IT Architecture


IT Architecture

IT architecture is the overall design of an organization’s technology systems and infrastructure. It includes the hardware, software, networks, and data centers that are used to support an organization’s operations and goals. The architecture is designed to be flexible, scalable, and able to adapt to changing business needs.

IT architecture is typically divided into three main categories: enterprise, solution, and technical architecture.

  • Enterprise architecture is the high-level view of an organization’s IT systems, and how they align with the organization’s overall goals and strategies.
  • Solution architecture is the design of specific IT solutions, such as a new software application or a network infrastructure upgrade.
  • Technical architecture is the detailed design of individual components, such as servers, storage systems, and software programs.

IT architects work with stakeholders across the organization to understand their business needs and design systems and infrastructure that meet those needs. The goal of IT architecture is to create a robust and efficient technology ecosystem that supports the organization’s mission and goals.

Technical Architecture

Technical architecture is a detailed design of individual technology components within an IT architecture. It includes the specific hardware, software, and network components that make up the infrastructure of an organization. Technical architecture provides the blueprint for the construction and implementation of an IT system, and it’s used as a guide for building, testing, and deploying that system.

Technical architecture is usually divided into several different areas, including:

  • Hardware architecture: This includes the physical components of an IT system, such as servers, storage devices, and network equipment. It also includes details on how the components are configured and connected to each other.
  • Software architecture: This includes the software applications and programming languages that are used to build the system, as well as the operating systems and databases that support them.
  • Network architecture: This includes the design and configuration of the organization’s data communication networks, including LAN, WAN, and internet connectivity. It also covers the protocols, routing, and security mechanisms used to protect and manage network traffic.

The technical architecture provides the foundation for the overall IT architecture and is the key to delivering a robust and efficient technology infrastructure that meets the organization’s business needs. It’s often the responsibility of a Technical architect to design the technical architecture to ensure that the design is aligned with the overall IT and Business strategy .

Solution Architecture

Solution architecture is a specific type of IT architecture that focuses on the design of a specific IT solution. It’s the process of creating a blueprint for an IT system that addresses a particular business problem or opportunity. Solution architecture takes into account the organization’s overall IT architecture, as well as its business goals and strategies, to create a system that meets the organization’s specific needs.

A solution architect is responsible for leading the design of an IT solution and ensuring that it meets the requirements of the stakeholders, while also being aligned with the overall IT architecture and strategy.

The solution architecture typically includes several key elements:

  • Functional requirements: A list of the specific tasks or processes that the system must be able to perform, such as processing transactions or managing inventory.
  • Non-functional requirements: A list of criteria that the system must meet in order to be successful, such as performance, scalability, security, and maintainability.
  • System components: A detailed description of the hardware, software, and network components that make up the system, including how they will be configured and connected to each other.
  • Interfaces: A description of how the system will interact with other systems and applications, both within the organization and outside of it.

A solution architect will work closely with stakeholders, such as business analysts and project managers, to understand their requirements, and with technical architects and engineers to ensure that the solution is properly designed and implemented.

Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise architecture (EA) is the overarching structure of an organization’s IT systems and infrastructure. It provides a high-level view of an organization’s technology landscape, and how it aligns with the organization’s overall goals and strategies.

EA involves taking a holistic approach to analyzing and designing an organization’s IT systems, and includes both the current and future state of the organization’s IT infrastructure. It helps organizations to understand how their IT assets align with their business objectives, and how to effectively plan and manage changes to those assets over time.

The goal of enterprise architecture is to create a common understanding of the organization’s technology landscape and to align technology investments with the overall business strategy.

Enterprise architecture typically includes several key elements:

  • Business architecture: This describes the organization’s overall business strategy, processes, and goals.
  • Information architecture: This describes how information is collected, stored, and used within the organization.
  • Application architecture: This describes how software applications are integrated and used to support the organization’s business processes.
  • Technology architecture: This describes the hardware and software components that make up the organization’s IT infrastructure.
  • Security architecture: This describes the security controls that are in place to protect the organization’s IT assets.

An enterprise architect is typically responsible for leading the development and implementation of the enterprise architecture and ensuring that it is aligned with the organization’s overall goals and strategies. They works closely with stakeholders across the organization, including business leaders, IT staff, and project teams, to develop a holistic view of the organization’s technology landscape and ensure that technology investments are aligned with the overall business strategy.

