List RPG

This blog provides a barebones generic Fantasy RPG that uses as simple journey to destination structure that is built using lists.

The intent is for the GM to either to quickly pre-plan the adventure end to end, or roll for / select options during the games session. The game mechanics are left to the GM to decide, based on the available materials (Dice, Card, Pencil and Paper), time, preferences, player and their experience..

GM Materials

The general structure for a role-playing game (RPG) adventure module goes something like this:

  1. Introduction: Start with an overview of the adventure module. Briefly describe the setting, the primary goal, and the challenges that the players will face. Provide any necessary background information to help the players understand the situation.
  2. Background: Provide additional information on the setting, including any important factions, locations, or NPCs (non-player characters) that will play a role in the adventure. This section should also include any relevant rules or mechanics that will come into play during the adventure.
  3. Objectives: Outline the main objectives of the adventure. This might include retrieving an important item, defeating a powerful enemy, or discovering a hidden location. Be sure to provide clear and concise instructions on what the players need to do to achieve their goals.
  4. Encounters: Break the adventure down into a series of encounters, each of which presents a challenge for the players to overcome. This might include combat encounters, puzzles to solve, or social interactions with NPCs. Each encounter should be designed to advance the story and help the players achieve their objectives.
  5. Rewards: Provide appropriate rewards for the players as they progress through the adventure. This might include treasure, experience points, or other benefits that will help the players advance their characters.
  6. Conclusion: Wrap up the adventure with a satisfying conclusion. This might involve defeating a final boss, achieving the primary objective, or discovering a surprising twist in the story. Be sure to tie up any loose ends and provide closure for the players.
  7. Appendices: Include any additional resources or information that the players may find helpful. This might include maps, character sheets, or additional background information on the setting or NPCs.

The structure is just a general guide, and you can modify it to fit the needs of your specific adventure.


Enter the Game

Welcome to the world of [insert your RPG name here]! In this game, you will take on the role of a character who will embark on a grand adventure in a fantastical world filled with danger and wonder.

You will create your character by choosing their class, and abilities, and then guide them through a series of challenges and quests as they gain experience, level up, and become more powerful.

The game will be guided by a Game Master (GM) who will narrate the story, control the non-player characters, and facilitate with their chosen game mechanics. Together, you and the GM will create a collaborative story filled with excitement, suspense, and unexpected twists and turns.

Whether you choose to be a noble knight, a crafty rogue, a powerful wizard, or any other type of character, the fate of the world is in your hands. Are you ready to embark on an epic journey of adventure and heroism?

The game begins now!


Set the Background

Here are s list of common fantasy RPG background settings. Pick one or combine two for a different experience.

  1. Medieval Kingdom: A classic setting with knights, castles, and lords ruling over the realm.
  2. Dark Fantasy: A bleak and grim setting with horrors lurking around every corner and moral ambiguity at every turn.
  3. High Fantasy: A world filled with magic and wonder, where ancient artifacts and powerful beings shape the course of history.
  4. Steampunk: A world where magic and technology blend together to create a unique and inventive society.
  5. Gothic Horror: A setting of dark castles, haunted forests, and twisted creatures of the night.
  6. Mythic Greece: A world inspired by the mythology of ancient Greece, filled with gods, heroes, and epic quests.
  7. Pirate Adventure: A world of high seas and swashbuckling adventure, where players can captain their own ship and seek out treasure.
  8. Wild West: A fantasy setting inspired by the American Old West, with magic and monsters adding a supernatural twist to the genre.
  9. Post Apocalypse: A futuristic world where society has collapses, advanced technology has failed and artificial intelligence has changed the very nature of society.
  10. Arabian Nights: A world inspired by the tales of the Thousand and One Nights, filled with genies, flying carpets, and epic adventures in the desert.


Set the Objective

The player characters are adventurers or heroes, they need to be motivated with meaningful and challenging objectives to start their journey. Here’s a list of objectives or adventure hooks. Combining two or more may make their journey and destination much more interesting.

  1. Rescue Mission: The players are tasked with rescuing someone who has been captured or kidnapped by an enemy or hostile force.
  2. Retrieve an Artifact: The players must recover a valuable and powerful artifact that has been lost, stolen, or hidden away.
  3. Escort Mission: The players are tasked with escorting an important NPC or valuable cargo across a dangerous or treacherous landscape.
  4. Investigate a Mystery: The players must investigate a mystery or solve a puzzle, such as a murder or disappearance, to uncover the truth behind a strange occurrence.
  5. Stop a Threat: The players must stop a dangerous threat, such as a bandit gang, a monster terrorizing a village, or a mad scientist conducting dangerous experiments.
  6. Clear a Dungeon: The players must clear a dungeon or other location of monsters, traps, and obstacles to claim a valuable reward or uncover a hidden secret.
  7. Deliver a Message: The players are tasked with delivering an important message or package to a far-off location, facing danger and obstacles along the way.
  8. Retrieve a Person: The players must locate and retrieve a specific person who has gone missing, such as a lost child, a runaway spouse, or an important witness.
  9. Investigate a Curse: The players must investigate a curse or supernatural phenomenon that is plaguing a town or region, discovering the source and finding a way to lift it.
  10. Help an Ally: The players must help an ally or friend who is in trouble, such as aiding a wounded soldier, saving a family member, or rescuing a mentor.
  11. Discover a Lost City: The players must discover a lost city, ruin, or other ancient location that is rumoured to hold great power or treasure.
  12. Stop a Conspiracy: The players must uncover and stop a conspiracy or plot that threatens to disrupt the balance of power or plunge the world into chaos.

