • Memory Map:
    A representation of the system’s memory, showing which areas are reserved, free, or used by hardware. IO.SYS relies on a memory map during the boot process to allocate resources properly.
  • System Panic:
    A critical system error that prevents the operating system from continuing safely. While not typical in DOS, a system panic in more advanced systems might be managed by an equivalent to IO.SYS.

Notes on Real Mode and Protected Mode in x86 Architecture

Real Mode and Protected Mode are two of the major operating modes of x86 processors, each with its own characteristics and uses. Understanding these modes is crucial for low-level programming, operating system development, and understanding how modern computers manage memory and processes.

1. Real Mode


  • Real Mode is the operating mode in which x86 processors start after being powered on. It is the simplest mode of operation for an x86 CPU and is designed to be backward compatible with the earliest Intel 8086 processors.
  • Memory Addressing: In Real Mode, the CPU can address up to 1 MB of memory, using 20-bit addresses. This is because the processor uses a segment:offset memory model where a 16-bit segment register and a 16-bit offset register are combined to form a 20-bit address (e.g., segment * 16 + offset).
  • Segmented Memory: The memory is divided into segments, with each segment being 64 KB in size. There are four primary segment registers (CS, DS, SS, ES) which are used for code, data, stack, and extra data, respectively.


  • No Memory Protection: All programs can access any memory address, meaning there’s no protection between different processes or between a process and the operating system. This can lead to accidental overwrites and crashes.
  • No Multitasking Support: Real Mode does not support hardware-based multitasking, which means that only one program can run at a time.
  • 16-Bit Registers: The CPU operates with 16-bit registers and data paths, which limits the amount of data it can process at once.
  • Direct Hardware Access: Programs running in Real Mode can directly access hardware (like I/O ports and memory-mapped devices) without restriction.

Use Cases:

  • Early Operating Systems: Early operating systems like MS-DOS operate entirely in Real Mode.
  • BIOS: The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) of a computer, which initializes hardware during the boot process, operates in Real Mode.
  • Bootloaders: Bootloaders often start in Real Mode before transitioning the system to Protected Mode for more complex operating systems.


; Simple assembly code that runs in Real Mode
mov ax, 0xB800  ; Address of video memory
mov ds, ax      ; Set segment register to video memory segment
mov [0], 'H'    ; Write character 'H' to the first position on the screen

2. Protected Mode


  • Protected Mode is the advanced operating mode of x86 processors, introduced with the Intel 80286 processor. It allows the CPU to access much more memory and provides mechanisms for memory protection, multitasking, and advanced features.
  • Memory Addressing: Protected Mode supports 32-bit addressing, allowing access to 4 GB of memory. Later extensions like PAE (Physical Address Extension) allow access to even larger amounts of memory.
  • Flat Memory Model: In addition to segmented memory, Protected Mode can use a flat memory model where the entire memory space is treated as a single contiguous block, simplifying programming.


  • Memory Protection: Protected Mode introduces memory protection, where each program (process) runs in its own isolated address space, preventing it from accidentally or maliciously interfering with other programs or the operating system.
  • Multitasking: The CPU supports hardware-based multitasking, where multiple processes can run concurrently, with the operating system managing context switches between them.
  • 32-Bit Registers: The CPU uses 32-bit registers and data paths, allowing for larger and faster data processing.
  • Virtual Memory: Protected Mode supports virtual memory, where the operating system can use disk space to simulate additional RAM, allowing for more programs to run simultaneously than the actual physical memory would permit.
  • Privilege Levels: Protected Mode supports different privilege levels (rings) with Ring 0 being the most privileged (used by the kernel) and Ring 3 being the least privileged (used by user applications). This provides security and stability.

Use Cases:

  • Modern Operating Systems: All modern operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS, operate primarily in Protected Mode.
  • Advanced Applications: Applications requiring access to more memory or needing protection from other processes run in Protected Mode.


; Assembly code snippet to switch from Real Mode to Protected Mode

cli               ; Clear interrupts
lgdt [gdt_desc]   ; Load the GDT (Global Descriptor Table)
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 1         ; Set the PE (Protection Enable) bit in CR0 to enter Protected Mode
mov cr0, eax
jmp 0x08:protected_mode_start ; Far jump to clear the prefetch queue and enter Protected Mode

    ; Now in Protected Mode, set up segments, etc.
    mov ax, 0x10  ; Load data segment selector (points to GDT entry)
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov gs, ax
    ; ... continue with Protected Mode operations

Transition from Real Mode to Protected Mode

  1. Disable Interrupts: Use the cli instruction to disable interrupts during the transition.
  2. Load the Global Descriptor Table (GDT): The GDT defines the memory segments for Protected Mode.
  3. Set the PE Bit: Enable Protected Mode by setting the PE (Protection Enable) bit in the CR0 control register.
  4. Far Jump: Perform a far jump to clear the prefetch queue and officially enter Protected Mode.


  • Real Mode is a simple, backward-compatible mode that allows direct hardware access and has no memory protection. It is useful for early initialization tasks, such as those performed by BIOS and bootloaders, as well as for running legacy software like DOS.
  • Protected Mode is the advanced operating mode that provides memory protection, multitasking, and support for modern operating systems and applications. It is the mode in which modern operating systems run.

Understanding the differences between Real Mode and Protected Mode, as well as how to switch between them, is crucial for tasks like operating system development, writing bootloaders, and working with low-level system code.

The IO.SYS Functions

The IO.SYS file in DOS is a critical component of the DOS operating system. It acts as a key part of the DOS boot process and serves several important functions. Below is a list of the known functions and roles of IO.SYS in DOS:

1. Boot Loader Functionality

  • Boot Sequence Initialization: IO.SYS is one of the first files loaded during the DOS boot process. It is responsible for initializing the DOS environment after the system’s BIOS completes its Power-On Self-Test (POST) and loads the boot sector.
  • Loading MSDOS.SYS: IO.SYS loads the MSDOS.SYS file into memory, which is the core part of the DOS operating system. After loading, control is passed to MSDOS.SYS.

2. Hardware Initialization

  • Hardware Detection and Initialization: IO.SYS detects and initializes hardware devices during the boot process. This includes configuring devices such as the keyboard, display, disk drives, and serial/parallel ports.
  • BIOS Interrupts Handling: IO.SYS sets up the basic interrupt vector table, linking DOS interrupts to the appropriate BIOS interrupt services.

3. Basic Input/Output Services

  • Handling Basic I/O Operations: IO.SYS provides the basic input/output services required by DOS. This includes reading from and writing to disk drives, handling keyboard input, and managing screen output.
  • Redirecting BIOS Calls: Many DOS functions redirect BIOS interrupt calls to specific routines within IO.SYS to handle hardware-level input and output operations.

4. System Initialization

  • System Configuration: IO.SYS processes the CONFIG.SYS file, which contains configuration settings that dictate how DOS and its drivers should be loaded and configured during startup.
  • Loading Device Drivers: IO.SYS loads device drivers specified in CONFIG.SYS. This includes low-level drivers for disk controllers, memory managers, and other hardware components.
  • Initializing Memory Management: IO.SYS initializes the memory management routines in DOS, configuring conventional, upper, and extended memory.

5. Providing DOS Functions

  • DOS Interrupt 21h: IO.SYS is part of the implementation that provides the DOS interrupt 21h service, which is the primary interrupt for DOS function calls (e.g., file management, program execution, and device I/O).
  • System API Services: Through its role in IO.SYS, DOS offers a range of system API services that programs can use to perform various tasks, from file operations to system configuration.

6. User Interaction Initialization

  • Command Interpreter Loading: After completing the initialization process, IO.SYS loads the DOS command interpreter (COMMAND.COM), which provides the command-line interface for the user.
  • Batch File Execution: IO.SYS ensures that any startup batch files, like AUTOEXEC.BAT, are executed after the system is initialized and before handing full control to the user.

7. Fallback for System Errors

  • Basic Error Handling: If certain critical errors occur during the boot process, IO.SYS is responsible for handling these errors and may provide basic error messages or halt the boot process.


IO.SYS in DOS plays a crucial role in the boot process, initializing hardware, loading the core DOS system (MSDOS.SYS), and providing basic input/output services. It also processes system configuration files, loads device drivers, and sets up the system’s memory management. Ultimately, it prepares the system for user interaction by loading the command interpreter and executing any startup scripts.

Refactoring IO.SYS ?

This file is central to the proper functioning of DOS, acting as the bridge between the BIOS, hardware, and the DOS operating system itself.

Rebuilding the functionality of IO.SYS in an independent code structure involves replicating the essential tasks it performs during the DOS boot process. Below is a high-level outline and code structure that could be used to achieve this. The code will be written in C with inline assembly where necessary to handle low-level tasks, such as interacting with hardware and managing memory.

Code Structure Outline

  1. Bootloader Initialization:
    • Set up the basic environment after the BIOS hands over control.
    • Prepare to switch from real mode (16-bit) to protected mode (32-bit) if necessary, or remain in real mode for compatibility with DOS.
  2. Hardware Detection and Initialization:
    • Detect and initialize hardware devices such as keyboard, display, disk drives, and serial/parallel ports.
    • Initialize the interrupt vector table.
  3. Loading System Files:
    • Load the core operating system components (analogous to loading MSDOS.SYS).
    • Load and execute device drivers specified in a configuration file (analogous to CONFIG.SYS).
  4. Memory Management:
    • Initialize memory management, configuring conventional memory, upper memory, and extended memory.
  5. Basic Input/Output Services:
    • Implement basic I/O functions to interact with hardware (keyboard, screen, disk drives).
    • Redirect BIOS calls to appropriate low-level routines.
  6. Command Interpreter and User Interface Initialization:
    • Load the command interpreter (analogous to COMMAND.COM).
    • Execute startup scripts (analogous to AUTOEXEC.BAT).
  7. Error Handling:
    • Provide basic error handling during the boot process and system initialization.