Technology Reference Model

A Technology Reference Model (TRM) is a framework that provides a common understanding of an organization’s IT systems and infrastructure. It is a type of enterprise architecture that is used to classify and organize the various components of an organization’s technology landscape. TRM defines the different layers of technology that are used within an organization, including hardware, software, and network components, and the relationships between them.

A TRM typically includes several levels of abstraction, each of which provides a more detailed view of the organization’s technology landscape. For example, it may include a high-level view of the organization’s overall technology strategy, as well as more detailed views of specific technology domains, such as software development or network infrastructure.

TRM typically includes several key elements:

  • Technology domains: This describe the different areas of technology that the organization uses, such as servers, storage, networking, and software applications.
  • Technology components: This describes the specific hardware and software products that are used within each technology domain, including their characteristics and capabilities.
  • Technology standards: This describes the specific technology standards and best practices that the organization uses to ensure that its technology landscape is consistent and reliable.
  • TRM is used as a guide for designing, building, and maintaining an organization’s IT systems, and it helps to ensure that technology investments are aligned with the organization’s overall goals and strategies. The TRM framework provides a common language for discussing technology across the organization and ensures that all teams are on the same page when it comes to the technical landscape.

Technology Domains

Technology domains are the different areas of technology that an organization uses to support its operations and goals. They are a key element of a Technology Reference Model (TRM) and provide a way to classify and organize the various components of an organization’s technology landscape.

Some common technology domains include:

  • Data Management: This includes the collection, storage, and management of the organization’s data, including databases and data warehouses.
  • Network and Communication: This includes the hardware and software components that make up the organization’s network infrastructure, including routers, switches, and other networking equipment, as well as the protocols and communications standards that are used to transmit data.
  • Infrastructure: This includes the physical components of an IT system such as servers, storage, and data centers.
  • Security: This includes the security controls and technologies that are used to protect the organization’s IT assets from unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Applications: This includes the software applications and systems that are used to support the organization’s business processes and operations.

The specific technology domains will vary depending on the organization and the industry in which it operates. For example, an e-commerce company would have additional domains like payment gateways, customer relationship management etc. The goal of the technology domains is to provide a common understanding of the organization’s technology landscape and to align technology investments with the overall business strategy.

Technology components

Technology components are the specific hardware and software products that are used within each technology domain of an organization. In Technology Reference Model(TRM) it provides a way to classify and organize the various components of an organization’s technology landscape.

Examples of technology components within a specific domain can include:

  • Data Management: Relational databases such as MySQL or Oracle, NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Data warehousing solutions like Redshift
  • Network and Communication: Routers, switches, firewalls, VPNs, DNS, DHCP
  • Infrastructure: Servers, storage systems, cloud computing resources, load balancers
  • Security: Firewall, intrusion detection/prevention systems, encryption, multi-factor authentication, anti-virus/malware software
  • Applications: Customer Relationship Management software, enterprise resource planning software, e-commerce platforms, analytics software.

It is important to note that the list of technology components within a domain will vary depending on the organization and the industry in which it operates, and also the specific function or department of the organization.

Technology components are used to build, operate and maintain the IT systems of an organization. The technology reference model(TRM) provides a common understanding of these components and how they are related to each other, which helps to ensure that the organization’s technology landscape is consistent, reliable and aligns with the organization’s overall goals and strategies.

Technology Standards

Technology standards are specific guidelines and best practices that organizations use to ensure that their technology landscape is consistent and reliable. These standards provide a framework for designing, building, and maintaining IT systems, and they help to ensure that technology investments are aligned with the overall business strategy.

Examples of technology standards can include:

  • Network protocols: Standards such as TCP/IP, FTP, and HTTP that are used to transmit data across networks.
  • Security standards: Standards such as PCI-DSS and HIPAA that provide guidelines for protecting sensitive data.
  • Cloud computing standards: Standards such as NIST and ISO/IEC that provide guidelines for deploying and managing cloud computing resources.
  • Data management standards: Standards such as SQL and XML that are used to store and transmit data.
  • Operating systems and software standards: Standards for Windows, Linux, Java, and .NET that provide guidelines for building and deploying software applications.