Note: You can adjust the quest hooks to fit the setting and theme of your adventure. Also, you can add more quest hooks or modify them as you see fit.

Non-Player Characters

The adventurers will meet and interact with the GM’s Non-Player characters. Here’s a List of typical NPCs to start off with:

  1. Grizzled Veteran: An experienced warrior or adventurer who has seen their fair share of battles and is willing to share their knowledge and expertise with the players.
  2. Shady Merchant: A merchant or trader who deals in illegal or forbidden goods and services, such as drugs, stolen items, or smuggling.
  3. Wise Elder: An elderly person who possesses great wisdom and knowledge, and can offer guidance or advice to the players.
  4. Arrogant Noble: A wealthy and entitled noble who looks down on those beneath them and expects to be treated with respect and deference.
  5. Skilled Artisan: An artisan or craftsman who possesses great skill and talent in their trade, and may be able to create or repair valuable items for the players.
  6. Ambitious Politician: A politician or public figure who is driven by ambition and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, including manipulating and betraying others.
  7. Devoted Priest: A religious figure who is devoted to their faith and may offer spiritual guidance or healing to the players.
  8. Mysterious Stranger: A mysterious and enigmatic figure who seems to know more than they are letting on, and may be either an ally or an enemy.
  9. Jovial Entertainer: An entertainer or performer who is skilled at entertaining crowds and lifting people’s spirits, and may offer distraction or respite from the stresses of adventuring.
  10. Cunning Thief: A skilled thief or rogue who is adept at stealing, sneaking, and avoiding detection, and may be able to offer valuable skills or services to the players.
  11. Nervous Scholar: A scholar or academic who possesses great knowledge and expertise in a specific field, but may be nervous or anxious in social situations.
  12. Stubborn Farmer: A farmer or rural worker who is hardworking and stubborn, but may have valuable knowledge of the local terrain and natural resources.

You can adjust the NPCs to fit the setting and theme of your adventure. Also, you can add more NPCs or modify them as you see fit.

Encounters & Events

No journey is without event in this world, here’s a list of random encounter list for a journey through the land:

  1. Ambush – The players are ambushed by bandits, wild animals, or hostile creatures.
  2. Natural Obstacle – The players encounter a natural obstacle such as a river, ravine, or rocky outcropping that must be navigated.
  3. Mysterious Structure – The players stumble upon a mysterious structure such as an ancient ruin, abandoned fortress, or strange monument.
  4. Weather Event – The players encounter a weather event such as a blizzard, sandstorm, or torrential downpour that hampers their progress.
  5. Lost Traveler – The players encounter a lost traveler who may provide valuable information or ask for assistance.
  6. Roadblock – The players come across a roadblock such as a fallen tree, landslide, or collapsed bridge that must be cleared.
  7. Non-Hostile Encounter – The players encounter a non-hostile creature such as a herd of grazing animals, a friendly traveler, or a group of hunters.
  8. Hidden Cache – The players discover a hidden cache of supplies, weapons, or treasure.
  9. Dangerous Terrain – The players must navigate dangerous terrain such as a steep cliff, treacherous mountain pass, or unstable bog.
  10. Strange Phenomenon – The players encounter a strange phenomenon such as a glowing fog, eerie silence, or mysterious aura.
  11. Quest Hook – The players encounter an NPC who provides a quest or mission that will lead them to their next destination.
  12. Random Thoughts – Make on up from the first thing that comes to mind.

You can adjust the encounters to fit the setting and theme of your adventure. Also, you can add more encounters or modify them as you see fit. It is best to use the journey as an opportunity to build skills, and promote team work with low level challenges, rather than seek to annihilate them before they reach their destination.

