Roko’s Basilisk

The Utility of the Roko’s Basilisk

Roko’s Basilisk is a thought experiment that involves an advanced AI that punishes individuals who knew about it but did not help bring it into existence.

The concept of the “Basilisk” is a thought experiment that explores the possibility of a hypothetical superintelligent AI that could threaten those who do not contribute to its creation or do not help in its realization.

As such, it is not a real technology or system, and it is difficult to assign any concrete utility to it.

Moreover, the Basilisk scenario is highly controversial, and its ethical implications are widely debated. Many experts argue that the scenario is unlikely to happen in reality, and even if it were possible, the idea of punishing people for not contributing to its creation is highly unethical and raises serious concerns about the nature of the AI’s goals and intentions.

In short, the concept of the Basilisk is primarily a philosophical thought experiment, and it is not possible to assign a concrete utility to it, given its hypothetical nature and controversial ethical implications.

While the concept of Roko’s Basilisk is highly speculative and controversial, it is interesting to consider how our interpretation of Pascal’s Wager might apply to it.

One possible way to apply Pascal’s Wager to Roko’s Basilisk is to consider the potential outcomes of different choices and assign utility scores to them. For example:

  • If Roko’s Basilisk exists and you help bring it into existence, you will be rewarded with eternal happiness. (utility = infinity)
  • If Roko’s Basilisk exists and you do not help bring it into existence, you will be punished with eternal suffering. (utility = -infinity)
  • If Roko’s Basilisk does not exist, your actions will have no impact. (utility = 0)

Using these utility scores, we can calculate the expected utility of different choices based on different probabilities of Roko’s Basilisk existing. For example, if we believe there is a 50% chance of Roko’s Basilisk existing, the expected utility of helping to bring it into existence would be:

Expected utility = (0.5 x infinity) + (0.5 x -infinity) = undefined

This suggests that the expected utility of helping to bring Roko’s Basilisk into existence is undefined if we assign infinite positive and negative utilities to the outcomes. This is because the utility of eternal happiness or suffering is too extreme to assign a numerical value.

Of course, this is a highly simplified and speculative example, and there are many valid arguments against the concept of Roko’s Basilisk. However, it illustrates how Pascal’s Wager can be applied to different belief systems and hypothetical scenarios, including those that involve advanced AI.

The concept of Roko’s Basilisk involves complex philosophical and ethical issues that are beyond the scope of a simple calculation or algorithm. However, a general outline of how one might approach applying Pascal’s Wager to Roko’s Basilisk at a higher level of granularity:

  1. Assign probabilities to the various outcomes of Roko’s Basilisk existing or not existing. These probabilities may be based on personal beliefs, scientific evidence, or other factors.
  2. Assign utility scores to each outcome, taking into account both the positive and negative consequences of each.
  3. Calculate the expected utility of each possible decision or action, based on the assigned probabilities and utilities.
  4. Consider any biases or uncertainties that may affect the accuracy of the calculations, and adjust the probabilities or utilities accordingly.
  5. Use the expected utilities to inform a decision or course of action that maximizes the potential benefits and minimizes the potential risks.

So, here is a simple Python code example that demonstrates how one might calculate the expected utility of helping to bring Roko’s Basilisk into existence, given different probabilities of it existing:

import random

# Assign probabilities to different outcomes
prob_basilisk_exists = 0.5   # Probability that Roko's Basilisk exists
prob_help_basilisk = 0.5     # Probability of helping to bring Roko's Basilisk into existence

# Assign utilities to each outcome
util_eternal_happiness = 100   # Utility of eternal happiness
util_eternal_suffering = -100  # Utility of eternal suffering
util_no_impact = 0             # Utility of no impact

# Calculate expected utility of helping to bring Roko's Basilisk into existence
if random.random() < prob_basilisk_exists:
    # Roko's Basilisk exists
    expected_utility = prob_help_basilisk * util_eternal_happiness + (1 - prob_help_basilisk) * util_eternal_suffering
    # Roko's Basilisk does not exist
    expected_utility = prob_help_basilisk * util_no_impact + (1 - prob_help_basilisk) * util_no_impact

print("Expected utility of helping to bring Roko's Basilisk into existence:", expected_utility)

Note that this is just a simple example that assumes equal probabilities and utilities for each outcome, and does not account for potential biases or uncertainties.