Standards help to ensure that the organization’s technology landscape is consistent and reliable, and they provide a common language for discussing technology across the organization. Adhering to these standards allows the organization to ensure that their IT systems are secure, maintainable and scalable, and it also helps to ensure that the organization’s technology investments align with its overall goals and strategies.

It’s worth to note that standards can be industry specific or even organization specific, In some cases, it is necessary to establish specific standards to meet regulatory or compliance requirements, or to address unique technical or business requirements.


In the context of technology, a pattern is a reusable solution to a common problem. Patterns are often used in software development, architecture, and design to provide a proven and tested approach to solving a particular problem or addressing a specific requirement.

A pattern is typically defined as a recurring solution that has been proven to work in multiple situations. They represent the best practices, lessons learned and expert insights that have been distilled from real-world experience. They provide a starting point and a set of guidelines for designing and implementing IT systems, which helps to ensure that the systems are reliable, maintainable, and scalable.

Examples of patterns can include:

  • Design patterns: These are patterns that address specific design problems in software development, such as the Singleton pattern or the Factory pattern.
  • Architecture patterns: These are patterns that address specific architectural concerns, such as scalability, security, or performance.
  • Infrastructure patterns: These are patterns that address the deployment and management of IT infrastructure, such as cloud computing or containerization.

Using patterns can save time and reduce risk when designing and implementing IT systems, because they provide a proven and tested approach to solving a particular problem. They also help to ensure that the systems that are built are reliable, maintainable, and scalable.

It’s worth noting that using patterns does not mean that you have to follow them strictly and blindly, but rather use them as a guide, a starting point and make necessary adjustments to suit specific requirements.


In the context of technology, an artifact is a product or output that is created during the course of a project or development process. Artifacts can include a wide range of different types of deliverables, such as documents, software code, models, and diagrams.

Examples of artifacts in technology projects can include:

  • Software code: The source code, binary files, and scripts that make up a software application.
  • Design and architecture documents: documents that describe the design and architecture of a system, such as class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and data flow diagrams.
  • Test cases and test plans: documents that describe how a system will be tested, including test cases and test scenarios.
  • Project management documents: documents that are used to manage the project, such as project plans, timelines, and budget estimates.

In software development, artifacts play a crucial role in communicating the status, progress and future of the project to all stakeholders involved, such as the development team, business stakeholders, and project managers. They are also important for creating a shared understanding of the system being developed and for maintaining a consistent level of quality throughout the development process.

Artifacts are typically created and maintained throughout the project life cycle and are often used to document and communicate the design, implementation, and testing of the system. They are also used to record the project’s requirements, status, and progress, as well as any issues or problems that arise, and the resolution of these issues.


In technology, a lifecycle refers to the stages or phases that a product or system goes through from its inception to its retirement. The concept of a lifecycle is used to manage and govern the development, deployment, and maintenance of technology systems.

A typical technology lifecycle includes several phases, such as:

  • Planning and requirements: The initial phase of a project, where the goals, objectives, and requirements of the system are identified and documented.
  • Design and development: The phase where the system is designed, built, and tested.
  • Deployment: The phase where the system is deployed and made available for use by end-users.
  • Maintenance and support: The phase where the system is maintained, updated, and supported.
  • Retirement: The phase where the system is retired and replaced by a newer system.

Each phase of the lifecycle has specific goals, activities, and deliverables associated with it, and each phase is typically managed by a different team or set of stakeholders. The lifecycle model is used as a way to structure the project and make sure that the team is aware of what tasks need to be completed in order to move on to the next phase.

It’s worth noting that the specific phases and names of the technology lifecycle will vary depending on the organization and the industry, some have more phases and some have less, but the overall idea of the lifecycle is to provide a framework to manage and govern the system through its entire life.

Design Review

A design review is a formal process that is used to evaluate a system’s design, and to ensure that it meets the requirements and constraints of the project. It is an important step in the software development and systems engineering process that allows for a thorough examination of the design and its alignment with the overall project goals and objectives.

Design reviews typically involve a multidisciplinary team of stakeholders, including designers, developers, engineers, project managers, and subject matter experts. The team will review the design documentation and models, and will assess the design against a set of predefined criteria, such as whether it meets the requirements, is maintainable, and is scalable.