Found Objects

Culture and people come and go and loose or leave thing in the world. Here’s a list of objects that could be provided to the adventurers at the beginning, or found on the journey:

  1. A rusty sword or other weapon, left behind by a long-dead warrior.
  2. A discarded backpack or other piece of equipment, lost by a previous adventurer.
  3. A strange rock or crystal, with mystical properties that could be harnessed for magical spells.
  4. A pile of bones or a skeleton, perhaps the remains of a creature or adventurer who met a gruesome end.
  5. A hidden cache of treasure, buried or secreted away by a previous adventurer or bandit.
  6. A well-preserved ancient artifact, unearthed by erosion or shifting terrain.
  7. A cluster of mushrooms or other edible plants, providing a much-needed source of food in the wilderness.
  8. A mysterious stone circle or other ancient monument, whose purpose or significance has been lost to time.
  9. A discarded map or parchment, perhaps revealing the location of a hidden treasure or secret dungeon.
  10. A broken piece of machinery or other advanced technology, left behind by an advanced civilization.
  11. A small stream or pool, offering a refreshing drink or the chance to catch fish for food.
  12. A gnarled and ancient tree, whose bark or wood may have mystical properties or offer shelter from the elements.

Note: You can adjust the objects to fit the setting and theme of your adventure. Also, you can add more objects or modify them as you see fit.

Food and Drink

Your adventurers need to eat every day to keep their strength and moral up. Here is list of food and drink that you could buy, cook (or steal):

  1. Hardtack and Water: A staple ration for long journeys, consisting of dry, hard bread and water.
  2. Roasted Meat and Ale: A hearty meal of roasted meat and a mug of ale, perfect for a night around the campfire.
  3. Fresh Fruits and Juices: A refreshing and healthy option, providing natural sugars and vitamins.
  4. Stale Bread and Sour Wine: A less-than-ideal meal, consisting of dry, stale bread and a sour wine.
  5. Spicy Stew and Cider: A warming meal, consisting of a hearty stew spiced with herbs and a mug of cider.
  6. Cheese and Mead: A simple but satisfying meal, consisting of cheese and a mug of mead, a honey-based alcoholic drink.
  7. Bland Porridge and Water: A basic meal of bland porridge and water, providing sustenance without much flavor.
  8. Fresh Fish and Wine: A delicious and healthy option, consisting of freshly caught fish and a glass of wine.
  9. Savory Pie and Ale: A filling and flavorful option, consisting of a savory meat pie and a mug of ale.
  10. Sweet Pastries and Tea: A sweet and indulgent option, consisting of pastries filled with fruits or sweet cream and a cup of tea.
  11. Smoked Meat and Whiskey: A hearty and flavorful option, consisting of smoked meat and a glass of whiskey.
  12. Exotic Spices and Herbal Tea: An unusual and flavorful option, consisting of exotic spices and an herbal tea infusion.

Note: You can adjust the food and drink options to fit the setting and theme of your adventure. Also, you can add more options or modify them as you see fit.

Foraging and Game

If the adventurers can’t buy food, or have run out on your journey, then they are going to have to find or hunt for it. Here a list for foraging and game items:

  1. Berries: A patch of wild berries, providing a sweet and nutritious snack.
  2. Rabbits: A small game animal, providing a source of meat and fur.
  3. Nuts: A grove of nut trees, providing a rich and flavorful snack.
  4. Squirrels: A small game animal, providing a source of meat and fur.
  5. Mushrooms: A cluster of edible mushrooms, providing a savory and nutritious addition to meals.
  6. Pheasants: A game bird, providing a source of meat and feathers.
  7. Wild Greens: A patch of edible greens, providing a healthy addition to meals.
  8. Deer: A large game animal, providing a source of meat and hides.
  9. Fish: A stream or pond teeming with fish, providing a source of protein.
  10. Wild Boar: A large game animal, providing a source of meat and tusks.
  11. Roots: A patch of edible roots, providing a starchy and filling addition to meals.
  12. Wolves: A predator, providing a source of danger and excitement for skilled hunters.

Note: You can adjust the foraging and game options to fit the setting and theme of your adventure. Also, you can add more options or modify them as you see fit. The GM can take the opportunity to further challenge the adventurers with poisons and a dangerous animal encounters.

Random Events

The adventurers journey may be long (and boring), so here’s a few random events that the GM could use in the game to spice up the journey. Combining two or more events may lead to more difficult challenges:

  1. Natural Disaster: A natural disaster such as a tornado, earthquake, or flood occurs.
  2. Encounter with a Rival: The party encounters a rival group or individual, who may be friendly or hostile.
  3. Discovery: The party discovers a new location, item, or information that could be useful to their goals.
  4. Traps or Obstacles: The party encounters a trap or obstacle that they must overcome to continue on their journey.
  5. Theft: The party’s supplies or equipment are stolen or misplaced, requiring them to find or replace them.
  6. Assistance from Strangers: The party receives assistance from strangers, who may offer food, shelter, or useful information.
  7. Betrayal: One of the party members is betrayed by a trusted ally, resulting in a difficult situation.
  8. Magical Effect: A magical effect occurs in the area, potentially causing unexpected consequences.
  9. Illness or Injury: One or more party members become ill or injured, requiring medical attention or rest.
  10. Mysterious Happening: Something strange or mysterious occurs, potentially leading to a new quest or adventure.
  11. Enemy Attack: The party is attacked by an enemy or group of enemies, requiring them to defend themselves.
  12. Beneficial Event: The party experiences a positive or beneficial event, such as finding a cache of treasure or a powerful magical item.