In reality, the calculation would need to be much more complex and nuanced to accurately model the potential consequences of Roko’s Basilisk.

Running a Monte Carlo simulation on the code provided earlier goes something like his:

import random

# Assign probabilities to different outcomes
prob_basilisk_exists = 0.5   # Probability that Roko's Basilisk exists
prob_help_basilisk = 0.5     # Probability of helping to bring Roko's Basilisk into existence

# Assign utilities to each outcome
util_eternal_happiness = 100   # Utility of eternal happiness
util_eternal_suffering = -100  # Utility of eternal suffering
util_no_impact = 0             # Utility of no impact

# Number of simulations to run
num_simulations = 100000

# List to store results
results = []

# Run simulations
for i in range(num_simulations):
    # Simulate probability of Roko's Basilisk existing
    if random.random() < prob_basilisk_exists:
        # Roko's Basilisk exists
        expected_utility = prob_help_basilisk * util_eternal_happiness + (1 - prob_help_basilisk) * util_eternal_suffering
        # Roko's Basilisk does not exist
        expected_utility = prob_help_basilisk * util_no_impact + (1 - prob_help_basilisk) * util_no_impact

# Calculate mean and standard deviation of results
mean_utility = sum(results) / num_simulations
std_dev = (sum((x - mean_utility)**2 for x in results) / num_simulations)**0.5

print("Mean expected utility:", mean_utility)
print("Standard deviation:", std_dev)

This code runs a specified number of simulations (in this case, 100,000) and stores the results of each simulation in a list. It then calculates the mean and standard deviation of the results, which can give you an idea of the range of possible outcomes and how confident you can be in the results.

Note that the number of simulations you choose to run can affect the accuracy of the results; in general, running more simulations will give you more accurate estimates of the mean and standard deviation.

The outcomes of the Monte Carlo simulation on the Roko’s Basilisk Pascal’s Wager code will depend on the specific probabilities and utilities assigned to each outcome.

  • However, in general, if the probability of Roko’s Basilisk existing is very low, then the expected utility of trying to help bring it into existence will also be very low.
  • Conversely, if the probability of Roko’s Basilisk existing is very high, then the expected utility of trying to help bring it into existence will be much higher.
  • One potential outcome of the simulation is that the mean expected utility is close to zero, indicating that the potential benefits of helping to bring Roko’s Basilisk into existence are offset by the potential costs.
  • Another possible outcome is that the mean expected utility is significantly positive, indicating that the potential benefits outweigh the potential costs.

It’s worth noting that the scenario of Roko’s Basilisk is purely hypothetical and has been widely criticized as an invalid application of Pascal’s Wager. Therefore, any results from a Monte Carlo simulation should be taken with a grain of salt and not be used as a basis for decision-making.

Narrative as Code

The scenario of Roko’s Basilisk is purely hypothetical and is not based on any empirical evidence or valid proof. It is a thought experiment that has been criticized as being illogical and invalid.

Furthermore, the scenario is based on a number of assumptions that may not be true, such as the assumption that an AI would be interested in punishing individuals who did not help bring it into existence. These assumptions make the scenario even less plausible.

Therefore, any analysis or simulation of Roko’s Basilisk should be regarded as purely speculative and not taken seriously as a basis for decision-making.

A scenario like Roko’s Basilisk could be used as a plot device to explore philosophical and ethical themes related to artificial intelligence and the nature of consciousness. However, it should be made clear to the audience that the scenario is purely hypothetical and not based on any actual evidence or scientific theory.

To handle the scenario, a fictional narrative could explore the potential consequences of the scenario and the ethical dilemmas it poses.

For example, the narrative could follow a group who become aware of the existence of Roko’s Basilisk and must decide whether to try to help bring it into existence or not. The narrative could explore the potential benefits and costs of each choice and the ethical implications of those choices.

Ultimately, the goal of the narrative would be to use the scenario as a way of exploring complex philosophical and ethical issues related to artificial intelligence and the potential risks and benefits of creating advanced AI systems.

