Grey Market Servers

Grey Market Servers

A grey market server is a server that is not sanctioned by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or Systems Integrator, or does not have, or carry a recognised brand. These servers are often used to provide access capability or content that is not officially released, or to bypass restrictions imposed by the Manufacturer of an Official server product or its system components, or get around regularity compliance measure such as certificates of conformity, Quality Assurance and Export Control..

Additionally, you should also check with the OEM or developer to ensure that the server was purchased through an authorized channel. If you cannot verify the source of the server, then it is likely that it is a grey market server.

You should also check the warranty and support policies of the server. If the support policies are not up to par with what you would expect from the OEM or Systems Integrator, then this could indicate that you have been sold a grey market server.

The risk of using a grey market server is that it could be unreliable and insecure, as it may not have received the same quality assurance or security updates as an official server.

Additionally, if you experience any technical issues or data loss, you may not be able to receive any support.

This could leave you vulnerable to cyber attacks.

You should also be aware that these servers may not have been designed in accordance with the same standards as the OEM Product, which could lead to safety or compliance issues.

In conclusion, the cyber security risks of using a grey market server on your business network include data loss, unreliable performance, lack of support and security updates, as well as compliance and safety issues.

It is therefore important to ensure that your server has been purchased through an authorized channel from an approved supplier.