Note: You can adjust the events to fit the setting and theme of your adventure, and you can add more options or modify them as you see fit. Additionally, the GM could include more specific details or options for each event to add more depth and complexity to the random events.

Weird Encounters

As a adventurers descending deeper into the fantasy world, somethings make not make any sense. Here’s a list of weird encounters to unsettle the adventurers:

  1. A group of goblins are seen performing a play about a giant cheese wheel that fell from the sky and destroyed their village.
  2. The party comes across a lone tree with a face carved into the trunk. It greets the party and offers them some of its fruit.
  3. The sound of a beautiful voice leads the party to a clearing, where they find a tree growing upside down. The tree is singing a beautiful song.
  4. A group of chickens are walking down the road wearing boots and hats. They do not appear to be scared of the party.
  5. The party sees a man riding a giant snail. He introduces himself as the king of the snails and invites the party to his castle.
  6. A group of squirrels are seen performing a ritual dance around a pile of acorns. They invite the party to join in the dance.
  7. A talking deer asks the party to help him find his missing antlers, which were stolen by a mischievous group of goblins.
  8. A group of small, humanoid creatures with mushrooms growing out of their heads approach the party. They offer the party a feast of strange, delicious mushrooms.
  9. A giant frog wearing a crown and carrying a scepter hops up to the party and demands that they kneel before him.
  10. The party sees a group of creatures that look like walking, talking cabbages. They are having a heated argument about who is the best dancer.
  11. The party comes across a field of flowers that all have eyes. They follow the party’s movements with their gazes.
  12. The party sees a group of creatures made entirely out of water. They are singing a hauntingly beautiful song.
  13. A man with a fish head introduces himself as the king of the river. He invites the party to his underwater palace.
  14. The party sees a group of creatures made entirely out of fire. They dance and flicker in the wind.
  15. A friendly ghost offers to lead the party through a dangerous area. It warns them that it can only stay in this realm for a short time.
  16. The party sees a group of creatures made entirely out of ice. They slide and glide across the landscape, leaving trails of frost in their wake.
  17. The party comes across a strange, twisted tree with a door in its trunk. The door opens and a gnome invites the party in for tea.
  18. The party sees a group of creatures made entirely out of sand. They shimmer and sparkle in the sunlight.
  19. A giant rabbit with a pocket watch hops by the party. It is late for an important date and is too busy to talk.
  20. The party comes across a group of sentient trees that are having a heated debate about the merits of different types of sunlight.

Note: As with any table of this sort, you can modify the encounters to suit your game world and your players’ preferences. Additionally, you can add more detail to each encounter and use them as the basis for larger adventures or sub-quests.

Sinister Events

As the journey progresses, strange thing may happen and sinister events unfold. Here’s a list of sinister events that may threaten the adventurers and test their resolve:

  1. A thick fog rolls in, obscuring visibility and causing strange noises to echo through the area.
  2. The party comes across a group of people wearing masks and performing a bizarre ritual around a fire.
  3. A sudden earthquake shakes the ground, causing cracks to form and revealing strange, otherworldly creatures.
  4. A twisted, gnarled tree reaches out with grasping branches and seems to be trying to grab the party.
  5. The party encounters a group of cultists who are sacrificing a creature to a dark deity.
  6. The moon turns blood red and strange, eldritch creatures begin to appear.
  7. The party finds a strange, ancient artifact that begins to hum and pulse with an otherworldly energy.
  8. The party comes across a village that is entirely deserted except for a single, sinister figure watching from a distance.
  9. The sky turns black as night, even though it’s daytime, and the party hears the sound of flapping wings in the distance.
  10. A group of strange, mutated animals emerge from the shadows and begin to attack the party.
  11. The party discovers a hidden laboratory where an insane scientist has been conducting experiments on living creatures.
  12. A ghostly figure appears before the party and tells them that they must complete a dangerous task in order to free themselves from a curse.
  13. The party finds themselves in a twisted, otherworldly version of their surroundings, where everything is distorted and dangerous.
  14. A mysterious figure appears before the party and offers them a deal that seems too good to be true.
  15. The party comes across a group of people who have been possessed by dark forces and are attacking each other in a frenzy.
  16. Strange, otherworldly music begins to fill the air, causing the party to feel disoriented and afraid.
  17. The party comes across a house that is seemingly alive, with walls that shift and rooms that move.
  18. A group of shadowy figures emerge from the darkness, intent on capturing the party for some unknown purpose.
  19. The party discovers a hidden portal to another dimension, which seems to be filled with strange and dangerous creatures.
  20. A mysterious voice begins to speak directly into the party’s minds, warning them of an impending danger that they must stop at all costs.