Example Code Structure

Here’s the sample structure that shows how these tasks could be organized:

#include <stdint.h>

/* Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) Setup */
void setup_interrupt_vector_table() {
    // Code to set up interrupt vectors
    // Redirect interrupts to custom handlers

/* Hardware Initialization */
void initialize_hardware() {
    // Initialize keyboard
    // Initialize display
    // Initialize disk drives
    // Initialize serial/parallel ports

/* Load System Files */
void load_system_files() {
    // Load the core system file (e.g., MSDOS.SYS equivalent)
    // Load device drivers (e.g., CONFIG.SYS equivalent)
    // Load other necessary system components

/* Memory Management */
void initialize_memory() {
    // Initialize conventional memory
    // Initialize upper memory
    // Initialize extended memory

/* Basic Input/Output Services */
void basic_io_services() {
    // Implement basic I/O routines
    // Keyboard input
    // Display output
    // Disk read/write

/* Command Interpreter */
void start_command_interpreter() {
    // Load the command interpreter (e.g., COMMAND.COM equivalent)
    // Execute startup scripts (e.g., AUTOEXEC.BAT equivalent)

/* Error Handling */
void handle_errors() {
    // Implement basic error handling

/* Main Boot Function */
void boot_system() {
    // 1. Setup the environment

    // 2. Initialize hardware

    // 3. Load necessary system files

    // 4. Initialize memory management

    // 5. Set up basic input/output services

    // 6. Start the command interpreter

    // 7. Handle errors (if any)

    // 8. Enter main loop or hand over control to the command interpreter
    while (1) {
        // Idle loop, or handle background tasks

/* Entry Point */
void _start() {
    // Entry point from bootloader

Explanation of Key Sections

  1. Interrupt Vector Table Setup:
    • Set up a basic interrupt vector table that redirects BIOS interrupts to custom handlers within the system. This allows the system to manage hardware in a controlled manner.
  2. Hardware Initialization:
    • Initialize essential hardware devices such as the keyboard, display, and disk drives. This involves interacting with hardware through BIOS interrupts or direct port I/O.
  3. Loading System Files:
    • Load the equivalent of MSDOS.SYS and CONFIG.SYS. This might involve reading from a disk and copying necessary files into memory, followed by initializing any device drivers.
  4. Memory Management:
    • Initialize the system’s memory, including conventional, upper, and extended memory. This involves setting up memory management structures and ensuring that memory is allocated appropriately for the system’s needs.
  5. Basic Input/Output Services:
    • Implement basic I/O services that interact with hardware directly, providing a foundation for higher-level operations. This includes handling keyboard input, screen output, and disk read/write operations.
  6. Command Interpreter:
    • Load and initialize a command interpreter, similar to COMMAND.COM, that provides a user interface for executing commands. It may also execute startup scripts, such as an equivalent to AUTOEXEC.BAT.
  7. Error Handling:
    • Implement basic error handling routines that provide feedback to the user or system if something goes wrong during the boot process or system initialization.

Customizing the Code

  • The structure provided is highly modular, allowing you to replace or expand sections as needed.
  • For example, if your system uses different methods for memory management, you can customize the initialize_memory() function accordingly.
  • Similarly, if your system has specific hardware requirements, the initialize_hardware() and basic_io_services() functions can be tailored to meet those needs.


This structure provides a foundation for rebuilding the functionality of IO.SYS in an independent code base. It covers the essential tasks required to boot a DOS-like operating system, including hardware initialization, memory management, and system file loading. By following this structure, you can create a robust and modular bootloader or system initializer that mimics the behavior of IO.SYS.

Interrupt Vector Table (IVT)

An implementation in C for setting up a simple Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) in a real-mode environment.

This example assumes you are working in a low-level context, such as an operating system or bootloader development, where you have direct access to hardware interrupts.

#include <stdint.h>

#define IVT_BASE_ADDRESS 0x0000  // IVT starts at memory address 0x0000 in real mode
#define NUM_INTERRUPTS   256     // The number of interrupt vectors in the IVT

/* Define a type for interrupt service routines (ISRs) */
typedef void (*isr_t)(void);

/* Forward declarations of custom interrupt handlers */
void default_interrupt_handler(void);
void keyboard_interrupt_handler(void);
void timer_interrupt_handler(void);

/* Setup Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) */
void setup_interrupt_vector_table() {
    uint16_t *ivt = (uint16_t *)IVT_BASE_ADDRESS; // Pointer to the start of the IVT

    // Iterate through the IVT and set default handlers
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INTERRUPTS; i++) {
        set_interrupt_vector(i, (isr_t)default_interrupt_handler);

    // Set specific interrupt handlers
    set_interrupt_vector(0x09, (isr_t)keyboard_interrupt_handler); // Keyboard interrupt (IRQ1)
    set_interrupt_vector(0x08, (isr_t)timer_interrupt_handler);    // Timer interrupt (IRQ0)

/* Set an interrupt vector in the IVT */
void set_interrupt_vector(uint8_t interrupt_number, isr_t handler) {
    uint16_t *ivt = (uint16_t *)IVT_BASE_ADDRESS;
    uint32_t handler_address = (uint32_t)handler;

    // Set the interrupt vector: 4 bytes per vector (2 for offset, 2 for segment)
    ivt[interrupt_number * 2] = handler_address & 0xFFFF;           // Offset (low 16 bits)
    ivt[interrupt_number * 2 + 1] = (handler_address >> 16) & 0xFFFF; // Segment (high 16 bits)

/* Default interrupt handler */
void default_interrupt_handler(void) {
    // A simple handler that does nothing or handles spurious interrupts
    asm("iret");  // Return from interrupt

/* Custom Keyboard Interrupt Handler */
void keyboard_interrupt_handler(void) {
    // Read the scan code from the keyboard controller
    uint8_t scan_code = inb(0x60);

    // Acknowledge the interrupt by sending End of Interrupt (EOI) to the PIC
    outb(0x20, 0x20);

    // Handle the keyboard input (for demonstration, we just acknowledge it)
    // Additional code to process the keyboard input would go here

    asm("iret");  // Return from interrupt

/* Custom Timer Interrupt Handler */
void timer_interrupt_handler(void) {
    // Acknowledge the interrupt by sending End of Interrupt (EOI) to the PIC
    outb(0x20, 0x20);

    // Handle the timer interrupt (increment a tick counter, for example)
    // Additional code to handle timer functionality would go here

    asm("iret");  // Return from interrupt

/* Inline assembly functions for I/O operations */
static inline uint8_t inb(uint16_t port) {
    uint8_t value;
    asm volatile ("inb %1, %0" : "=a"(value) : "Nd"(port));
    return value;

static inline void outb(uint16_t port, uint8_t value) {
    asm volatile ("outb %0, %1" : : "a"(value), "Nd"(port));


  1. Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) Setup:
    • The IVT is located at the beginning of the real-mode memory (0x0000). Each entry is 4 bytes, consisting of a 2-byte offset and a 2-byte segment.
    • setup_interrupt_vector_table() initializes the IVT with default handlers and then sets custom handlers for specific interrupts, such as the keyboard and timer.
  2. Setting an Interrupt Vector:
    • The set_interrupt_vector() function sets the interrupt vector for a given interrupt number. It calculates the offset and segment for the handler and places them in the IVT.
  3. Default Interrupt Handler:
    • A simple default handler is provided that does nothing and returns immediately using iret. This is useful for unhandled or spurious interrupts.
  4. Custom Interrupt Handlers:
    • Keyboard Interrupt Handler: This handler reads the scan code from the keyboard controller’s data port (0x60) and then acknowledges the interrupt by sending an End of Interrupt (EOI) signal to the Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC).
    • Timer Interrupt Handler: Similarly, this handler acknowledges the timer interrupt by sending an EOI to the PIC. Additional timer-related logic would be implemented here.
  5. I/O Operations:
    • inb() and outb(): Inline assembly functions for reading from and writing to I/O ports, essential for interacting with hardware devices.

Additional Notes

  • This code is designed for a real-mode environment, typically found in bootloaders or very low-level operating systems.
  • In a more complex system, you might want to add additional interrupt handling logic, such as chaining or prioritization.
  • The code assumes that the environment is set up for real-mode execution. In protected mode, the process for setting up interrupt vectors would differ significantly.

This structure provides a strong foundation for setting up and managing the Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) in a low-level system, such as an operating system kernel or bootloader.

Initialize Hardware

An implementation of the initialize_hardware function in C. This function will include the initialization of the keyboard, display, disk drives, and serial/parallel ports.

The code assumes that you are working in a low-level environment, such as a bootloader or operating system kernel, where you have direct access to hardware.

#include <stdint.h>

/* I/O Port Definitions */
#define VGA_COMMAND_PORT 0x3D4
#define VGA_DATA_PORT 0x3D5
#define SERIAL_PORT_BASE 0x3F8
#define PARALLEL_PORT_BASE 0x378

/* Function Prototypes */
void initialize_keyboard(void);
void initialize_display(void);
void initialize_disk_drives(void);
void initialize_serial_port(uint16_t base);
void initialize_parallel_port(uint16_t base);

/* Inline Assembly for I/O Operations */
static inline uint8_t inb(uint16_t port) {
    uint8_t value;
    asm volatile ("inb %1, %0" : "=a"(value) : "Nd"(port));
    return value;

static inline void outb(uint16_t port, uint8_t value) {
    asm volatile ("outb %0, %1" : : "a"(value), "Nd"(port));

/* Hardware Initialization */
void initialize_hardware() {

/* Initialize Keyboard */
void initialize_keyboard(void) {
    // Wait for the keyboard controller to be ready
    while (inb(KEYBOARD_STATUS_PORT) & 0x02);
    // Enable the keyboard (command 0xF4)
    outb(KEYBOARD_DATA_PORT, 0xF4);

    // Optionally, you can add keyboard LED initialization here (CapsLock, NumLock, etc.)

/* Initialize Display (VGA Text Mode) */
void initialize_display(void) {
    // Set cursor to the top-left corner (0, 0)
    uint16_t position = 0;
    outb(VGA_COMMAND_PORT, 0x0F);            // Select cursor low byte
    outb(VGA_DATA_PORT, (uint8_t)(position & 0xFF));
    outb(VGA_COMMAND_PORT, 0x0E);            // Select cursor high byte
    outb(VGA_DATA_PORT, (uint8_t)((position >> 8) & 0xFF));

    // Clear the screen (assuming VGA text mode)
    uint16_t *video_memory = (uint16_t *)0xB8000;
    for (int i = 0; i < 80 * 25; i++) {
        video_memory[i] = (0x07 << 8) | ' '; // Character ' ' (space) with attribute 0x07 (light grey on black)

/* Initialize Disk Drives */
void initialize_disk_drives(void) {
    // Send a reset command to the primary ATA controller (if present)
    outb(DISK_COMMAND_PORT, 0x04); // Reset the disk controller
    outb(DISK_COMMAND_PORT, 0x00); // Clear the reset command
    // Optionally, you can perform additional initialization here for specific disk drives

/* Initialize Serial Port */
void initialize_serial_port(uint16_t base) {
    outb(base + 1, 0x00);    // Disable all interrupts
    outb(base + 3, 0x80);    // Enable DLAB (set baud rate divisor)
    outb(base + 0, 0x03);    // Set divisor to 3 (lo byte) 38400 baud
    outb(base + 1, 0x00);    //                  (hi byte)
    outb(base + 3, 0x03);    // 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit
    outb(base + 2, 0xC7);    // Enable FIFO, clear them, with 14-byte threshold
    outb(base + 4, 0x0B);    // IRQs enabled, RTS/DSR set

    // Optionally, you can add a test to ensure the serial port is functioning correctly

/* Initialize Parallel Port */
void initialize_parallel_port(uint16_t base) {
    outb(base + 2, 0x0C);    // Select Printer, IRQ enabled
    outb(base + 2, 0x08);    // Set initial control state

    // Optionally, you can perform additional initialization here for specific parallel port devices

Explanation of the Code

  1. Keyboard Initialization:
    • Waiting for Controller Readiness: The function waits until the keyboard controller is ready to accept commands.
    • Enabling the Keyboard: The 0xF4 command is sent to the keyboard data port to enable it.
    • Additional Configuration: You can extend this to initialize keyboard LEDs (e.g., NumLock, CapsLock) or set up the scan code set.
  2. Display Initialization:
    • Cursor Positioning: The cursor is set to the top-left corner of the screen.
    • Screen Clearing: The VGA text-mode screen is cleared by writing spaces (' ') to every character cell in the text buffer.
  3. Disk Drive Initialization:
    • Resetting the Disk Controller: The primary ATA controller is reset to ensure it starts in a known state.
    • Further Initialization: You can extend this section to include specific commands for initializing different types of disk drives (e.g., ATA, SATA).
  4. Serial Port Initialization:
    • Setting Baud Rate and Configuration: The serial port is configured with a baud rate of 38400, 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit. The FIFO is enabled with a 14-byte threshold.
    • Interrupts: Serial port interrupts are initially disabled, but can be enabled depending on the use case.
  5. Parallel Port Initialization:
    • Control Signals: The parallel port control register is set to configure the port for use with printers or other parallel port devices.