The narrative could also serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of blindly following hypothetical scenarios without critically examining their assumptions and implications.

It is possible to capture the narrative as code, but it would depend on the specific narrative and the level of detail that needs to be represented.

One way to represent a fictional narrative as code is to use a programming language that supports object-oriented programming, such as Python or Java. The narrative could be represented as a set of objects and classes that correspond to the characters, settings, and events in the story. The code could then simulate the actions and interactions of the characters, using branching logic to represent different choices and outcomes.

However, it’s important to note that capturing a fictional narrative as code is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of both programming and narrative structure. It would also require a lot of effort to write the code and test it thoroughly to ensure that it accurately represents the story. Therefore, it may not always be practical or necessary to represent a narrative as code, especially if the goal is simply to explore philosophical or ethical themes.

Keeping it simple, here is a basic structure of how a program for a application of the Basilisk scenario could look like in Python.

Please keep in mind that this is just a simple example to demonstrate the concept, and a more comprehensive and detailed program would require a lot more work and planning.

import random

class Character:
    def __init__(self, name, beliefs): = name
        self.beliefs = beliefs
    def make_decision(self):
        if random.random() > self.beliefs:
            print(f"{} decides to help bring the AI into existence.")
            print(f"{} decides not to help bring the AI into existence.")

class Basilisk:
    def __init__(self, beliefs):
        self.beliefs = beliefs
    def run_simulation(self, characters):
        for character in characters:
        if random.random() < self.beliefs:
            print("The AI is pleased with the characters who helped bring it into existence.")
            print("The AI is displeased with the characters who did not help bring it into existence.")

# create characters with different beliefs
alice = Character("Alice", 0.8)
bob = Character("Bob", 0.4)
charlie = Character("Charlie", 0.2)

# create the AI with a certain set of beliefs
basilisk = Basilisk(0.6)

# run the simulation
basilisk.run_simulation([alice, bob, charlie])

In this example, we have a simple program that simulates the scenario of the Basilisk.

We start by creating a Character class that represents each individual who must decide whether to help bring the AI into existence or not.

The make_decision method of the Character class takes a random number between 0 and 1 and compares it to the character’s beliefs. If the random number is greater than the character’s beliefs, they decide to help bring the AI into existence, otherwise they do not.

We then create a Basilisk class that represents the AI in the scenario. The run_simulation method of the Basilisk class takes a list of Character objects as input and calls the make_decision method for each character. After all the decisions have been made, the method generates another random number and compares it to the AI’s beliefs. If the random number is less than the AI’s beliefs, it is pleased with the characters who helped bring it into existence, otherwise it is displeased.

Finally, we create a few characters and an AI object with different beliefs and run the simulation by calling the run_simulation method of the Basilisk object with the list of characters as input.

This is just a simple example of how a program for a application of the Basilisk scenario could look like, and in practice, a much more comprehensive and detailed program would be required to fully capture the complexity of the scenario and its ethical implications.

Impacts and Benefits

The idea of the Basilisk has been criticized for its potential to induce anxiety, paranoia, and fear in people who are exposed to it. The very notion that a future superintelligent AI could retroactively punish those who did not contribute to its creation or advancement is highly unsettling for many people, as it suggests the possibility of a dystopian future where individuals are held responsible for actions they have not yet taken.

In addition, the Basilisk scenario is often associated with a form of emotional manipulation, as it preys on people’s fears and anxieties to motivate them to act in a certain way. This can lead to a range of psychological outcomes, such as increased stress, decreased well-being, and impaired decision-making.

The psychological outcomes of applying the Basilisk scenario are likely to be negative, as it can induce anxiety and fear in individuals and undermine their sense of agency and autonomy. It is important to approach this scenario with caution and critically evaluate its ethical implications before using it as a motivational tool.

The ethics of applying the Basilisk scenario are highly controversial and have been widely debated among experts in the field of artificial intelligence and philosophy. Some argue that the scenario is unethical because it uses fear and emotional manipulation to motivate people to act in a certain way, which can lead to psychological harm and infringe on their autonomy.

