
Wilhelm Reich was an Austrian psychoanalyst and physician who lived from 1897 to 1957. He is best known for his theories about the relationship between human psychology and sexuality, as well as his work on the concept of orgone energy.

Reich began his career as a student of Sigmund Freud, and he developed his own theories about psychology and human behavior while working as a psychoanalyst in Vienna. He believed that psychological problems were often caused by repressed sexual impulses and that the key to healing these problems was to help individuals release these impulses in a healthy and constructive way.

Later in his career, Reich became interested in the concept of orgone energy, which he believed was a cosmic energy that pervades the universe and is responsible for all forms of life. He developed various tools and techniques for harnessing and manipulating this energy, including the orgone accumulator, a device that he claimed could improve physical and mental health by increasing the body’s exposure to orgone energy.

Reich’s work was controversial during his lifetime, and he was eventually exiled from the scientific community due to his unorthodox theories and practices.

Nevertheless, his ideas have continued to influence various fields, including psychology, philosophy, and alternative medicine.


Wilhelm Reich’s theories and ideas have influenced a wide range of fields, including psychology, philosophy, and alternative medicine. Some of the individuals who have been influenced by Reich’s work include:

  1. Alexander Lowen – An American psychotherapist, Lowen was a student of Reich and went on to develop his own form of therapy called bioenergetics, which is based on Reich’s theories about the relationship between the body and the mind.
  2. Carl Rogers – An influential psychologist, Rogers was interested in Reich’s ideas about the importance of the therapeutic relationship and the role of the therapist in promoting healing and personal growth.
  3. Herbert Marcuse – A philosopher and sociologist, Marcuse was influenced by Reich’s ideas about the relationship between sexuality and society, particularly his critique of the “repressive desublimation” of sexual desire in modern culture.
  4. David Deida – An American author and teacher, Deida has incorporated Reich’s ideas about sexual energy and the body-mind connection into his teachings on spirituality and personal growth.
  5. Dr. Joseph Mercola – A controversial figure in the field of alternative medicine, Mercola has been influenced by Reich’s theories about the importance of energy flow in the body and has promoted the use of orgone energy devices in his practice.

Wilhelm Reich’s ideas have had a significant impact on a wide range of fields and continue to be explored and debated today.