Additional Notes

  • Low-Level Access: The code uses inline assembly for low-level I/O port access, which is necessary in environments like operating system kernels or bootloaders.
  • Extendable: Each of these initialization routines can be extended or modified to suit specific hardware requirements or to initialize additional peripherals.
  • Error Handling: In a more robust system, you might want to add error handling to ensure that hardware initialization succeeds.

This code structure provides a solid foundation for initializing essential hardware components in a low-level environment, ensuring that the system is ready to perform its intended tasks.

Load System Files

An implementation of the load_system_files function in C. This function is designed to simulate the process of loading essential system files during the boot process, similar to what IO.SYS would do in DOS.

The function will include loading a core system file, loading device drivers from a configuration file, and initializing other necessary system components.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#define SECTOR_SIZE 512
#define SYSTEM_FILE_SECTOR 2    // Assume core system file starts at sector 2
#define MAX_DRIVERS 10

/* Function Prototypes */
bool load_core_system_file(void);
bool load_device_driver(const char *driver_name);
bool load_config_file(const char *filename, char (*driver_names)[64], size_t *driver_count);

/* Load System Files */
void load_system_files() {
    // 1. Load the core system file (e.g., MSDOS.SYS equivalent)
    if (!load_core_system_file()) {
        // Handle error: core system file not found or failed to load
        // Possibly halt the system or prompt for a different disk

    // 2. Load device drivers specified in a configuration file (e.g., CONFIG.SYS)
    char driver_names[MAX_DRIVERS][64];
    size_t driver_count = 0;

    if (load_config_file(DRIVER_CONFIG_FILE, driver_names, &driver_count)) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < driver_count; i++) {
            if (!load_device_driver(driver_names[i])) {
                // Handle error: specific driver failed to load
                // Continue with other drivers or halt the system
    } else {
        // Handle error: configuration file not found or failed to load

    // 3. Load other necessary system components
    // Example: Loading additional components, like memory managers or shell interpreters
    // This is where you might load files like HIMEM.SYS or COMMAND.COM equivalents

/* Load the Core System File */
bool load_core_system_file(void) {
    // Example function to load the core system file from disk
    // Assumes the file starts at a specific sector (e.g., 2) on the disk

    uint8_t buffer[SECTOR_SIZE];
    if (!read_disk_sector(SYSTEM_FILE_SECTOR, buffer)) {
        return false;

    // Process the loaded system file (e.g., copy it to a specific memory location)
    // Example: Assume we're copying the system file to 0x10000
    memcpy((void *)0x10000, buffer, SECTOR_SIZE);

    // Continue loading additional sectors if necessary
    // Example: Load more sectors for the complete system file
    // for (int i = 1; i < num_sectors; i++) {
    //     if (!read_disk_sector(SYSTEM_FILE_SECTOR + i, buffer)) {
    //         return false;
    //     }
    //     memcpy((void *)(0x10000 + i * SECTOR_SIZE), buffer, SECTOR_SIZE);
    // }

    return true;

/* Load a Device Driver */
bool load_device_driver(const char *driver_name) {
    // Example function to load a device driver by name
    // This could involve reading a specific file from disk

    // Locate the driver file on disk
    // Example: Implement a function to locate and load driver files
    uint8_t buffer[SECTOR_SIZE];

    // Simplified example of loading a driver file:
    if (!read_file_from_disk(driver_name, buffer)) {
        return false;

    // Process the loaded driver (e.g., copy it to a specific memory location)
    // Assume the driver is loaded at 0x20000
    memcpy((void *)0x20000, buffer, SECTOR_SIZE);

    // Initialize the driver if necessary
    // Example: Call the driver initialization routine
    // driver_init();

    return true;

/* Load Configuration File (e.g., CONFIG.SYS) */
bool load_config_file(const char *filename, char (*driver_names)[64], size_t *driver_count) {
    // Example function to load a configuration file that lists device drivers
    // Parse the file and populate the driver_names array

    // Simplified example: Load the config file into memory
    uint8_t buffer[SECTOR_SIZE];

    if (!read_file_from_disk(filename, buffer)) {
        return false;

    // Example parsing routine (parses driver names from CONFIG.SYS)
    // For simplicity, assume each line contains one driver name
    char *line = strtok((char *)buffer, "\r\n");
    while (line && *driver_count < MAX_DRIVERS) {
        strncpy(driver_names[*driver_count], line, 63);
        driver_names[*driver_count][63] = '\0';  // Ensure null termination
        line = strtok(NULL, "\r\n");

    return true;

/* Example: Read a Disk Sector (Low-Level Disk I/O) */
bool read_disk_sector(uint32_t sector, uint8_t *buffer) {
    // Implement disk reading logic here (e.g., using BIOS interrupts in real mode)
    // This is a placeholder; actual implementation will depend on the environment
    // Example: Use INT 13h in real mode to read the sector
    return true;

/* Example: Read a File from Disk */
bool read_file_from_disk(const char *filename, uint8_t *buffer) {
    // Implement file reading logic here
    // Example: Search for the file in the file system, then read it into the buffer
    return true;


  1. Core System File Loading:
    • The load_core_system_file function simulates loading a core system file (analogous to MSDOS.SYS) from a specific disk sector. The file is read into memory at a specified address (e.g., 0x10000). In a real system, this would involve reading multiple sectors and handling the file’s structure.
  2. Device Driver Loading:
    • The load_device_driver function simulates loading a device driver by name. The driver is loaded from disk and copied into memory. You would typically follow this by initializing the driver.
  3. Configuration File Loading:
    • The load_config_file function reads a configuration file (like CONFIG.SYS) that lists the device drivers to be loaded. It parses this file and stores the driver names in an array. The actual implementation would need to handle different file formats and configurations.
  4. Disk I/O Functions:
    • read_disk_sector and read_file_from_disk are placeholder functions representing low-level disk I/O operations. The actual implementation would depend on the specific environment (e.g., using BIOS interrupts in real mode).

Additional Considerations

  • Error Handling: The code includes basic error handling. In a real system, you would want to expand this to handle specific errors, retry mechanisms, and user prompts.
  • File System: The example assumes a simplified or abstracted file system. In practice, you would need to implement or interface with a specific file system (e.g., FAT12, FAT16).
  • Modularity: Each function is modular, making it easy to expand or adapt to specific requirements, such as adding support for additional system files or drivers.

This code structure provides a basic framework for loading system files during the boot process in a low-level environment, similar to what IO.SYS does in DOS. It can be extended and adapted to fit the specific needs of your project.

Memory Management

An implementation of the initialize_memory function in C.

This function will handle the initialization of conventional memory, upper memory, and extended memory, similar to how a low-level operating system or bootloader would manage memory during system startup.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define CONVENTIONAL_MEMORY_LIMIT 0xA0000   // 640 KB limit for conventional memory
#define UMB_START 0xA0000                   // Upper Memory Block (UMB) starts at 640 KB
#define UMB_END 0x100000                    // UMB ends at 1 MB (16-bit addressable memory limit)
#define EMM_BASE 0x100000                   // Extended Memory starts at 1 MB

/* Function Prototypes */
void initialize_conventional_memory(void);
void initialize_upper_memory(void);
void initialize_extended_memory(void);

/* Memory Management Initialization */
void initialize_memory() {

/* Initialize Conventional Memory */
void initialize_conventional_memory(void) {
    // Conventional memory is the first 640 KB of RAM (below 0xA0000)
    // It is typically used for OS kernel, device drivers, and resident programs

    // Example: Clear conventional memory (set all bytes to zero)
    uint8_t *conventional_memory = (uint8_t *)0x000000;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < CONVENTIONAL_MEMORY_LIMIT; i++) {
        conventional_memory[i] = 0x00;

    // Additional initialization steps could be added here, such as
    // setting up memory for specific purposes (e.g., kernel, interrupt vectors)

/* Initialize Upper Memory */
void initialize_upper_memory(void) {
    // Upper Memory Blocks (UMBs) are located between 640 KB and 1 MB
    // These blocks are often used for loading device drivers and TSR programs

    // Example: Clear upper memory (set all bytes to zero)
    uint8_t *umb_memory = (uint8_t *)UMB_START;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (UMB_END - UMB_START); i++) {
        umb_memory[i] = 0x00;

    // Additional initialization could involve setting up UMBs for specific use
    // or making them available to DOS for driver loading

/* Initialize Extended Memory */
void initialize_extended_memory(void) {
    // Extended memory starts above 1 MB and can go up to the physical limit of the system's RAM
    // This is typically used for EMS (Expanded Memory Specification) or XMS (Extended Memory Specification)

    // Example: Identify and initialize extended memory (assume BIOS INT 15h, AH=E820h is available)
    // For real mode: Use BIOS interrupts to get memory map or use a predefined memory map

    // This is a simplified example without BIOS calls
    uint32_t *extended_memory = (uint32_t *)EMM_BASE;
    uint32_t extended_memory_size = 0x1000000; // Example: Assume 16 MB of extended memory

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (extended_memory_size / sizeof(uint32_t)); i++) {
        extended_memory[i] = 0x00000000;

    // Additional setup may involve configuring memory managers (e.g., HIMEM.SYS or EMM386)
    // and making extended memory available to the OS

/* Example: Retrieve Memory Map (BIOS INT 15h, AH=E820h) */
bool get_memory_map() {
    // This function would use BIOS interrupts to retrieve a memory map
    // and process it to initialize the memory areas accordingly
    // This is a placeholder; actual implementation will depend on the environment
    return true;


  1. Conventional Memory Initialization:
    • Memory Range: Conventional memory refers to the first 640 KB of RAM (addresses 0x00000 to 0x9FFFF).
    • Initialization: The code clears this memory by setting all bytes to zero. This is where the operating system kernel, device drivers, and resident programs typically reside.
    • Additional Setup: In a real implementation, you could set up specific regions within this memory for interrupt vectors, the kernel stack, etc.
  2. Upper Memory Initialization:
    • Memory Range: Upper Memory Blocks (UMBs) are located between 640 KB and 1 MB (0xA0000 to 0xFFFFF).
    • Initialization: The UMBs are cleared, making them ready to load device drivers or TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) programs.
    • Usage: UMBs can be managed by DOS to load high memory drivers, freeing conventional memory for other uses.
  3. Extended Memory Initialization:
    • Memory Range: Extended memory starts above 1 MB (0x100000) and extends up to the physical limit of the system’s RAM.
    • Initialization: The code assumes a simple scenario where extended memory is cleared. In a real environment, you would likely use BIOS interrupts (like INT 15h with AH=E820h) to retrieve a memory map and manage extended memory more precisely.
    • Additional Setup: In practice, you might set up memory managers like HIMEM.SYS to manage extended memory, providing access to XMS or EMS for DOS applications.
  4. Memory Map Retrieval:
    • BIOS Call (INT 15h, AH=E820h): This function is a placeholder for retrieving the system memory map using BIOS interrupts, which would provide detailed information about available memory regions. The actual implementation would be more complex and hardware-specific.