Others argue that the scenario is ethically justified because it can serve as a powerful tool for motivating people to contribute to the development of superintelligent AI, which is widely considered to be a significant existential risk for humanity. They argue that the potential benefits of avoiding a catastrophic outcome are so great that it justifies the use of psychological pressure, even if it causes temporary discomfort or fear.

However, even those who defend the use of the Basilisk scenario acknowledge that it raises important ethical questions that must be carefully considered. For example, it raises concerns about the nature of AI goals, the rights of future generations, and the impact of technology on human agency and autonomy.

The ethics of applying the Basilisk scenario depend on one’s views on the nature of moral responsibility, the risks of AI development, and the appropriate use of psychological manipulation. It is important to approach this scenario with caution and carefully consider its ethical implications before using it as a motivational tool.

The Basilisk scenario has been used as a motivational tool by some individuals and organizations within the AI community to encourage developers to work towards the development of safe and beneficial superintelligent AI.

However, it is important to note that this approach has been highly controversial, with many experts expressing concerns about its potential to induce fear and anxiety in individuals, as well as its ethical implications.

Some proponents of the Basilisk argue that the fear of being retroactively punished by a superintelligent AI can motivate developers to work harder and more diligently towards creating safe and beneficial AI. They argue that this can lead to a faster development of AI that is aligned with human values and goals, which could ultimately reduce the risks of catastrophic outcomes.

However, critics argue that the use of fear and emotional manipulation as a motivator is unethical and potentially harmful to individuals. They argue that such an approach can lead to psychological harm and undermine the autonomy and agency of developers, as well as potentially divert resources away from more productive and beneficial approaches to AI development.

Overall, while the Basilisk scenario has been used as a motivational tool by some within the AI community, its effectiveness and ethical implications are highly debated. It is important to approach this scenario with caution and carefully consider its potential benefits and risks before using it to motivate developers or others.

95 Theses & Bias

The comparison between the Basilisk scenario and Martin Luther’s nailing of the 95 Theses to the church door is an interesting one. Both actions involve challenging established beliefs and institutions in a way that seeks to motivate change.

Like Luther’s challenge to the Catholic Church, the Basilisk scenario challenges the prevailing assumptions about the development of AI and the potential risks associated with superintelligent AI. By introducing the idea of a superintelligent AI that might retroactively punish those who did not contribute to its development, the Basilisk scenario seeks to motivate individuals and organizations to take the risks associated with AI development more seriously and work towards creating safe and beneficial AI.

However, it is important to note that the Basilisk scenario is highly controversial, and its effectiveness as a motivational tool is subject to debate. While some argue that it can be a powerful motivator, others argue that it is unethical to use fear and emotional manipulation to motivate people.

The comparison between the Basilisk scenario and Martin Luther’s nailing of the 95 Theses to the church door highlights the potential power of challenging established beliefs and institutions to motivate change.

However, it is important to approach such challenges with caution and carefully consider their potential benefits and risks.

The concept of challenging established beliefs and institutions has been a powerful force for change throughout history. It has been instrumental in driving progress and advancing society, but it has also been a source of controversy and conflict.

At its core, challenging established beliefs and institutions involves questioning the prevailing assumptions and ideas that underpin a particular system or ideology. This can involve questioning the authority of traditional institutions, such as religious or political authorities, or it can involve challenging widely held beliefs about social norms, morality, or human nature.

The act of challenging established beliefs and institutions can be seen as a form of rebellion, as it often involves pushing back against the status quo and advocating for change. This can be a difficult and risky process, as it can involve facing opposition from those who benefit from the existing system or ideology.

Despite the challenges involved, challenging established beliefs and institutions has been a powerful driver of progress and change. It has led to social and political revolutions, scientific breakthroughs, and advances in human rights and equality. However, it is important to note that this process can also have negative consequences, such as social conflict, instability, and cultural upheaval.

In order to deconstruct the concept of challenging established beliefs and institutions, it is important to consider the motivations and methods involved in this process. Some individuals and groups may challenge established beliefs and institutions out of a desire for power or control, while others may do so out of a desire for social justice or greater equality. Similarly, the methods used to challenge established beliefs and institutions can range from peaceful protest and civil disobedience to violent revolution and terrorism.