During the design review, the team will look for any potential issues, problems, or risks that could affect the performance, usability, or maintainability of the system. They also assess the design’s alignment with the overall project goals and objectives and suggest any necessary changes or improvements.

Design review is an important step that allows catching design flaws early on in the process, when it’s still relatively cheap and easy to fix them, rather than finding them later on when the system has been built and implemented. The review process helps to ensure that the system is designed to be reliable, maintainable, and scalable, and that it meets the needs of the end-users.

It’s worth to note that the design review process is not a one-time event, but rather a continuous process that is repeated multiple times throughout the development and deployment of the system. As changes are made to the design, they are reviewed to ensure they are still aligned with the overall project goals and objectives.

Architecture and Lifecycle

Architecture plays a critical role in the lifecycle of a technology system. It provides a framework for designing, building, and maintaining the system in a way that aligns with the organization’s overall goals and strategies.

The architecture of a system will typically be considered and reviewed throughout the various phases of the lifecycle. Some examples of how architecture contributes to the different phases are:

  • Planning and Requirements: The architecture provides a basis for understanding the technical requirements of the system and ensuring that they align with the organization’s overall goals and strategies. It helps to identify the key constraints and challenges that the system must meet.
  • Design and Development: The architecture defines the overall structure and design of the system, including the hardware, software, and network components that will be used. It also provides guidance on how the system will be built and tested.
  • Deployment: The architecture provides a blueprint for deploying the system, including details on how the system will be integrated with existing systems and how it will be deployed in production.
  • Maintenance and Support: The architecture provides a framework for maintaining and supporting the system, including how the system will be updated and how issues will be resolved.
  • Retirement: The architecture provides a basis for understanding the system’s lifecycle and retirement, and how the system will be replaced by a newer system.

The architecture provides a holistic view of the system and its relationship to the organization’s overall goals and strategies.

Lifecycle Design Reviews

Design reviews are an important step in the software development and systems engineering process that helps to ensure that a system is designed and built in a way that aligns with the organization’s overall goals and objectives. They are especially useful during the design and development phase of the lifecycle, but also valuable in other phases.

Design reviews help with the lifecycle of a system by:

Identifying potential issues and risks early on: During the review process, the team will look for any potential issues, problems, or risks that could affect the performance, usability, or maintainability of the system. Identifying and addressing these issues early on in the development process can help to reduce the costs and risks associated with the system.

  • Ensuring alignment with project goals and objectives: The design review process provides an opportunity to ensure that the system’s design is aligned with the overall project goals and objectives, and to ensure that the system will meet the needs of the end-users.
  • Improving the overall quality of the system: Design reviews help to ensure that the system is designed to be reliable, maintainable, and scalable, and that it meets the needs of the end-users. This improves the overall quality of the system and reduces the risk of issues and problems arising after the system has been deployed.
  • Facilitating communication and collaboration: Design reviews provide a forum for different stakeholders to come together and review the design, which promotes communication and collaboration across the organization. This improves the overall understanding of the system and helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Providing a basis for change management: The design review process provides a basis for change management, by documenting the changes and decisions that are made during the development process. This makes it easier to track the changes that are made to the system, which is useful when making updates and upgrades.

Overall, design reviews are an important step in the software development and systems engineering process that helps to ensure that a system is designed and built in a way that aligns with the organization’s overall goals and objectives, and that it meets the needs of the end-users.

Technology architecture can support the design review process by providing a framework for evaluating the design of a system, and ensuring that it aligns with the organization’s overall goals and strategies.

Here are a few ways in which technology architecture can support design review:

  • Providing a set of predefined design principles and guidelines: Technology architecture defines a set of design principles and guidelines that are used to evaluate the design of a system. These principles and guidelines provide a basis for assessing the design, and ensure that it meets the requirements and constraints of the project.
  • Defining the technical requirements: Technology architecture provides a basis for understanding the technical requirements of a system, and it helps to ensure that the design of the system meets these requirements. By aligning the design of the system with the technical requirements, it helps to ensure that the system will be reliable, maintainable, and scalable.
  • Identifying potential issues and risks: Technology architecture can help to identify potential issues and risks that may arise during the design and development of a system. By identifying these issues early on, they can be addressed before they become major problems.
  • Providing a blueprint for the system: Technology architecture provides a blueprint for the system, including details on how the system will be integrated with existing systems, and how it will be deployed in production. This information can be used to evaluate the design of the system, and to ensure that it is feasible and practical.
  • Aligning the design with the organization’s overall goals and strategies.