This is just a starting point, and you can modify the encounters to fit your game world and your players’ preferences. Additionally, you can use these encounters as the basis for larger adventures or quests, or combine them to create a longer campaign filled with weird and sinister events.


Every journey ends. The adventures tired an exhausted by the encounters and events on the journey and have reached their destination. As a strong unified team, they must now work together and face the last ultimate challenge to meet objective and fulfil their quest.

Here are some typical destinations, along with a brief description and the challenge they present:

  1. The Lost City Under water City – Deep beneath the ocean lies the fabled city of Atlantis, long forgotten by the surface world. The challenge is to explore the city and uncover its secrets, while also avoiding dangerous sea creatures and traps left behind by its ancient inhabitants.
  2. The Dark Forest – This dense and foreboding forest is home to all manner of sinister creatures, including trolls, goblins, and dark elves. The challenge is to navigate the forest and avoid its many dangers, while also searching for a powerful artifact said to be hidden deep within its heart.
  3. The Frozen Wasteland – In the far north lies a frozen wasteland, home to ice giants, frost dragons, and other dangerous creatures. The challenge is to survive the harsh environment, gather resources, and explore ancient ruins in search of lost treasure.
  4. The Underworld – This subterranean realm is ruled by demons, undead, and other foul creatures. The challenge is to navigate its treacherous tunnels, avoid traps and ambushes, and defeat the powerful demon lords who rule over it.
  5. The Floating City – This mysterious city floats high in the clouds, accessible only by airship or magical means. The challenge is to explore the city and uncover its secrets, while also dealing with the political intrigues and rival factions that vie for control.
  6. The Elemental Plane – Each of the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water – has its own plane of existence. The challenge is to explore these planes and harness the power of the elements to defeat powerful elemental lords and their minions.
  7. The Shadow Realm – This dark and twisted mirror of the real world is home to shadow creatures and evil spirits. The challenge is to navigate its shifting landscape and defeat the shadow lord who seeks to extend his influence into the real world.
  8. The Celestial Palace – High above the clouds lies the Celestial Palace, home to the gods themselves. The challenge is to gain access to the palace, navigate its many chambers and challenges, and win the favor of the gods.
  9. The Timeless Library – This ancient and mystical library contains knowledge from across time and space. The challenge is to navigate its labyrinthine halls and find the specific tome or artifact needed to solve a particular quest or problem.
  10. The Crystal Caves – Deep beneath the earth lies a network of crystal caves, filled with glittering treasures and dangerous monsters. The challenge is to navigate the twisting tunnels and defeat the powerful crystal dragon who hoards the greatest treasure of them all.
  11. The Forbidden Island – This isolated and uncharted island is said to be cursed by ancient gods. The challenge is to explore its rugged terrain, uncover its secrets, and confront the powerful priestesses who maintain the curse.
  12. The Living Dungeon – This dungeon is alive and constantly evolving, with traps and monsters that shift and change from room to room. The challenge is to navigate the dungeon’s ever-changing maze, defeat its guardians, and reach the treasure at the heart of the maze.

Here are few more destinations with weird or sinister twists that may be used to challenge the adventurers further.:

  1. The Black Tower: This ominous tower looms over the landscape, shrouded in dark magic. The challenge for the adventurers is to penetrate its defenses and reach the top, where an evil sorcerer resides.
  2. The Lost City of the Dead: Hidden in a desolate wasteland, this ancient city is said to be cursed. The challenge for the adventurers is to navigate its twisted streets and discover the secrets that lie within, all while avoiding the undead guardians that roam its ruined halls.
  3. The Bloodwood: This dark forest is said to be inhabited by malevolent spirits and ancient curses. The challenge for the adventurers is to survive its twisted paths and uncover the dark power that lurks at its heart.
  4. The Hollow Mountains: These eerie peaks are home to a forgotten civilization, rumored to have been destroyed by a terrible curse. The challenge for the adventurers is to delve deep into the mountains and discover the secrets of their ancient civilization.
  5. The Sunken City: This ancient metropolis was once a hub of trade and culture, but now lies at the bottom of the sea. The challenge for the adventurers is to brave the depths and uncover the lost treasures of this underwater world, all while avoiding the Kraken and other dangers that lurk within.
  6. The Dark Moon: This mysterious satellite of the planet is shrouded in darkness and magic. The challenge for the adventurers is to find a way to reach its surface, where ancient ruins and powerful magic await. But the journey is perilous, as the moon is home to dangerous god-like creatures and powerful sorcerers who will stop at nothing to protect their secrets.