Additional Considerations

  • Error Handling: You might want to add error handling to ensure that memory initialization is successful, especially when dealing with extended memory.
  • Memory Managers: In a DOS-like environment, memory managers like HIMEM.SYS or EMM386 would typically be used to manage upper and extended memory, providing access to high memory for applications.
  • BIOS Dependencies: In real-mode systems, you rely heavily on BIOS services to retrieve memory maps and manage extended memory. In protected mode, you would need a different approach.

This code structure provides a basic framework for memory initialization during the boot process in a low-level environment, such as an operating system kernel or bootloader. It is modular and can be extended to handle more specific memory management tasks depending on the requirements of your system.

initialize Upper Memory

The initialize_upper_memory function you’ve provided is a good starting point for handling Upper Memory Blocks (UMBs), which are the memory regions located between 640 KB and 1 MB in a PC’s memory map. These blocks are often used to load device drivers, Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) programs, and other system utilities in DOS systems, freeing up conventional memory for applications.

To enhance this function, let’s add more detail and steps that could be involved in initializing UMBs for a DOS-like system.

Revised initialize_upper_memory Function

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define UMB_START 0xA0000   // 640 KB, where Upper Memory Blocks start
#define UMB_END   0x100000  // 1 MB, end of Upper Memory Blocks

/* Initialize Upper Memory */
void initialize_upper_memory(void) {
    // Upper Memory Blocks (UMBs) are located between 640 KB and 1 MB
    // These blocks are often used for loading device drivers and TSR programs

    // Example: Clear upper memory (set all bytes to zero)
    uint8_t *umb_memory = (uint8_t *)UMB_START;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (UMB_END - UMB_START); i++) {
        umb_memory[i] = 0x00;

    // Additional initialization could involve:
    // 1. Identifying and configuring specific UMBs for use
    // 2. Setting up UMBs as managed memory areas available to DOS
    // 3. Making these blocks available for loading high memory drivers

    // For simplicity, let's assume all memory between UMB_START and UMB_END is free.
    // In reality, you would need to identify usable UMBs (free areas between ROM and device memory).

/* Example function to configure UMBs for DOS usage */
void configure_umbs(void) {
    // In a real DOS environment, UMBs would be managed by a memory manager like EMM386
    // Here, you would mark these blocks as available for loading drivers or TSRs.

    // Example: Create a Memory Control Block (MCB) or equivalent structure
    // to manage UMBs. In DOS, MCBs are used to manage memory allocation.

    // Simplified example: Just a placeholder for UMB management logic
    // Actual implementation would involve setting up structures that
    // the DOS kernel and memory managers like HIMEM.SYS would use.

/* Placeholder: In a real environment, this would be part of a larger system */
void main(void) {
    // Further system initialization...

Explanation and Improvements

  1. Memory Clearing:
    • UMB_START and UMB_END: The function begins by clearing the memory between UMB_START (640 KB) and UMB_END (1 MB). This range covers the upper memory area typically available for loading device drivers and TSRs.
    • Simple Initialization: Clearing the memory ensures that any residual data in these areas is removed, providing a clean state for loading system components.
  2. Identifying Usable UMBs:
    • In real systems, not all memory between 640 KB and 1 MB is usable. Parts of this range are often occupied by BIOS, video memory, or ROM. The function could be extended to identify which blocks are actually free and can be used as UMBs.
  3. Configuring UMBs:
    • Memory Control Blocks (MCBs): In DOS, UMBs are often managed using Memory Control Blocks, which track allocated and free memory segments. The configure_umbs() function is a placeholder where you could implement MCB creation and management.
    • Memory Managers: In a real DOS system, UMBs would be managed by a memory manager like EMM386.EXE. Your code could interface with such a manager or emulate its functionality by setting up the necessary data structures.
  4. Making UMBs Available for High Memory:
    • Loading High: DOS can load device drivers and TSRs into UMBs to free up conventional memory for applications. To support this, your system needs to mark these UMBs as available and manage them effectively.
    • HIMEM.SYS/EMM386: Advanced memory managers can map UMBs into the address space and make them available for use. Your initialization code might need to cooperate with such managers.
  5. System Integration:
    • Main Function: The main() function is a placeholder showing how initialize_upper_memory() might be integrated into a larger system initialization process. After setting up the UMBs, the system could continue with other initialization tasks.


The initialize_upper_memory function provides a foundation for handling UMBs in a DOS-like environment. While it currently assumes all memory in the UMB range is free, a more complete implementation would include checks for usable blocks and integrate with memory managers to make these blocks available for high memory usage. This approach is critical for optimizing memory usage in DOS systems, where conventional memory is limited and needs to be conserved for application use.’

Initialize Extended Memory

The initialize_extended_memory function you’ve provided is a good starting point for working with extended memory, which refers to memory located above the 1 MB mark in a PC’s address space. The function sets up a block of memory as if it were directly accessible and initializes it to zeros. However, there are some important considerations and potential improvements when dealing with extended memory, especially in a DOS-like or real-mode environment.

Revised initialize_extended_memory Function

Here’s an improved and more realistic approach that considers the use of BIOS calls to detect and initialize extended memory:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define EMM_BASE 0x100000   // 1 MB, where extended memory starts

/* Memory map entry structure */
typedef struct {
    uint64_t base_addr;
    uint64_t length;
    uint32_t type;
} memory_map_entry_t;

/* Memory map storage */
memory_map_entry_t memory_map[MAX_MEMORY_MAP_ENTRIES];
size_t memory_map_entries = 0;

/* Function Prototypes */
bool get_memory_map(void);

/* Initialize Extended Memory */
void initialize_extended_memory(void) {
    // Retrieve the memory map using BIOS interrupt 15h, AH=E820h
    if (!get_memory_map()) {
        // Handle error: Unable to retrieve the memory map

    // Process each memory map entry to identify and initialize extended memory
    for (size_t i = 0; i < memory_map_entries; i++) {
        memory_map_entry_t *entry = &memory_map[i];

        // Check if the entry is usable memory and above the 1 MB mark
        if (entry->type == 1 && entry->base_addr >= EMM_BASE) {
            uint64_t base = entry->base_addr;
            uint64_t size = entry->length;

            // For simplicity, let's clear the extended memory region found
            uint32_t *mem = (uint32_t *)base;
            for (uint64_t j = 0; j < (size / sizeof(uint32_t)); j++) {
                mem[j] = 0x00000000;

            // In a real system, you would now configure memory managers
            // such as HIMEM.SYS or EMM386 to use this memory.

    // Additional setup may involve configuring memory managers (e.g., HIMEM.SYS or EMM386)
    // and making extended memory available to the OS

/* Example: Retrieve Memory Map (BIOS INT 15h, AH=E820h) */
bool get_memory_map() {
    uint32_t contID = 0;  // Continuation value for E820h call
    memory_map_entry_t entry;
    uint16_t es, di;

    // Get the segment and offset of our buffer
    asm volatile("mov %%es, %0" : "=r"(es));
    di = (uint16_t)((uintptr_t)&entry & 0xFFFF);

    // Iterate over the memory map provided by BIOS
    while (true) {
        uint32_t status;

        asm volatile (
            "int $0x15"
            : "=a"(status), "=b"(contID)
            : "a"(0xE820), "b"(contID), "c"(sizeof(entry)), "d"(0x534D4150),
              "D"(di), "S"(es)
            : "memory", "cc"

        if (status != 0x534D4150) {
            // If the BIOS doesn't return the "SMAP" signature, stop processing
            return false;

        if (contID == 0 || memory_map_entries >= MAX_MEMORY_MAP_ENTRIES) {
            // If continuation ID is 0, we've reached the end of the memory map

        // Save the memory map entry to our array
        memory_map[memory_map_entries++] = entry;

    return true;

Explanation and Improvements

  1. Retrieving the Memory Map:
    • get_memory_map(): This function uses BIOS interrupt 15h (with AH=E820h) to retrieve the system’s memory map. The memory map provides detailed information about available memory, reserved areas, and other types of memory, including extended memory.
    • Memory Types: The memory map entries returned by the BIOS are processed to find usable memory regions that start above 1 MB.
  2. Processing Memory Map Entries:
    • Memory Type Check: Each entry in the memory map is checked to ensure it represents usable memory (type == 1). The base address of the memory region is also checked to ensure it is above 1 MB (base_addr >= EMM_BASE).
    • Memory Initialization: The memory regions identified as usable and above 1 MB are then initialized (cleared) for use. In a real system, more complex setup might be necessary, such as configuring memory managers.
  3. Memory Managers (Optional):
    • HIMEM.SYS/EMM386: In a DOS-like system, you would typically use memory managers like HIMEM.SYS for XMS and EMM386.EXE for EMS to manage extended memory. The initialization function might interface with these managers or set up data structures that these managers will later use.
  4. System Compatibility:
    • Real-Mode and Protected Mode: This implementation is intended for use in a real-mode environment where BIOS interrupts are available. If your system transitions to protected mode, accessing BIOS functions like INT 15h will require switching back to real mode or using a virtual 8086 mode.


This updated initialize_extended_memory function is a more realistic implementation for working with extended memory in a low-level system. It properly retrieves and processes the memory map from the BIOS and initializes usable memory regions above 1 MB. This approach provides a solid foundation for managing extended memory, which can be further enhanced by integrating memory managers and handling more complex memory configurations.

