Freddy Got Fingered

“Freddy Got Fingered” is a 2001 American comedy film directed by and starring Tom Green. The film tells the story of a 28-year-old slacker named Gord Brody who aspires to be a cartoonist.

Gord faces opposition from his father, played by Rip Torn, who wants him to get a “real” job, and his younger brother Freddy, who is successful and well-adjusted.

The film is known for its absurd and offensive humor, which includes scenes of crude behaviour and shocking imagery. Upon its release in 2001, the film was widely panned by critics and audiences alike, and was a commercial failure at the box office, but has since gained a cult following among fans of unconventional comedy.

Despite its deserved reputation for being crude and controversial, the film has been praised by some for its unapologetic commitment to its absurdity and its willingness to push boundaries.

In terms of its impact on the film industry, “Freddy Got Fingered” is notable for being a rare example of a Hollywood film that pushed boundaries and challenged traditional storytelling conventions. It was a departure from the more mainstream comedies of its time, and its willingness to embrace shock humour and absurdity paved the way for other unconventional comedies in the years that followed.

It should be noted, however, that the film contains graphic and potentially offensive content, and may not be suitable for all viewers.

The film’s legacy is also marked by controversy and criticism. Some viewers have accused it of being misogynistic, homophobic, and insensitive to people with disabilities. Others argue that it is a work of satire that is intentionally provocative and subversive.

Although highly unconventional, the film can be interpreted in a variety of ways, some of its main themes include:

  • Artistic Expression: The film explores the idea of artistic expression and the lengths to which some individuals will go to pursue their creative passions. Gord Brody’s desire to become a successful cartoonist is a central plot point, and the film portrays his struggles to find validation and recognition for his work.
  • Family Dynamics: The film also deals with the complicated and often dysfunctional relationships that can exist within families. Gord’s strained relationship with his father and his envy of his younger brother’s success are key elements of the plot.
  • Rebellion Against Authority: Another major theme in the film is rebellion against authority and societal norms. Gord is portrayed as a rebellious figure who refuses to conform to the expectations of his family and society at large. The film uses shock humour and absurdity to challenge the viewer’s expectations and push boundaries.
  • Absurdity and Surrealism: “Freddy Got Fingered” is known for its bizarre and nonsensical humour, which often borders on surrealism. The film embraces the absurd and uses it to create a unique and unconventional viewing experience.

“Freddy Got Fingered” is a highly unconventional film that challenges traditional storytelling conventions and explores themes of artistic expression, family dynamics, rebellion, and absurdity. It is a film that has left a lasting impression on viewers and the film industry, both for its unconventional humour and its controversial content.

While it may not be to everyone’s taste, it is a film that continues to inspire discussion and debate among audiences and critics.

If you can find a copy on DVD or juts scenes on YouTube, then its worth a watch.