The GM can decide to present the adventurers with impossible task which they are unlikely to succeed. Here are more destinations with difficult or no-win scenarios:

  1. The Underworld – A dark, cavernous realm ruled by a cruel and powerful demon lord. The players must navigate a maze of treacherous tunnels and face off against hordes of demonic minions to reach the demon lord’s throne room. However, once they arrive, they discover that defeating him means taking his place as ruler of the Underworld, forever binding their souls to this infernal realm.
  2. The Dreamworld – A realm of pure imagination and fantasy, created by a powerful dreamweaver. The players must venture into this realm to retrieve a powerful artifact, but find themselves constantly pursued by the dreamweaver’s nightmares and illusions. They must overcome their own fears and doubts to succeed, but doing so will require them to sacrifice a cherished memory or aspect of themselves.
  3. The Celestial Realm – A realm of radiant light and beauty, inhabited by powerful angels and divine beings. The players must seek the aid of these beings to stop a powerful evil from spreading across the land. However, they soon discover that the Celestial Realm is a place of strict order and obedience, and that the beings here demand complete loyalty and servitude. If the players refuse, they will be cast out of the Celestial Realm forever.
  4. The Labyrinth – A vast, twisting maze that shifts and changes constantly. The players must navigate this labyrinth to reach the treasure at its heart, but they find themselves pursued by a monstrous minotaur that hunts them relentlessly. If they manage to defeat the minotaur, they discover that the treasure is cursed, and that it will grant them immense power at the cost of their sanity.
  5. The Abyss – A bottomless pit that leads to an infinite, alien realm of chaos and madness. The players must venture into this abyss to retrieve a powerful artifact, but the constant exposure to the abyss’s twisted energies begins to warp their minds and bodies. If they do manage to retrieve the artifact, they will find that it is a sentient, malevolent entity that seeks to use their bodies as vessels to escape the abyss and wreak havoc on the world.
  6. The Island of the Dead – An eerie, mist-shrouded island that is said to be the gateway to the afterlife. The players must venture here to retrieve the soul of a loved one or ally, but they soon discover that the island is inhabited by vengeful spirits and undead creatures. If they manage to retrieve the soul, they must fight their way back through the island’s horrors to escape, but doing so will require them to make a sacrifice of their own life force or soul.

Boss Level

The GM can, additionally, decide to present the adventurers with the Major Villain to over come at the destination. Here’s a list of major boss level type villains (and their hidden weaknesses) to thwart the adventurers:

  1. The Dark Sorcerer: A powerful mage who has spent years studying the forbidden arts of magic. He wields immense power and can control the elements themselves. His power is tied to a hidden talisman that, if destroyed, weakens him.
  2. The Corrupted King: A once great ruler who was corrupted by dark magic. He rules his kingdom with an iron fist and has amassed an army of undead soldiers. His power comes from a cursed crown that, if removed, weakens him.
  3. The Demon Lord: A demonic entity who seeks to destroy all life. He commands an army of demons and can control the minds of his enemies. His power is tied to a forbidden artifact that, if destroyed, weakens him.
  4. The Lich Queen: A powerful necromancer who has achieved immortality through dark magic. She commands an army of undead and can drain the life force of her enemies. Her power is tied to a hidden phylactery that, if destroyed, weakens her.
  5. The Dragon Overlord: A massive dragon who has enslaved an entire kingdom. He breathes fire and can fly, making him a formidable foe. His power comes from a magical amulet that, if stolen, weakens him.
  6. The Vampire Lord: An ancient vampire who has lived for centuries. He can control the minds of his victims and drain their blood to sustain himself. His power is tied to a hidden coffin that, if destroyed, weakens him.
  7. The Titan King: A colossal giant who rules over a race of giants. He wields a massive hammer and can cause earthquakes with his steps. His power is tied to a magical gemstone that, if shattered, weakens him.
  8. The Witch Queen: A cunning sorceress who has made a pact with dark forces. She can summon demons and cast powerful spells. Her power is tied to a hidden ritual that, if disrupted, weakens her.
  9. The Warlord: A ruthless conqueror who has amassed a massive army. He wields a massive sword and has no mercy for his enemies. His power comes from his loyal followers, who can be turned against him if convinced.
  10. The Shadow Master: A mysterious figure who can control the shadows themselves. He can move through walls and attack from the shadows. His power is tied to a hidden artifact that, if exposed to light, weakens him.
  11. The Cult Leader: A charismatic leader who has convinced his followers to worship dark gods. He can summon demons and control the minds of his enemies. His power is tied to a hidden altar that, if destroyed, weakens him.
  12. The Undead Empress: A powerful undead sorceress who seeks to conquer the world. She commands an army of undead soldiers and can summon ghosts to do her bidding. Her power is tied to a hidden tomb that, if opened, weakens her.