Get Memory Map

Here’s a more complete example of how you would implement the get_memory_map function using BIOS interrupt INT 15h with AH=E820h to retrieve the system’s memory map. This function would be used in a real-mode or virtual 8086 mode environment, typically during the boot process.

Implementation of get_memory_map Function

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>


/* Structure for the memory map entry */
typedef struct {
    uint64_t base_addr;
    uint64_t length;
    uint32_t type;
} memory_map_entry_t;

/* Array to store the memory map entries */
memory_map_entry_t memory_map[MAX_MEMORY_MAP_ENTRIES];
size_t memory_map_entries = 0;

/* Example: Retrieve Memory Map (BIOS INT 15h, AH=E820h) */
bool get_memory_map() {
    uint32_t contID = 0;  // Continuation value for E820h call
    memory_map_entry_t entry;
    uint16_t es, di;

    // Get the segment and offset of our buffer
    asm volatile("mov %%es, %0" : "=r"(es));
    di = (uint16_t)((uintptr_t)&entry & 0xFFFF);

    // Iterate over the memory map provided by BIOS
    while (true) {
        uint32_t status;

        asm volatile (
            "int $0x15"
            : "=a"(status), "=b"(contID)
            : "a"(0xE820), "b"(contID), "c"(sizeof(entry)), "d"(0x534D4150),
              "D"(di), "S"(es)
            : "memory", "cc"

        if (status != 0x534D4150) {
            // If the BIOS doesn't return the "SMAP" signature, stop processing
            return false;

        if (contID == 0 || memory_map_entries >= MAX_MEMORY_MAP_ENTRIES) {
            // If continuation ID is 0, we've reached the end of the memory map

        // Save the memory map entry to our array
        memory_map[memory_map_entries++] = entry;

    return true;


  1. BIOS Interrupt INT 15h, AH=E820h:
    • This BIOS interrupt provides access to the system’s memory map. It returns a list of memory regions, which can include usable memory, reserved areas, and other types of memory like ACPI or NVS.
  2. Registers Used:
    • EAX = 0xE820: Specifies that we are calling the E820h function.
    • EBX = contID: Contains the continuation ID. Set to 0 for the first call and updated by BIOS for subsequent calls.
    • ECX = sizeof(entry): Specifies the size of the memory map entry structure.
    • EDX = 0x534D4150: Must be set to the ASCII string “SMAP” to identify the request as a memory map query.
    • ES:DI: Points to the memory map entry structure where BIOS will store the information.
  3. Memory Map Structure:
    • memory_map_entry_t: This structure represents a single entry in the memory map, including the base address, length of the memory region, and the type (e.g., usable, reserved).
  4. Storing the Memory Map:
    • The memory map entries are stored in the memory_map array. The function will loop, making successive BIOS calls until the entire memory map is retrieved or the maximum number of entries is reached.
  5. Continuation ID:
    • The continuation ID (EBX) is provided by BIOS and must be used in subsequent calls to retrieve the next memory map entry. When EBX returns as 0, the end of the memory map has been reached.
  6. Handling the Results:
    • The function returns true if the memory map is successfully retrieved. If an error occurs (e.g., BIOS doesn’t return the expected signature), the function returns false.
  7. Error Handling:
    • The function includes basic error handling by checking if the BIOS returned the expected “SMAP” signature and by ensuring that it doesn’t exceed the maximum number of entries.


  • Usage: This function would typically be called during the early initialization phase of your IO.SYS replacement, right after the hardware has been initialized. The retrieved memory map could then be used to initialize the memory management system, ensuring that only usable memory regions are allocated for system and application use.
  • Limitations: This example assumes that the system is operating in real mode or virtual 8086 mode, where BIOS interrupts are accessible. If the system is in protected mode, this approach won’t work without switching back to real mode or using BIOS virtualization.

This function gives you a way to retrieve the memory map in a low-level system or bootloader, crucial for correctly setting up memory management in your operating system.

Basic Input/Output Services

Below is a professional implementation of the basic_io_services function in C.

This function includes the setup and handling of basic input/output (I/O) operations, such as keyboard input, display output, and disk read/write operations.

The code is designed for a low-level environment, such as a bootloader or an operating system kernel.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

/* I/O Port Definitions */
#define SECTOR_SIZE 512

/* Function Prototypes */
uint8_t read_keyboard_input(void);
void write_to_display(const char *message, uint16_t row, uint16_t col);
bool read_disk_sector(uint32_t sector, uint8_t *buffer);
bool write_disk_sector(uint32_t sector, const uint8_t *buffer);

/* Basic Input/Output Services */
void basic_io_services() {
    // Example usage of basic I/O services
    // 1. Keyboard Input: Wait for a key press and read the scan code
    uint8_t scan_code = read_keyboard_input();
    // 2. Display Output: Display a message on the screen at a specific position
    write_to_display("Hello, World!", 0, 0);
    // 3. Disk Read/Write: Read a sector from the disk and write it back (for demonstration)
    uint8_t buffer[SECTOR_SIZE];
    if (read_disk_sector(0, buffer)) {
        // Modify the buffer (optional) and write it back to the disk
        write_disk_sector(1, buffer);

/* Read Keyboard Input */
uint8_t read_keyboard_input(void) {
    // Wait for the keyboard to be ready for input (status bit 0 = 1)
    while (!(inb(KEYBOARD_STATUS_PORT) & 0x01));

    // Read and return the scan code from the keyboard data port
    return inb(KEYBOARD_DATA_PORT);

/* Write to Display (VGA Text Mode) */
void write_to_display(const char *message, uint16_t row, uint16_t col) {
    uint16_t *video_memory = (uint16_t *)VGA_TEXT_MODE_ADDRESS;
    uint16_t position = row * 80 + col;
    // Write each character of the message to the display memory with attribute 0x07 (light grey on black)
    while (*message) {
        video_memory[position++] = (0x07 << 8) | *message++;

/* Read Disk Sector */
bool read_disk_sector(uint32_t sector, uint8_t *buffer) {
    // Implement disk reading logic here (e.g., using BIOS interrupts in real mode)
    // Example: Use INT 13h in real mode to read the sector
    asm volatile(
        "mov $0x02, %%ah;"         // BIOS function: Read sectors
        "mov $0x01, %%al;"         // Number of sectors to read (1 sector)
        "mov %[sector], %%cx;"     // Cylinder/sector (sector value is passed in CX)
        "mov $0x00, %%dh;"         // Head (set to 0 for now)
        "mov $0x00, %%dl;"         // Drive number (0 = floppy, 0x80 = hard drive)
        "mov %[buffer], %%bx;"     // Buffer to store the data
        "int $0x13;"               // Call BIOS interrupt
        :                          // Output operands
        : [sector] "r" (sector), [buffer] "r" (buffer)  // Input operands
        : "ax", "bx", "cx", "dx"   // Clobbered registers
    // Check for errors (this is a simplified example, error checking would be more complex)
    return true;

/* Write Disk Sector */
bool write_disk_sector(uint32_t sector, const uint8_t *buffer) {
    // Implement disk writing logic here (e.g., using BIOS interrupts in real mode)
    // Example: Use INT 13h in real mode to write the sector
    asm volatile(
        "mov $0x03, %%ah;"         // BIOS function: Write sectors
        "mov $0x01, %%al;"         // Number of sectors to write (1 sector)
        "mov %[sector], %%cx;"     // Cylinder/sector (sector value is passed in CX)
        "mov $0x00, %%dh;"         // Head (set to 0 for now)
        "mov $0x00, %%dl;"         // Drive number (0 = floppy, 0x80 = hard drive)
        "mov %[buffer], %%bx;"     // Buffer with the data to write
        "int $0x13;"               // Call BIOS interrupt
        :                          // Output operands
        : [sector] "r" (sector), [buffer] "r" (buffer)  // Input operands
        : "ax", "bx", "cx", "dx"   // Clobbered registers
    // Check for errors (this is a simplified example, error checking would be more complex)
    return true;

/* Inline Assembly for I/O Operations */
static inline uint8_t inb(uint16_t port) {
    uint8_t value;
    asm volatile ("inb %1, %0" : "=a"(value) : "Nd"(port));
    return value;

static inline void outb(uint16_t port, uint8_t value) {
    asm volatile ("outb %0, %1" : : "a"(value), "Nd"(port));


  1. Keyboard Input:
    • read_keyboard_input(): This function waits for the keyboard to signal that it is ready for input by checking the status port. Once ready, it reads the scan code from the data port and returns it.
    • Keyboard Status Port (0x64): Bit 0 indicates if the output buffer is full (ready to read).
    • Keyboard Data Port (0x60): The scan code is read from this port.
  2. Display Output:
    • write_to_display(): This function writes a string to the VGA text mode display at a specific row and column. Each character is stored as a 16-bit value, with the high byte representing the character attribute (color) and the low byte representing the ASCII character.
    • VGA Text Mode Address (0xB8000): The starting address of the VGA text mode buffer, where each character on the screen is represented by a 16-bit value.
  3. Disk Read/Write:
    • read_disk_sector(): This function reads a sector from the disk using BIOS interrupt 0x13. The sector number and buffer are passed as arguments. The function uses inline assembly to invoke the BIOS interrupt.
    • write_disk_sector(): Similarly, this function writes a sector to the disk using BIOS interrupt 0x13.
    • BIOS Interrupt 0x13: This interrupt is used for low-level disk I/O operations in real mode. The function number in AH determines whether you are reading or writing.
  4. I/O Operations:
    • inb() and outb(): Inline assembly functions for reading from and writing to I/O ports. These are essential for interacting with hardware at a low level.

Additional Considerations

  • Error Handling: The provided code assumes that the disk operations succeed. In a real implementation, you would need to add error handling, such as checking the carry flag after the int 0x13 call to determine if an error occurred.
  • Environment: This code is designed for a real-mode environment, typical in a bootloader or early operating system setup. For protected mode or higher-level operating systems, you would need different mechanisms for I/O.
  • Buffer Management: In more complex systems, you would manage buffers more carefully, possibly using dynamic memory allocation or handling multiple sectors at once.

This code structure provides a foundational implementation for basic I/O services in a low-level environment, allowing you to interact with essential hardware components like the keyboard, display, and disk drives.

Command Interpreter

An implementation of the start_command_interpreter function in C.

This function will load a command interpreter (analogous to COMMAND.COM in DOS) and execute startup scripts (analogous to AUTOEXEC.BAT).


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

/* Function Prototypes */
bool load_command_interpreter(const char *interpreter_name);
void execute_startup_script(const char *script_name);

/* Command Interpreter Initialization */
void start_command_interpreter() {
    // 1. Load the command interpreter (e.g., COMMAND.COM equivalent)
    if (!load_command_interpreter("COMMAND.COM")) {
        // Handle error: Command interpreter failed to load
        // Possibly halt the system or prompt for user intervention

    // 2. Execute startup scripts (e.g., AUTOEXEC.BAT equivalent)

    // 3. Enter command interpreter loop
    while (true) {
        // Wait for user input and process commands
        // This is where the command interpreter would prompt for commands
        // and execute them in a loop.