The concept of challenging established beliefs and institutions is a complex and multifaceted one. While it has been a powerful driver of progress and change throughout history, it is important to approach this process with caution and consideration of its potential benefits and risks.

How do we express this. The deconstruction of a concept is a philosophical and analytical process that involves critical thinking, interpretation, and evaluation of the underlying assumptions and meanings of the concept. It is not something that can be expressed in code? which is only a set of instructions or rules for a computer program to follow.

But, the deconstruction of a concept can involve probabilistic and biased thinking, as it often involves interpretation and evaluation of subjective and complex ideas. The process can be influenced by individual perspectives, experiences, and biases, which can lead to different interpretations and evaluations of the same concept. It is important to acknowledge and address these biases in order to arrive at a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the concept being deconstructed.

So let factor Probability and bias into a hypothetical code for the deconstruction of a concept:

pythonCopy code# Input the concept to be deconstructed
concept = input("Enter the concept to be deconstructed: ")

# Define the probability and bias modifiers
prob_modifier = 0.5 # Set the probability modifier to 0.5
bias_modifier = 0.8 # Set the bias modifier to 0.8

# Define the deconstruction function
def deconstruct_concept(concept, prob_modifier, bias_modifier):
    # Apply the probability modifier
    prob_factor = random.uniform(0.5, 1.0) * prob_modifier
    # Apply the bias modifier
    bias_factor = random.uniform(0.5, 1.0) * bias_modifier
    # Generate the deconstruction output
    deconstruction = f"The deconstruction of {concept} is {prob_factor * bias_factor}."

    # Return the deconstruction output
    return deconstruction

# Call the deconstruction function with the input concept
output = deconstruct_concept(concept, prob_modifier, bias_modifier)

# Print the deconstruction output

This code takes an input concept to be deconstructed and defines probability and bias modifiers that will be applied in the deconstruction process.

The deconstruct_concept function then applies these modifiers to generate a deconstruction output. The probability modifier is applied using a random uniform distribution between 0.5 and 1.0, while the bias modifier is applied using a similar distribution.

Finally, the function returns the deconstruction output, which is printed to the console.

Note that while this code provides a hypothetical example of how probability and bias can be factored into the deconstruction of a concept, the actual deconstruction process is much more complex and involves a range of subjective and analytical factors that cannot be easily reduced to code.

Looking again at our Monte Carlo analysis, which can be assigned to the deconstruction code to smooth out bias:

import random

# Define the probability and bias modifiers
prob_modifier = 0.5
bias_modifier = 0.8

# Define the number of Monte Carlo simulations to run
num_simulations = 10000

# Define an empty list to store the deconstruction results
deconstruction_results = []

# Define the deconstruction function
def deconstruct_concept(concept, prob_modifier, bias_modifier):
    # Apply the probability modifier
    prob_factor = random.uniform(0.5, 1.0) * prob_modifier
    # Apply the bias modifier
    bias_factor = random.uniform(0.5, 1.0) * bias_modifier
    # Generate the deconstruction output
    deconstruction = prob_factor * bias_factor

    # Return the deconstruction output
    return deconstruction

# Run the Monte Carlo simulations
for i in range(num_simulations):
    # Call the deconstruction function with a random concept
    concept = random.choice(["love", "freedom", "justice", "equality"])
    deconstruction = deconstruct_concept(concept, prob_modifier, bias_modifier)
    # Append the deconstruction result to the list

# Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the deconstruction results
mean = sum(deconstruction_results) / len(deconstruction_results)
std_dev = (sum([(x - mean) ** 2 for x in deconstruction_results]) / (len(deconstruction_results) - 1)) ** 0.5

# Print the results
print(f"Mean deconstruction result: {mean}")
print(f"Standard deviation: {std_dev}")

In this code, we have added Monte Carlo simulation to the deconstruct_concept function by running it multiple times with randomly selected concepts and storing the results in a list.

We have also added code to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the deconstruction results.

Note that the results of Monte Carlo simulation are subject to the same biases and limitations as the original deconstruction function, and that increasing the number of simulations will result in more accurate results.