

A hypervisor is a type of software that allows multiple operating systems to run on the same physical hardware. It is also known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM) or virtualization manager. The hypervisor acts as an intermediary between the physical hardware and the operating systems, allowing them to share resources and communicate with each other.

A hypervisor is a layer of software that sits between the physical hardware and the operating system, allowing multiple operating systems to run on the same physical hardware. It provides an abstraction layer that allows each operating system to think it has exclusive access to all of the underlying hardware resources, while in reality they are being shared among multiple virtual machines (VMs). This allows for efficient use of resources, as well as increased flexibility in terms of what can be done with a single piece of hardware.

The hypervisor is responsible for managing all aspects of virtualization, including resource allocation, scheduling, memory management, and security. It also provides an interface for applications running on different VMs to communicate with each other. This allows applications running on different VMs to interact with each other without having to be aware that they are running on different machines.

Hypervisors can be either Type 1 or Type 2. Type 1 hypervisors are installed directly onto the physical hardware and provide direct access to all underlying resources. Type 2 hypervisors are installed onto an existing operating system and provide access to only those resources allocated by the host OS.

Type 1 hypervisors are typically used in enterprise environments where high performance and scalability are required, while Type 2 hypervisors are more commonly used in home or small business environments where cost savings is more important than performance or scalability.

Hypervisors have become increasingly popular over recent years due to their ability to increase efficiency by allowing multiple applications and services to run on a single piece of hardware without sacrificing performance or reliability. They also provide increased flexibility by allowing users to quickly deploy new services without having to purchase additional hardware or reconfigure existing infrastructure.

In addition, many cloud computing providers use hypervisors as part of their infrastructure in order to provide customers with access to virtualized servers and applications without having them purchase additional hardware or manage their own infrastructure. This allows customers to quickly deploy new services without having them worry about managing their own infrastructure or purchasing additional hardware.