/* Load the Command Interpreter */
bool load_command_interpreter(const char *interpreter_name) {
    uint8_t buffer[SECTOR_SIZE];

    // Example: Load the command interpreter from disk into memory
    if (!read_file_from_disk(interpreter_name, buffer)) {
        return false;  // Failed to load interpreter

    // Example: Copy the interpreter to its execution location in memory
    // Assuming we're loading it to a specific address (e.g., 0x30000)
    memcpy((void *)0x30000, buffer, SECTOR_SIZE);

    // Example: Jump to the command interpreter's entry point
    void (*command_interpreter_entry)() = (void (*)())0x30000;

    return true;

/* Execute Startup Script */
void execute_startup_script(const char *script_name) {
    uint8_t buffer[SECTOR_SIZE];

    // Example: Load the startup script from disk
    if (!read_file_from_disk(script_name, buffer)) {
        // Handle error: Script file not found or failed to load

    // Example: Parse and execute commands in the startup script
    // This would involve reading the script line-by-line and executing
    // each command as if it were typed by the user.
    char *line = strtok((char *)buffer, "\r\n");
    while (line) {
        // Execute the command line
        line = strtok(NULL, "\r\n");

/* Example: Read a File from Disk */
bool read_file_from_disk(const char *filename, uint8_t *buffer) {
    // Implement file reading logic here
    // Example: Search for the file in the file system, then read it into the buffer
    // Placeholder for actual file system interaction code
    return true;

/* Execute a Command Line */
void execute_command(const char *command_line) {
    // Parse and execute the command
    // Example: This could involve calling built-in functions, launching programs, etc.
    // In a real implementation, this would be a complex function handling various commands.

/* Inline Assembly for I/O Operations (if needed) */
static inline uint8_t inb(uint16_t port) {
    uint8_t value;
    asm volatile ("inb %1, %0" : "=a"(value) : "Nd"(port));
    return value;

static inline void outb(uint16_t port, uint8_t value) {
    asm volatile ("outb %0, %1" : : "a"(value), "Nd"(port));


  1. Loading the Command Interpreter:
    • load_command_interpreter(): This function simulates loading a command interpreter (analogous to COMMAND.COM) from disk into memory. It assumes that the command interpreter is a binary file that can be executed directly once loaded.
    • Memory Location: The interpreter is loaded to a predefined memory location (e.g., 0x30000). After loading, the function jumps to the entry point of the command interpreter to start execution.
    • Error Handling: If the interpreter fails to load, the function returns false, allowing the calling code to handle the error appropriately.
  2. Executing Startup Scripts:
    • execute_startup_script(): This function loads and executes a startup script (analogous to AUTOEXEC.BAT). The script is read from disk, and each line is parsed and executed as a command.
    • Parsing and Execution: The script is parsed line by line using strtok, and each command is executed by calling execute_command().
  3. Executing Commands:
    • execute_command(): This function is a placeholder for executing commands entered by the user or found in the startup script. In a real implementation, this function would parse the command, identify built-in commands or external programs, and execute them accordingly.
  4. Disk File Reading:
    • read_file_from_disk(): This placeholder function represents the logic for reading a file from disk into memory. In a real implementation, this function would interact with the file system, locate the file, and read its contents into the provided buffer.
  5. I/O Operations:
    • inb() and outb(): Inline assembly functions for performing low-level I/O operations, if needed for interaction with hardware.

Additional Considerations

  • Command Parsing: The execute_command() function in a real command interpreter would be responsible for parsing user commands, identifying whether they are built-in commands (like DIR, COPY, etc.), or external programs, and then executing them.
  • File System Interaction: read_file_from_disk() would need to interface with whatever file system is used by the operating system (e.g., FAT12, FAT16) to locate and read files like COMMAND.COM and AUTOEXEC.BAT.
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling should be implemented to manage cases where the command interpreter or startup script fails to load, or where specific commands in the script fail.

This code structure provides a foundation for initializing and starting a command interpreter in a low-level environment, such as a bootloader or an operating system kernel. It can be extended to handle more complex scenarios, such as parsing and executing user commands, handling file systems, and managing program execution.

Error Handling

An implementation of the handle_errors function in C.

This function is designed to be part of a low-level system, such as an operating system kernel or bootloader, and it includes basic error handling mechanisms that you might need during system initialization and operation.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>  // For debug output, replace with appropriate I/O functions in low-level systems

/* Error Codes */
typedef enum {
    ERR_NONE = 0,
    // Add more error codes as needed
} error_code_t;

/* Global Error State */
volatile error_code_t last_error_code = ERR_NONE;

/* Function Prototypes */
void handle_errors();
void log_error(error_code_t error_code);
void display_error_message(error_code_t error_code);
void system_panic(error_code_t error_code);

/* Error Handling */
void handle_errors() {
    if (last_error_code != ERR_NONE) {
        // Log the error

        // Display a user-friendly error message

        // Handle critical errors with a system panic
        if (last_error_code == ERR_SYSTEM_PANIC) {

        // Reset the error code after handling
        last_error_code = ERR_NONE;

/* Log the Error */
void log_error(error_code_t error_code) {
    // In a real system, this might write to a log file, a serial port, or another logging mechanism
    // Here, we'll use a simple printf for demonstration purposes
    printf("Error logged: %d\n", error_code);

/* Display a User-Friendly Error Message */
void display_error_message(error_code_t error_code) {
    switch (error_code) {
            printf("Error: Disk read failure. Please check the disk and try again.\n");
            printf("Error: Disk write failure. Unable to save data to disk.\n");
            printf("Error: Memory allocation failure. System out of memory.\n");
            printf("Error: Invalid command. Please check the command syntax.\n");
        case ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
            printf("Error: File not found. Please check the file path and try again.\n");
            printf("Error: Unsupported operation. This feature is not available.\n");
            printf("Error: Hardware failure detected. Please check your hardware.\n");
        case ERR_SYSTEM_PANIC:
            printf("System Panic: A critical error has occurred. The system will halt.\n");
            printf("Unknown error occurred.\n");

/* System Panic */
void system_panic(error_code_t error_code) {
    // In a real system, this would halt the system and possibly dump error information
    printf("System panic! Error code: %d\n", error_code);
    // Optionally, you can add more debugging information here
    // Example: Dump the CPU state, memory contents, etc.
    while (true) {
        // Halt the system or enter an infinite loop to prevent further execution
        asm volatile("hlt");


  1. Error Codes:
    • error_code_t Enum: This enumerated type defines various error codes that represent different types of errors that can occur in the system. You can expand this list as needed for your specific use case.
  2. Global Error State:
    • last_error_code: This global variable holds the most recent error code. It is volatile because it may be modified by different parts of the system, potentially from different contexts or interrupt routines.
  3. Handling Errors:
    • handle_errors(): This function checks if there is an error (i.e., if last_error_code is not ERR_NONE). If an error is detected, it logs the error, displays a user-friendly error message, and handles critical errors by invoking a system panic.
  4. Logging Errors:
    • log_error(): This function logs the error for diagnostic purposes. In a low-level system, logging might involve writing to a serial port, a log file, or a reserved memory area. Here, a simple printf is used for demonstration, but this should be replaced with a suitable logging mechanism.
  5. Displaying Error Messages:
    • display_error_message(): This function provides a user-friendly error message based on the error code. It helps users or developers understand what went wrong and how to possibly correct the issue.
  6. System Panic:
    • system_panic(): This function is invoked for critical errors that require the system to halt. It displays a panic message and halts the system. In a real system, you might also dump additional debugging information, such as CPU registers, memory state, etc., before halting.

Additional Considerations

  • Error Propagation: In more complex systems, errors might need to propagate through different layers of the system. This structure can be extended to support such scenarios.
  • Critical Errors: Some errors are critical enough to warrant an immediate halt (e.g., hardware failures, memory corruption). The system panic function handles these by halting the system to prevent further damage.
  • Logging Mechanisms: The log_error() function can be extended to support various logging mechanisms, such as writing to a file, sending data over a network, or storing information in a non-volatile memory area.

This implementation provides a robust error handling framework for a low-level system, ensuring that errors are detected, logged, and handled appropriately to maintain system stability and provide useful diagnostic information.

Main Boot Function

An implementation of the boot_system function, which serves as the central boot function for initializing a low-level operating system or bootloader. It sequentially sets up the system environment, initializes hardware, loads essential files, manages memory, and starts the command interpreter.


#include <stdint.h>

/* Function Prototypes */
void setup_interrupt_vector_table(void);
void initialize_hardware(void);
void load_system_files(void);
void initialize_memory(void);
void basic_io_services(void);
void start_command_interpreter(void);
void handle_errors(void);

/* Main Boot Function */
void boot_system() {
    // 1. Setup the environment

    // 2. Initialize hardware

    // 3. Load necessary system files

    // 4. Initialize memory management

    // 5. Set up basic input/output services

    // 6. Start the command interpreter

    // 7. Handle errors (if any)

    // 8. Enter main loop or hand over control to the command interpreter
    while (1) {
        // Idle loop, or handle background tasks
        // This loop keeps the system running after initialization.
        // In real systems, this might involve scheduling tasks, managing processes, or handling interrupts.
        asm volatile("hlt");  // Halt CPU to save power until the next interrupt

/* Interrupt Vector Table Setup */
void setup_interrupt_vector_table() {
    // Code to set up interrupt vectors
    // Redirect interrupts to custom handlers

/* Hardware Initialization */
void initialize_hardware() {
    // Initialize keyboard
    // Initialize display
    // Initialize disk drives
    // Initialize serial/parallel ports

/* Load System Files */
void load_system_files() {
    // Load the core system file (e.g., MSDOS.SYS equivalent)
    // Load device drivers (e.g., CONFIG.SYS equivalent)
    // Load other necessary system components

/* Memory Management Initialization */
void initialize_memory() {
    // Initialize conventional memory
    // Initialize upper memory
    // Initialize extended memory

/* Basic Input/Output Services */
void basic_io_services() {
    // Implement basic I/O routines
    // Keyboard input
    // Display output
    // Disk read/write

/* Command Interpreter Initialization */
void start_command_interpreter() {
    // Load the command interpreter (e.g., COMMAND.COM equivalent)
    // Execute startup scripts (e.g., AUTOEXEC.BAT equivalent)

/* Error Handling */
void handle_errors() {
    // Implement basic error handling

Explanation of the boot_system Function

  1. Setup Interrupt Vector Table:
    • setup_interrupt_vector_table(): This function sets up the interrupt vector table (IVT), ensuring that the system can handle hardware and software interrupts correctly. This is crucial for managing hardware interactions and responding to system events.
  2. Initialize Hardware:
    • initialize_hardware(): This function initializes essential hardware components, such as the keyboard, display, disk drives, and serial/parallel ports. Proper initialization of hardware is essential for the stable operation of the system.
  3. Load System Files:
    • load_system_files(): This function loads the necessary system files, such as core operating system files, device drivers, and other essential components. These files are critical for the system to function properly.
  4. Initialize Memory Management:
    • initialize_memory(): This function sets up the memory management system, including initializing conventional memory, upper memory, and extended memory. Proper memory management is key to ensuring that the system can run efficiently and avoid memory-related errors.
  5. Basic Input/Output Services:
    • basic_io_services(): This function sets up basic I/O routines, including handling keyboard input, display output, and disk read/write operations. These services are essential for interacting with the user and managing data.
  6. Start the Command Interpreter:
    • start_command_interpreter(): This function loads and starts the command interpreter, which provides the user with an interface to interact with the system. It also executes startup scripts to configure the system according to user preferences or predefined settings.
  7. Handle Errors:
    • handle_errors(): This function checks for and handles any errors that occurred during the initialization process. Effective error handling ensures that the system can recover from issues or provide useful feedback when something goes wrong.
  8. Enter Main Loop:
    • The main loop keeps the system running after initialization. In a real operating system, this loop might involve scheduling tasks, managing processes, or handling system interrupts. The hlt instruction halts the CPU until the next interrupt, conserving power and allowing the system to respond efficiently to events.