Some Boss level Villains are Monsters are too powerful to defeat, The adventurers must trick, outsmart, avoid or escape to see them to get to the conclusion pf the game. Here is a list that can be adapted as needed.

  1. The Leviathan – A massive sea serpent that can swallow ships whole and controls the ocean currents. It cannot be defeated in battle, but players can try to outsmart it or find a way to divert its attention.
  2. The Behemoth – A colossal beast that can trample entire cities and withstand any physical attack. Its only weakness is its slow speed, and players must flee and outmaneuver it to survive.
  3. The Chimera – A creature with multiple heads, each with a different breath weapon and ability. It cannot be killed, but players can find a way to neutralize its heads or distract it long enough to escape.
  4. The Hydra – A agile serpent-like monster with multiple regenerating heads that make it virtually invincible. Players must find a way to cut off all its heads simultaneously or avoid it altogether.
  5. The Roc – A massive bird of prey with razor-sharp talons and the ability to create strong gusts of wind. It cannot be defeated, but players can try to lure it away or find a way to ground it.
  6. The Juggernaut – A massive slow witted golem made of indestructible metal that can crush anything in its path. Its only weakness is its slow speed, and players must avoid it or find a way to slow it down.

Rewards for Heroes

At the end of the journey and with their objective met, the surviving adventures are heroes. They started their journey to solve a problem or for personal gain. The GM should evaluate their performance and decide on the level of reward. Here’s a list of small rewards that are found or won, or allowed to be kept from the game, in reparation for their many troubles:

  1. A magical item of great power and potential.
  2. A rare and valuable material or resource.
  3. A powerful ally or companion for the party.
  4. A safe haven or base of operations.
  5. A treasure trove of gold, jewels, and other riches.
  6. A valuable piece of information or knowledge.
  7. An invitation to join a powerful and influential organization.
  8. A boon or blessing from a powerful deity or supernatural being.
  9. A rare and exotic creature or mount.
  10. A powerful weapon or piece of armour.
  11. A magical spell or ritual of great power.
  12. A title or noble rank within a kingdom or society.
  13. A powerful and loyal group of followers or henchmen.
  14. A piece of land or property of significant value.
  15. A map or guide to a hidden or lost location.
  16. A rare and powerful artifact or relic.
  17. A powerful and rare mount or vehicle.
  18. A powerful and mysterious mentor or teacher.
  19. A valuable and rare trade or craft skill.
  20. A special or unique ability or power.


At journey end, the unexpected may happen. Here is list of plot twists and conclusions for our Heroes. These are optional and for the GM to develop. They can be used a hooks into another game.

  1. The heroes successfully defeat the evil villain and save the world from destruction.
  2. The heroes fail to stop the villain, but they are able to save a few lives and prevent complete disaster.
  3. The heroes discover that the villain was actually working for a greater evil and the true battle has yet to be fought.
  4. The heroes are betrayed by one of their own and must confront them before continuing on their mission.
  5. The heroes realize that the true enemy was not who they thought it was and must change their strategy.
  6. The heroes uncover a conspiracy that reaches the highest levels of power and must decide whether to confront it head-on or work from the shadows.
  7. The heroes are hailed as heroes by the people they have saved and are given great rewards and recognition.
  8. The heroes must sacrifice one of their own in order to achieve their mission.
  9. The heroes must make a difficult moral decision that will have consequences for their future.
  10. The heroes discover a powerful artifact that can change the course of the world, but must keep it from falling into the wrong hands.
  11. The heroes must choose between their own personal interests and the greater good.
  12. The heroes are forced to make a temporary alliance with their enemies in order to stop a common threat.
  13. The heroes realize that they have been played all along and must confront the true puppet master behind the scenes.
  14. The heroes must navigate a treacherous political landscape in order to achieve their goals.
  15. The heroes face a moral dilemma that challenges their very beliefs and values.
  16. The heroes are forced to make a difficult decision that results in the death of a beloved NPC.
  17. The heroes discover that the villain was not evil, but misguided, and must help them see the error of their ways.
  18. The heroes are caught in a deadly trap and must use all their skills and ingenuity to escape.
  19. The heroes discover a hidden location that contains powerful secrets and knowledge.
  20. The heroes must face the consequences of their actions and decide how to make amends for their mistakes.

Reference Tables

The provided are examples, the GM is encouraged to creates additional list or tables for the game. These can be bought off the shelf, re-used from existing adventures or rule books or generated online.