Technology Architecture Benefits

Technology architecture plays a critical role in the lifecycle of a technology system, by providing a framework for designing, building, and maintaining the system in a way that aligns with the organization’s overall goals and strategies.

Technology architecture contributes to the lifecycle of a system in several ways:

  • Planning and requirements: The technology architecture provides a basis for understanding the technical requirements of the system, and ensuring that they align with the organization’s overall goals and strategies. It helps to identify the key constraints and challenges that the system must meet.
  • Design and Development: The technology architecture defines the overall structure and design of the system, including the hardware, software, and network components that will be used. It also provides guidance on how the system will be built and tested.
  • Deployment: The technology architecture provides a blueprint for deploying the system, including details on how the system will be integrated with existing systems and how it will be deployed in production.
  • Maintenance and Support: The technology architecture provides a framework for maintaining and supporting the system, including how the system will be updated and how issues will be resolved.
  • Retirement: The technology architecture provides a basis for understanding the system’s lifecycle and retirement, and how the system will be replaced by a newer system.

The technology architecture provides a holistic view of the system and its relationship to the organization’s overall goals and strategies.

Design and Architecture Artefacts

Recommendations on the types of information that should be included in design and architecture documents:

  • Functional requirements: Describe the key features and functions of the system, and how they align with the organization’s overall goals and objectives.
  • Non-functional requirements: Describe the system’s performance, scalability, and security requirements.
  • Use cases: Provide a detailed description of the user interactions and the steps that the system must take to complete a particular task.
  • Design models and diagrams: Include visual representations of the system’s design, such as class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and data flow diagrams, that help to illustrate the relationships between different components of the system.
  • Interface specifications: Describe the interfaces between the system and other systems, including the protocols and standards that will be used.
  • Security: Discuss the security controls and mechanisms that will be used to protect the system from unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Implementation details: Describe the software and hardware components that will be used to build the system, as well as any third-party libraries or frameworks.
  • Deployment: Provide details on how the system will be deployed and integrated with existing systems.
  • Maintenance and Support: Describe how the system will be maintained and supported, including how issues will be resolved and how updates will be applied.
  • Standards: List all standards which provide the guidelines for building and deploying technology and software applications.

Architectural Standards

Standards are specific guidelines and best practices that organizations use to ensure that their technology landscape is consistent and reliable. These standards provide a framework for designing, building, and maintaining IT systems, and they help to ensure that technology investments are aligned with the overall business strategy.

It’s worth noting that standards can come from different sources, some of them are:

  • Industry standards: Standards that are established by industry organizations, such as the IEEE, ISO, or IETF. These standards are developed by experts in the field and are widely accepted and used in the industry.
  • Government standards: Standards that are established by government agencies, such as NIST, to ensure that technology systems meet specific regulatory requirements.
  • Organization-specific standards: Standards that are established by an organization to meet specific technical or business requirements, or to address unique challenges that are faced by the organization.

When it comes to design and architecture documents, some of the standards that should be mentioned include:

  • Network protocols: Standards such as TCP/IP, FTP, and HTTP that are used to transmit data across networks.
  • Security standards: Standards such as PCI-DSS and HIPAA that provide guidelines for protecting sensitive data.
  • Cloud computing standards: Standards such as NIST and ISO/IEC that provide guidelines for deploying and managing cloud computing resources.
  • Data management standards: Standards such as SQL and XML that are used to store and transmit data.
  • Operating systems and software standards: Standards for Windows, Linux, Java, and .NET that provide guidelines for building and deploying software applications.
  • Other standards: If any other standards are specifically relevant to your project and organization

Including the standards in the design and architecture documents is important to ensure that the system being developed adheres to the relevant standards, and it also helps the team and stakeholders have a shared understanding of the technology used. It also helps to ensure that the system is designed to be reliable, maintainable, and scalable, and that it meets the needs of the end-users.