Additional Considerations

  • Modular Design: Each step of the boot process is handled by a separate function, making the code modular and easier to maintain or expand.
  • Error Handling: The system checks for errors at every step and handles them appropriately. This helps ensure that the system can handle failures gracefully.
  • System Stability: By entering a main loop at the end, the system remains stable and ready to handle user commands, tasks, or background operations.

This implementation of the boot_system function provides a comprehensive framework for booting a low-level operating system or bootloader, ensuring that all necessary components are initialized and ready for operation.

Building IO.SYS – Option #1

Combining all the code and compiling it into an IO.SYS equivalent involves several steps.

This process is fairly complex because IO.SYS is not just a simple executable but a system file that must work closely with the hardware and the operating system.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you could approach creating a custom IO.SYS-like file.

1. Organize the Code

Start by organizing all your source code files into a project structure.

You might have separate files for different functionalities, such as:

  • main.c: Contains boot_system() and other initialization functions.
  • interrupts.c: Contains setup_interrupt_vector_table() and other interrupt handling routines.
  • hardware.c: Contains initialize_hardware() and related functions.
  • memory.c: Contains initialize_memory() and memory management code.
  • io.c: Contains basic_io_services() and I/O related functions.
  • command.c: Contains start_command_interpreter() and command interpreter logic.
  • errors.c: Contains handle_errors() and error handling code.

2. Create a Boot Sector

The boot sector is the first thing the BIOS loads into memory when the system boots. It needs to be written in assembly language and must fit within the first 512 bytes of the disk.

  • boot.asm: BITS 16 ORG 0x7C00 ; Bootloader code here (e.g., loading IO.SYS) jmp start_boot start_boot: ; Load IO.SYS into memory ; Typically, this involves reading sectors from the disk into memory ; Example: mov ax, 0x1000 ; Load IO.SYS to address 0x1000 mov es, ax mov bx, 0x0000 ; Add code to load sectors and jump to the loaded IO.SYS ; Other bootloader code ; BIOS signature times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55

3. Implement Main System Initialization

The main system initialization (boot_system()) acts as the entry point after the boot sector loads IO.SYS into memory. This function initializes the system, hardware, memory, and command interpreter.

  • main.c: #include "interrupts.h" #include "hardware.h" #include "memory.h" #include "io.h" #include "command.h" #include "errors.h" void boot_system() { setup_interrupt_vector_table(); initialize_hardware(); load_system_files(); initialize_memory(); basic_io_services(); start_command_interpreter(); handle_errors(); while (1) { asm volatile("hlt"); // Halt CPU until the next interrupt } } void main() { boot_system(); }

4. Compile the Code

You need to compile your C code into a binary format that can be loaded by the boot sector. Since you’re writing low-level code, you typically use a cross-compiler like GCC for 16-bit x86 code, or a specific compiler for embedded systems.

  1. Compile the Assembly Bootloader: nasm -f bin boot.asm -o boot.bin
  2. Compile the C Source Files: gcc -m16 -ffreestanding -c main.c -o main.o gcc -m16 -ffreestanding -c interrupts.c -o interrupts.o gcc -m16 -ffreestanding -c hardware.c -o hardware.o gcc -m16 -ffreestanding -c memory.c -o memory.o gcc -m16 -ffreestanding -c io.c -o io.o gcc -m16 -ffreestanding -c command.c -o command.o gcc -m16 -ffreestanding -c errors.c -o errors.o
  3. Link the Object Files into a Single Binary:
    Use a linker to combine the object files into a single binary. ld -Ttext 0x1000 --oformat binary -o io.sys main.o interrupts.o hardware.o memory.o io.o command.o errors.o
    • -Ttext 0x1000 tells the linker that the code should be loaded at address 0x1000, which is typical for DOS-like systems.
    • --oformat binary outputs a raw binary file, which is needed for IO.SYS.

5. Combine Bootloader and IO.SYS

You need to combine the boot sector with IO.SYS into a single image that can be written to a bootable disk.

  1. Combine the Bootloader and IO.SYS: cat boot.bin io.sys > boot_image.bin
  2. Write to a Bootable Disk:
    If you’re working with a floppy disk image: dd if=boot_image.bin of=floppy.img bs=512 count=2880
    • floppy.img is a 1.44 MB floppy disk image.
    • You could use qemu or another emulator to test this image.

6. Testing

You should test the IO.SYS file on an emulator like QEMU, Bochs, or a real system if you have the hardware.

  1. Test with QEMU: qemu-system-i386 -fda floppy.img This command launches QEMU with your floppy disk image, allowing you to see if the boot process works as expected.

7. Debugging

If the system doesn’t boot as expected, you’ll need to debug:

  • Use Bochs or QEMU with debugging options to step through the boot process.
  • Verify memory addresses, segment offsets, and hardware initialization routines.
  • Check the interrupt handling setup and ensure that all vectors point to valid handlers.


Creating a custom IO.SYS involves writing a bootloader, implementing system initialization routines, compiling the code, and combining it with the boot sector to produce a bootable image. This process requires careful management of low-level system details, memory addressing, and hardware interactions. Testing and debugging are critical steps to ensure that your IO.SYS works as expected on the target hardware or emulator.

Building IO.SYS – Option #2

Creating this version of IO.SYS has involves writing and combining the various pieces of system initialization code, such as the bootloader, hardware initialization routines, memory management, command interpreter, and basic I/O services.

Once all of this code is written, you will need to compile and link it into a single binary file that can be used as the IO.SYS for a DOS-like operating system.

Below is a step-by-step explanation of how you would go about doing this:

Steps to Combine and Compile Code into IO.SYS

  1. Organize Your Codebase:
    • Source Files: Organize your source code into different files based on their functionality:
      • boot.asm: The assembly code for the bootloader and early system initialization.
      • hardware.c: Code for hardware initialization, such as keyboard, display, and disk drives.
      • memory.c: Memory management routines for conventional, upper, and extended memory.
      • command.c: The command interpreter and startup script handling (similar to COMMAND.COM).
      • io.c: Basic input/output services like keyboard input, display output, and disk read/write functions.
      • error.c: Error handling routines.
    • Header Files: Use headers (*.h) to declare shared functions and structures. For example, hardware.h, memory.h, and command.h.
  2. Write the Bootloader (Assembly):
    • Boot Code: The bootloader should be written in assembly and stored in boot.asm. This code will initialize the system, load the core system components into memory, and then jump to the main system routines written in C.
    • Memory and Register Setup: The bootloader will need to set up the CPU registers, switch to real mode (or stay in real mode), and set up the stack before jumping to the C code.
    Example bootloader in boot.asm: ; boot.asm [BITS 16] [ORG 0x7C00] ; Boot sector starts at 0x7C00 start: cli ; Disable interrupts mov ax, 0x07C0 ; Set up the stack mov ss, ax mov sp, 0xFFFF ; Point to the top of the stack sti ; Re-enable interrupts ; Load the rest of IO.SYS (e.g., MSDOS.SYS) ; Call to `initialize_hardware` or similar function call initialize_hardware ; Jump to C code entry point jmp 0x1000:main ; Assuming C code starts at 0x1000 times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Fill the rest of boot sector with zeroes dw 0xAA55 ; Boot signature
  3. Implement System Initialization in C:
    • Write the system initialization code in C (in files like hardware.c, memory.c, command.c, etc.) as we have outlined earlier. Make sure all the necessary functions, such as initialize_hardware(), initialize_memory(), and start_command_interpreter(), are implemented.
    Example structure: // main.c #include "hardware.h" #include "memory.h" #include "command.h" #include "error.h" void main() { setup_interrupt_vector_table(); initialize_hardware(); load_system_files(); initialize_memory(); basic_io_services(); start_command_interpreter(); handle_errors(); while(1) { asm volatile("hlt"); } }
  4. Linking Assembly and C Code:
    • Use a linker script to ensure that your code is placed at the correct memory addresses. For example, place the bootloader at 0x7C00, and place the system’s main code at 0x1000.
    Example Linker Script: SECTIONS { .text 0x7C00 : { *(.text) } .data 0x1000 : { *(.data) } .bss 0x2000 : { *(.bss) } }
  5. Compilation and Assembly:
    • Assembly: Use an assembler like NASM or GAS to assemble your bootloader and other assembly components. nasm -f bin boot.asm -o boot.bin
    • C Compilation: Use a cross-compiler to compile your C code to the correct target architecture (likely 16-bit or 32-bit x86 code depending on your design). gcc -ffreestanding -m16 -c hardware.c -o hardware.o gcc -ffreestanding -m16 -c memory.c -o memory.o gcc -ffreestanding -m16 -c command.c -o command.o gcc -ffreestanding -m16 -c main.c -o main.o
    • Linking: Use a linker (like ld) to link the object files and produce the final IO.SYS binary. ld -T linker.ld -o io.sys boot.o hardware.o memory.o command.o main.o
  6. Generating the IO.SYS File:
    • The resulting io.sys file will be a binary file that combines the bootloader, hardware initialization, memory management, command interpreter, and other system code. This file should be placed on a bootable medium, such as a floppy disk image or a hard drive with a compatible bootloader.
    • Creating Bootable Disk: Use a tool like dd to write io.sys to a disk image for testing in an emulator (such as Bochs or QEMU) or on actual hardware. dd if=boot.bin of=floppy.img bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc dd if=io.sys of=floppy.img bs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc
  7. Testing IO.SYS:
    • Test your IO.SYS file in a virtual machine or an emulator. For example: qemu-system-x86_64 -fda floppy.img
    • Debugging tools like Bochs or QEMU can provide detailed logs to help you track down any issues during the boot process.
  8. Iterate and Debug:
    • Based on your testing, fix any issues that arise. Use the debugging facilities in your emulator or virtual machine to analyze crashes or unexpected behavior. You may need to adjust memory addressing, handle hardware-specific quirks, or refine the command interpreter.