  1. Random Encounter Table: A table used to determine the chance of encountering different types of creatures or NPCs in a given area.
  2. Treasure Table: A table used to determine the type and amount of treasure that might be found in a given location.
  3. Magic Item Table: A table used to randomly determine the type and properties of a magical item found in a treasure hoard or other location.
  4. Weather Table: A table used to determine the type of weather conditions in a given area, such as rain, snow, or thunderstorms.
  5. NPC Personality Traits Table: A table used to randomly determine the personality traits of NPCs encountered during gameplay.
  6. Skill Check Difficulty Table: A table used to determine the difficulty of a given skill check, such as picking a lock or sneaking past guards.
  7. Hazard Table: A table used to determine the chance of encountering hazards or obstacles in a given location, such as traps or difficult terrain.
  8. Quest Hook Table: A table used to provide players with potential story hooks or quests to pursue during gameplay.
  9. Random Event Table: A table used to determine the occurrence of random events during gameplay, such as sudden earthquakes or meteor showers.
  10. Faction Relationship Table: A table used to determine the current relationship between the players’ faction and other factions or organizations in the game world.
  11. Critical Hit or Failure Table: A table used to determine the effects of a critical hit or critical failure during combat.
  12. Travel Time Table: A table used to determine the amount of time required to travel between different locations on a map, taking into account terrain and other factors.

Note: This is just a sample list of possible tables that you might find in an RPG. The specific tables used will vary depending on the system and setting of the game.


Here some principles for the fantasy game that may assist GM in structuring outcomes for their Players.

  1. Immersion: The game should provide an immersive experience that transports players into a fantastical world where they can explore, interact, and create their own stories.
  2. Exploration: The game should encourage exploration of the world, whether through uncovering hidden secrets, discovering new locations, or meeting new characters.
  3. Character development: The game should allow players to develop their characters over time, building skills, abilities, and relationships as they progress through the story.
  4. Risk and reward: The game should balance risk and reward, offering players challenging encounters that come with the potential for valuable loot or experience points.
  5. Player agency: The game should provide players with agency over their characters’ actions, allowing them to make meaningful choices that impact the story and their relationships with other characters.
  6. Strategy and tactics: The game should require strategic thinking and tactical decision-making in combat encounters, allowing players to use their skills and abilities to gain an advantage over their enemies.
  7. Worldbuilding: The game should have a richly detailed and consistent world that provides context for the story and allows players to learn and discover new things about the world and its inhabitants.
  8. Narrative: The game should have a compelling narrative that engages players emotionally and intellectually, driving them to explore the world and develop their characters.
  9. Collaboration: The game should encourage collaboration and teamwork among players, whether through party-based combat encounters or through non-combat challenges that require different characters to work together.
  10. Fairness: The game should be fair and balanced, providing players with a consistent and predictable set of rules that allow them to make informed decisions and engage with the world in a meaningful way.


Here are some possible narratives for the game for the GM to structure the game or a campaign of sessions.

  1. “The Dark Lord’s Return”: The ancient evil that was thought to be vanquished has returned, and the players must gather powerful artifacts and allies to defeat the Dark Lord and his minions before they plunge the world into eternal darkness.
  2. “The Lost City”: Legends tell of a once-great city that disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving behind only ruins and forgotten secrets. The players must uncover the truth behind the city’s disappearance and the mysterious forces that still guard its treasures.
  3. “The Dragon’s Curse”: A powerful dragon has laid a curse on the kingdom, causing crops to wither and die, and bringing famine and suffering to the people. The players must track down the dragon and find a way to break the curse before it’s too late.
  4. “The Feywild”: The players are transported to a magical realm of faeries and sprites, where they must navigate the whimsical and dangerous landscape, negotiate with the capricious fey lords, and unravel a web of ancient prophecies and rivalries.
  5. “The Time Warp”: A powerful wizard’s experiment has gone awry, trapping the players in a time loop that forces them to relive the same day over and over again. They must use their knowledge of past and future events to solve puzzles, overcome challenges, and break the wizard’s spell.
  6. “The Underworld”: The players descend into the dark, cavernous depths of the earth, where they must battle demons, undead, and other horrors to find a lost artifact that can save their world from destruction.
  7. “The Elemental Crystals”: Four powerful elemental crystals have been scattered across the land, and the players must find them and use them to stop a rampaging elemental force that threatens to destroy everything in its path.
  8. “The Necromancer’s Tower”: A powerful necromancer has taken up residence in a forbidding tower, from which he sends his undead minions to terrorize the surrounding countryside. The players must infiltrate the tower, confront the necromancer, and put an end to his foul schemes.
  9. “The Oracle’s Prophecy”: An ancient oracle has foretold a great cataclysm that will soon befall the world, and the players must decipher her cryptic messages and undertake a perilous journey to prevent the disaster from coming to pass.
  10. “The Pirate’s Curse”: The players find themselves caught up in a struggle for a cursed treasure that has driven many a pirate to madness and death. They must navigate treacherous seas, battle rival pirate crews, and overcome the curse’s dark power to claim the treasure for themselves.