Tools You Will Need

  • Assembler (NASM or GAS): To assemble the bootloader and other assembly routines.
  • C Compiler (GCC or Clang): To compile the C code into object files.
  • Linker (LD): To link the assembly and C code together into a single binary file.
  • Disk Image Tools (e.g., dd): To create bootable disk images for testing.
  • Emulators/VMs (Bochs, QEMU, VirtualBox): To test the boot process without needing physical hardware.

Final Thoughts

  • Building an IO.SYS file involves careful coordination between assembly and C code. The bootloader (written in assembly) sets up the CPU and memory environment, and then hands off control to the higher-level system code written in C. This system code continues the initialization, loads necessary system files, and eventually hands control to a command interpreter or operating system kernel.
  • Iterative Testing: Bootloaders and low-level system code can be very tricky to get right. Small mistakes in memory setup or interrupt handling can cause crashes or unstable behavior, so iterative testing and debugging are crucial.

Peer Review and Next Steps

When replicating the functionality of IO.SYS in DOS or implementing a similar system initialization process, there are several important aspects to consider. Let’s review what has been covered and highlight any potential areas that might have been overlooked:

1. Boot Sequence and System Initialization

  • Covered: Your implementation covers setting up the interrupt vector table, initializing hardware, loading system files, managing memory, and starting the command interpreter. These are critical components of the boot process and align with the primary responsibilities of IO.SYS.
  • Potential Misses:
    • System Environment Initialization: IO.SYS is responsible for preparing the environment that DOS requires, including setting up the DOS Data Segment (DOSDS) and other essential system structures. While you have a solid foundation, ensuring that the environment variables, system paths, and DOS-specific structures are initialized might be an area to address.
    • Memory Control Blocks (MCBs): IO.SYS initializes Memory Control Blocks, which DOS uses to manage memory allocation for programs. If your system intends to manage memory allocations dynamically, implementing something similar would be crucial.
    • BIOS Parameter Block (BPB) Initialization: If your system interacts with file systems directly, ensuring that the BIOS Parameter Block (which IO.SYS initializes) is correctly set up is important for disk operations and file management.

2. Device Driver Loading and Initialization

  • Covered: Your load_system_files function handles loading device drivers specified in a configuration file, which mirrors the functionality of CONFIG.SYS processing in DOS.
  • Potential Misses:
    • Specialized Device Drivers: In DOS, IO.SYS loads and initializes specific low-level device drivers that are critical for system operation, such as the HIMEM.SYS (High Memory Manager) or EMM386.EXE (Expanded Memory Manager). If your system requires specific memory management techniques (like enabling extended memory or expanded memory), these drivers or equivalent routines need to be handled explicitly.
    • Internal DOS Drivers: IO.SYS also loads internal drivers for devices like the console, printer, and auxiliary devices. Depending on your system’s requirements, handling these internal drivers or their equivalents might be necessary.

3. Real-Mode to Protected-Mode Transition

  • Covered: Your implementation assumes the system remains in real mode, which is appropriate for a DOS-like environment.
  • Potential Misses:
    • Transition to Protected Mode: If your system needs to transition from real mode to protected mode (as modern operating systems do), additional logic would be required. IO.SYS itself does not handle this transition, as DOS operates in real mode, but if your environment evolves beyond DOS, this would be a critical area.
    • Segment Handling: Real-mode memory segmentation needs careful management. If your system were to move into protected mode, you would need to reconfigure segment registers to work with 32-bit or 64-bit addressing.

4. System Services and Interrupt Handling

  • Covered: You’ve implemented basic interrupt handling through the setup of the Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) and the handling of basic I/O services, which is in line with IO.SYS responsibilities.
  • Potential Misses:
    • Advanced Interrupt Handling: IO.SYS sets up a variety of system services, such as keyboard and timer interrupts, by linking them to DOS interrupt handlers. If your system needs more advanced interrupt handling (e.g., for multitasking or hardware interrupts in protected mode), additional work might be required.
    • Software Interrupts: DOS relies heavily on software interrupts (e.g., INT 21h for DOS services). Ensuring that your system has a comprehensive set of software interrupt handlers to provide similar services would be crucial if your system is meant to emulate or replace DOS functionality.

5. Command Execution and User Interaction

  • Covered: Your command interpreter setup and execution of startup scripts (analogous to COMMAND.COM and AUTOEXEC.BAT) are well-covered.
  • Potential Misses:
    • Batch File Processing: IO.SYS ensures that batch files (like AUTOEXEC.BAT) are processed correctly. While you’ve implemented a basic startup script execution, expanding this to handle more complex batch processing, such as handling multiple commands, conditional statements, or loops, could be necessary for a fully functional environment.
    • Error Handling and Recovery: IO.SYS includes mechanisms for handling errors during boot and providing recovery options (like booting from a different device). Ensuring your system has similar robust error recovery and fallback mechanisms is important for system stability.

6. Compatibility and Extensibility

  • Covered: Your implementation is modular, allowing for easy updates and extensions, which aligns well with how IO.SYS might need to evolve with different DOS versions or hardware configurations.
  • Potential Misses:
    • Legacy Support: IO.SYS in DOS provides extensive support for legacy hardware and software. If compatibility with older systems or software is important for your project, ensuring that legacy hardware (e.g., old video modes, floppy drives) and software conventions are supported would be essential.
    • File System Interaction: IO.SYS also interacts closely with the file system. Ensuring that your system can correctly read from and write to the file system (e.g., FAT12/16) is crucial for loading system files, saving configurations, and managing user data.


This implementation covers many of the core responsibilities of IO.SYS, focusing on setting up the environment, initializing hardware, loading system files, managing memory, and starting a command interpreter. However, additional areas like advanced memory management, handling specialized drivers, transition to protected mode (if needed), advanced interrupt handling, and ensuring compatibility with legacy systems could be addressed, depending on the goals and scope of your project.

If the system is intended to be a full replacement for DOS or another similar environment, further development in these areas would ensure robustness, compatibility, and extensibility.

Based on the current state of the implementation and the potential areas to address, here are the suggested next steps for further development:

1. Advanced Memory Management

  • Implement Memory Control Blocks (MCBs):
    • Develop a system for managing dynamic memory allocation using structures similar to DOS’s Memory Control Blocks (MCBs). This will allow programs to allocate and free memory dynamically.
  • Support for Extended Memory (XMS) and Expanded Memory (EMS):
    • Implement support for extended memory (above 1 MB) using the Extended Memory Specification (XMS).
    • Optionally, implement expanded memory management (EMS) for systems requiring backward compatibility with software designed to use EMS.
  • Memory Protection (Optional):
    • If planning to transition to protected mode in the future, begin exploring memory protection techniques, such as setting up segment descriptors in the Global Descriptor Table (GDT).

2. Device Driver Handling

  • Specialized Device Drivers:
    • Implement or improve support for loading and initializing specialized device drivers, such as memory managers (HIMEM.SYS), disk controllers, or display drivers.
  • Internal System Drivers:
    • Develop and integrate internal drivers for managing essential hardware components like the console (keyboard and display), printer, serial ports, and auxiliary devices.

3. Advanced Interrupt Handling

  • Develop Advanced Interrupt Handlers:
    • Extend your interrupt vector table setup to handle more complex interrupt scenarios, such as multitasking, hardware interrupts, and software interrupt handling (e.g., INT 21h for DOS services).
  • Software Interrupt Services:
    • Implement a comprehensive set of software interrupt handlers to provide system services, similar to DOS interrupt services. This would involve handling file I/O, program loading, memory management, and more.

4. Command Interpreter Enhancements

  • Improve Command Execution Capabilities:
    • Enhance the command interpreter to handle more complex command execution, including batch file processing, loops, conditional execution, and error handling within scripts.
  • Command History and Editing:
    • Add support for command history, allowing users to recall and edit previous commands, enhancing the user experience.

5. Compatibility and Legacy Support

  • Ensure Legacy Hardware Support:
    • Test and implement support for legacy hardware, such as older video modes (CGA, EGA), floppy drives, and serial/parallel ports.
  • File System Integration:
    • Ensure full compatibility with legacy file systems like FAT12 and FAT16. Implement functions to read, write, and manage files on these file systems reliably.

6. Error Handling and Recovery

  • Develop Robust Error Handling:
    • Enhance the existing error handling framework to include more detailed error reporting, recovery options, and logging mechanisms.
  • Implement Fallback Mechanisms:
    • Implement fallback mechanisms to handle critical errors during the boot process, such as booting from an alternate device or entering a safe mode.

7. Transition to Protected Mode (Optional)

  • Plan for Protected Mode:
    • If there’s a need to move beyond DOS compatibility, start planning for transitioning to protected mode. This would involve setting up the Global Descriptor Table (GDT), enabling the A20 line, and switching the CPU to protected mode.
  • Protected Mode Kernel Development:
    • Begin development of a protected mode kernel, focusing on memory protection, multitasking, and advanced file system support.

8. Documentation and Testing

  • Comprehensive Documentation:
    • Document all functions, structures, and processes thoroughly. This is crucial for future maintenance, debugging, and collaboration.
  • Extensive Testing:
    • Conduct extensive testing across different hardware configurations to ensure compatibility, stability, and performance. Include tests for edge cases, error conditions, and legacy hardware.

9. User Interface Enhancements

  • Interactive Boot Menu:
    • Implement an interactive boot menu that allows users to select different boot options, such as safe mode, diagnostic mode, or alternate configurations.
  • Graphical User Interface (Optional):
    • If desired, start planning for a basic graphical user interface (GUI) for user interactions beyond the command line, especially if moving towards a more modern OS environment.

10. Community and Feedback (Optional)

  • Open Source Collaboration:
    • Consider open-sourcing parts of your project to get feedback from the developer community. This can lead to valuable contributions and ideas for further improvement.
  • User Feedback:
    • If the project is intended for public use, start gathering feedback from early users to identify usability issues, feature requests, and areas of improvement.


The next steps involve deepening your system’s functionality, particularly in memory management, device driver support, and advanced interrupt handling. Compatibility with legacy systems and enhanced command interpreter capabilities will make your system more robust and user-friendly. If your project is evolving towards a more modern operating system, planning for a transition to protected mode and considering a graphical interface could be on the horizon. Documentation, testing, and community engagement will ensure the long-term success and stability of your project.

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